....and what's new this wednesday evening, dazzlenation?...well, i got a letter from UC (universal credit) dated 21 Feb 2025....telling me that i will have to migrate my claims to UC by the 22 May 2025 and giving me the following link to do it:
hmmm....looks a bit 'mickey mouse' to me...falling between so many stools rather than just two - regarding DWP bureaucratic errors etc etc...and so i've emailed CHP to ask them if their former housing benefit officer can facilitate a seamless migration....naturally, it would be in their interests or the rent won't be paid etc etc....anyway, radio files for today - marines.....in short - "dib dib dob dob" as younger had told shana lewis 'on the steal' again..."we'll hide it".....the zionist way....involving an office called nir/ner.....and yes losey's colleague at US naval intelligence had wanted a reminder of the following....as it goes, eh?
anyway, are we playing with an indian railway set here?..."the switch" replies BI online....lol...prince andrew's latest-in-at-portishead-house....his wannabe mathematicians etc etc....see previous notes upon 'all of that':
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