.....and what's new this tuesday morning, dazzlenation?...."french intelligence" replies BI online...yes, i can remember what happened 'there', now...."as greedy as us"....oh i see and in relation to property....anyway, i'm not so sure about your 'dada' message....hmmm....the wyss' nickname used to be 'dada' - however, i am assuming that you weren't referring to etc etc.....go figure:
and yes, i'm still trying to work this out:
perhaps you'd better ask marr about it....he used to pick up some translation work - english/french on the side whilst political editor of the scotsman.....and all because he had told those who had moved in - that he had had the door especially painted that colour etc etc....hmmm...the other evening, oscar was to tell me that he had joined a translation group...and that they were working on camus' novel 'the plague'.....so many 'false friends', apparently...as we used to say - in EFL....words that look the same in two languages but can have different meanings......go figure:
and the german for 'advice' is 'rat'?....lol....have you got some good rats for me etc etc...."perhaps the poem is about him"....well, i'm not ruling that out....who compiled it, anyway:
anyway, the property is on 'hyde vale' - SE10, apparently....and if you look up 'hyde vale' upon google maps....you get an advert for french windows....i kid you not:
anyway, whilst we're in the area...isn't that where sir mills had held his 'ellen beer' party - late 60s.....see previous notes upon 'all of that'...2 west grove:
oh and what was it about the gate, dazzlenation?....because it's been there for a very long time....hmmm...anything to do with the poem?....lol....i remember now...it was something around toddy along with little michael richardson's gang....in relationn to the triangle behind the gate...we weren't supposed to go through the gate and yes, toddy's incantation had been rather weird, let us say....i can remember marr saying "that doesn't make sense!" crossly etc etc....anyway, in a rather alternate dimension it is possible that toddy had been channelling the wyss....he was fluent in french (because of his family roots) as she had also been....'false friends' anybody etc etc..."maybe it was swiss-german"....well, that would make more sense - seeing as he would surely have done a better translation to english if it had been french etc etc...er....what if it had been romansh?
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