Thursday, 6 February 2025

 .....and what else is interesting me upon reddit - dazzlenation?..well, have you heard of the 'martin' brothers and 'martinware' because a little bird tells me that rodway had wanted to use the following for 'something' etc etc....go figure:

all a bit 'lizardy'?

alternatively, 'wally birds' anybody?...apparently intended to store pipe tobacco:

and let me see...there's a bit of a 'match' here, isn't there?

and what else?...well, er....we have a 'dugena' comment, regarding 'alpina' as a make...apparently 'ena' had been helping rodway to etc etc....and yes, she'd shown her a watch of the same brand....dug-ena...see previous notes upon 'rib-ena' medical/biblical/fruitjuice programming...nota bene - the mossad 'black hair' networks number....and the black currants/currents....oh and if you want to go the whole 9 yards...try MI5 anagrams of 'hairdryer'...haredi etc etc...and yes, the 'wally' birds number has a taschmann 'men of enlightenment' tag - regarding their pipes-of-pan let us say:

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