.....and what's new this monday evening, dazzlenation?...well, i don't suppose that you've got anything for 'this one' but anyway...the 'most read' article upon the BBC....is all about a toilet made of gold - dubbed 'america' - recently stolen from blenheim palace.....what do you make of that heavy-duty symbolism etc etc....go figure:
anyway, i was also thinking about improving my handwriting - dazzlenation...to then realise that there are more important things than etc etc....lol....however, i agree with the general sentiment expressed....life is indeed - simpler when you stop explaining yourself to people and just do what works for you....oh and i was reminded of a certain teach-yourself-calligraphy present - given to me at that vieilley chateau....hmmm...no doubt one of buller's tricks - regading the original manuscript of etc etc in short, a way of getting me to change my handwriting....i then moved to ipswich and did a short course in short-hand via a manual...uncle michael was to laugh at the result...and that is because as a consequence, the style had 'bled' into my 'normal' writing style etc etc...."object achieved" replies BI online...yes, i suppose that the whole of 'tardville' was relieved, by that point in time....circa 2000....athough one has to say that i'd already changed it - after writing etc etc in the early 80s - in order to have legible notes rather than the usual careless 'scribble'...i.e. taken up a style that was rather like print i.e. not joined up, in the main...oh and it was a surprise to see that when writing with my righthand - as quasi-collie had asked me to do - at warwick 1997..."joined up!" she had noted, triumphantly......and i was at a loss to understand 'why' that was so important etc etc......go figure:
oh and 'brenda' had wanted a reminder of what the following sounds like, in hindi...lol...i wonder 'why' etc etc:
oh and she'd also wanted a reminder of this series, for some reason...and yes, it's all coming back now etc etc:
additionally, uncle bobby used to laugh that his son 'jeremy' looked rather like 'ralf little' who plays 'antony' (the scapegoat of the family, according to jacqui carroll) in the above soap opera....go figure:
anyway, is this all about 'prince andrew' again?
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