....and what's new this saturday morning, dazzlenation?...well, 'losey' had wanted a reminder of 'the greengage summer'.....a movie taken up by ed bullard as a programming device - regarding grandma clayton's abundant crop of greengages, one summer......she never grew them, again....too a-bund-ant, let us say....bullard (along with 'buller') had then added it to his programming of sarah holliday - regarding the murder of etc etc and the getting rid of the body at that vieilley chateau...."mike sutton" replies BI online...okay, so i've noted 'that one' before, upon my blog.....but anyway, what i'm looking at now, is a 'green buddha' type of statue, that 'losey' had left in a certain clacton garden....as a reminder to talk about....well, what - exactly?.... greengage, anybody?....hmmm....something around kate holliday after she had made that dreadful mistake, regarding mossad chips - left in their 'safe house' before making a run for it etc etc....oh and off the cuff, dazzlenation - checkatrade is mossad-run....lol...and maybe that's why....when you go to sleep...you dream of 'monstrous' things - in the ceiling etc etc......go figure:
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