....and what's new this friday evening, dazzlenation?....remember gill as 'catfish' - prague 1995 in relation to the worst seafood restaurant in the world etc etc....lol....all a bit 'milky way' perhaps?..."shark's tooth" replies BI online...ah, yes - that was all about 'nigel' and that boating incident in indonesia...along with a sidelong glance at stenson's erstwhile wife 'n' colleagues up-to-no-good as sue walker had foretold, let us say..."the body of evidence"..and yes, one has to be a bit cryptic about all of it...suffice to say the tards had tried to wire themselves up - as turing had once done...to disastrous effect etc etc....go figure:
oh and if we're still on gill...remember his F.O. stint in china?
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