....and what's new this wednesday evening, dazzlenation?...well, i've found an organisation similar to CHP in wales....called POBL....and how did i etc etc...well, having just read the following article and been reminded of so much, let us say....lol...although none of it is really 'funny', now - is it?....naturally i can't help but remember what CID mcgowan (amongst others) had been up to - regarding 'mr tom' or 'clover' if you prefer - the b/w cat, for example...anyway, something around what the hall family had been up to, in relation to scarlett's lead etc etc.......go figure:
never one to miss spotting a 'pattern' let us say....anyway, looks a bit like my neighbours...remember the templars and their 'in the night garden/tombliboo' package etc etc:
anyway, look at the locations...aren't they wonderful?
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