Wednesday, 5 February 2025

 .....and what else was to come up, dazzlenation? alphege's hospital - greenwich, for some reason....go figure:

in relation to er....muppets in a cabinet? i remember now...something around how rodway 'n' williams' gang had been programmed as 'workhouse' the 'greenwich union workhouse'....hmmm...they'd all been quite a few years older than me....the hospital met its end in 1963 etc etc...along with hanni telling me something very weird, about the foundation stone of that former hospital...."they see it as a tv".......what on earth could she have meant by that?...additionally, she was to tell me that they had all been very spoilt and as a consequence had mistakenly thought that the world owed them a living - which is presumably the reason given as to why sir mills had disowned them - to then re-home then in the west midlands....go figure:

and then there's 'this' - dazzlenation....something around wolseley...and yes, he'd been in cahoots with 'mitchinson' - remember that finnemore puzzle 'cain's jawbone'....easily solved....wolseley had been the murderer - sent in his henchmen - see previous notes upon what had happened in jakarta short, the door to the study had been locked because after having forced the door open (it opened to the exterior of the building and yes, losey had the footage etc etc....anyway, the paid assassins were to pull it shut and oddly enough - the lock fell back into old-fashioned lock....which had made them laugh...later on, manneke was to state that it was all a real 'murder mystery' etc etc....not so:

with a sidelong glance at lisa and her 'little pinkie':

oh and the follow is upon the timer system, for some reason.....i wonder why that would be etc etc....additionally, for the record - remember that strange dream i had had...regarding an MI6 'cuckoo clock' room at the relation to tomlinson-at-work upon one of the clocks = maths short, a man let me in...asked if i knew how to work the system...i replied that i did....and promptly chose etc order to help but not that much, let us say - whatever tomlinson had been up to, at the time - for the mossad and no, they didn't manage to get their hands upon a thing...keeping it all safely 'enclosed' upon the system etc etc until the timer system kicked in to delete the lot...which is why rodway's tards were simply left with the packaging of a cuckoo clock but nothing inside...more know the score....this tape will self-destruct in etc etc.....see previous post....go figure:

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