Tuesday, 25 February 2025

 ....and let's have a look at the weather forecast - dazzlenation....hmmm....the last day of feb 2025....something a bit 'ghostly', going on?....remember 'casper' - beloved of sarah holliday etc etc....lol....go figure:



and let me see....it had been sarah's idea to go to venice for the carnival....during the worst snow 'n' ice conditions imaginable....see previous notes upon 'all of that':

anyway, what is specifically celebrated on that particular day...not a leap year etc etc....and which one might you etc etc:

let me see....possibly a rather 'ghostly' day for the romans?...when they honoured their dead - according to the BBC 'sky at night'...oh and according to the BBC...you can see a planetary alignment this week...friday appears to be the last day...all a bit 'spooky'?

ah, i remember now....this is all about sarah holliday in venice....remember 'harry's bar'...."golden toilet" replies BI online....that, too....lol....anyway, she had then visited a certain address etc etc....go figure:

and what else, dazzlenation?...well, this is something around helen browne who had been very inquisitive, let us say...about the whole thing..."have you been?" etc etc....she was then to identify as larthia seianti:

....helen browne...who had studied 'romans' with nankeville at sixth form and yes, there's something here, if only i could get at it etc etc:

....and what else?....not unlike the japanese - as sicilian laura had commented to darwin, at warwick:

and then bizarrely enough - we're back to toilet seats....anyway, my sixth sense picked up on something around 9/11 here....remember that 'golden temple of doom' below NY etc etc....now, there had been one excavation afterwards - according to an FBI source....which was to find nothing....although that's not to say that others had been equally unsuccessful, let us say....and that's because i get the oddest feeling that the modern art sculpture of a 'golden toilet' at blenheim palace, had been created out of etc etc....how silly is that?...lol....as it goes, eh?

oh and if you'd like to watch the CCTV of it all - the BBC has 'this':

and of course, you're on 'gorey' again - dazzlenation:

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