Friday, 28 February 2025

.....and what do the UK newspaper headlines say - dazzlenation?....oh i see....we're back to 'tatters'....see previous posts....go figure:

.....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, i can see what you're getting at here....regarding the BBC site, this's not doing 'paddington bear' anymore - is he?....anyway, we're back to what dona had told me ages ago now (she used to work for the british army) about US interests in the ukraine...that it is abundant with 'minerals' to be mined...minerals which are apparently important within the production of mobile phones...oh and lithium was key...for batteries?...and so yes, we've come full circle, this evening....go figure:

 ....look at this talkmobile advert, recieved via email this friday evening - figure:


oh and the following phone number rang at 11.21am....the annoying thing is that my phone answered the call - immediately....although i hadn't done so...."you rattled their cages" replies BI online....really? really should get a better phone - maybe vodaphone or EE can exchange it - regarding rodway's tards having given me this OPPO with 'in-tent' etc etc....anyway the caller didn't tell me what it was all about....the number itself appears to be a banking scam number - beginning with 07761 (516223)....anyway, i was to receive a bona fide call from CHP 'elsa' (a completely different accent from the other call) at 9.15am on ansaphone....asking me to call back about 'universal credit' etc how many times, over the years....have i informed CHP that i prefer to keep things in writing and via email? least once a year and since email reply as yet - regarding 'universal credit'....oh and from the micro to the macro...reeves is also up to her eyeballs in it....additionally, it was zelenskyy on a recent visit to the UK - who had taught starmer how to etc etc....remember he is an ex-head of the KGB/FSB (2003)...and so one can only guess what turmoil the russians must be in about 'that one'"they're in safe houses" replies BI don't say....more mean - starmer and reeves?...i told you that this would be pure entertainment, at the end of the day - rather like watching 'killing eve' which incidentally, i am catching up on - via netflix...remember what happened to rodway once found out - down the sewers then ended up an 'alma doll' etc etc....anyway, apart from annoying me with their sick 'n' stupid in-tent regarding 'universal credit' - tardville also managed to knock out my snipping tool upon this laptop, today....i've managed to get it back on but the 'nuisance' of it all etc etc....and you wonder why i rattle their pathetic cages?...i should have had every penny paid back, decades ago now and with a full public apology etc etc...see previous posts....go figure:

and let me see....EE tells me that the OPPO A15 is worth £ worth the bother....hmmm...i guess it's time to get rid of it though - for my own personal safety, let us say....oh and i'd be doing them a favour - seeing as what appears to be on it...might need reverse-engineering, eh - 'losey'?

oh and something bog standard - nice and simple...i might be able to afford, video and photo - too:

and one last thing, dazzlenation....remember sunak cheating the 'warm home discount scheme' in clacton...oh and divulging it to MI5-at-the-library as well, i might add - which is how it became 'public knowledge' - during his visit to the pier etc etc....well, suffice to say - i didn't get a letter about the following - despite having applied online....anyway, you think that sunak was, look at what starmer is up to...."and reeves"....who can tell me which one is worse?...."all in it together" really don't surprise me, upon 'that one':

 ...and what's new this friday morning, dazzlenation?'s all about 'starmer', again - see previous post...anyway, in relation to giving you a 'good ending' to that particular 'financial fairytale'......nobody could stomach giving the press the entire details....suffice to say - starmer won't be tried as...well, you know what....regarding financial toddy, asking me to remember 'the-time-space-continuum' etc relation to details leaked into the public sphere...and so no, starmer isn't traitor to his entire country and to the tune of 9 3 billion that has been taken back (rather like the HSBC had done to O2 - regarding illegal direct debit)....starmer is going to be 'done' for lesser financial crimes, let's put it that the press for details....go figure:

anyway, in relation to 'porcelain brains' regarding david cameron....hmmm.....starmer doesn't look that much different nowadays, does he? it is 'whitty' up to, nowadays etc it goes, eh?

Thursday, 27 February 2025

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?..well, the following is upon the timer system...courtesy of whalley's sister....who knows what she might have been thinking of, at the yes, we're onto another 'look-at-who's-moving-out' number etc etc...."job done" replies BI online...oh good - whatever that might have been, let us say....go figure:

and yes, i can remember now...and it had been staring me in the face, all the time....remember sarah holliday's 'swedish chef' duo, at her garden party etc etc...'juice junkie' and the hor-sis..."and the springbank" on their way out....go figure:

 ....and what's new upon the BBC site, dazzlenation?....well, if i'm going to call this evening's current theme 'nasty-in-black'.....oh i 'get' it now...a lennon/rutles desk figure:

and what else?...well, 'chagos' looks a bit like an ice-cold foot in a green sock....but i daresay you haven't got anything for that - dazzlenation?....anyway, what is starmer up to....hmmm....from the micro to the macro - remember sunak-in-clacton regarding cold weather payments etc etc....looks like it's governmental policy to steal and then 'rent' know what i'm saying and with reference to 'so much' etc etc....oh and this morning, a little bird forwarded some footage regarding starmer in conversation with an aide....apparently he's pledged 9 billion to israel...and when asked how he would etc etc...."tax-payers" replies BI online....isn't that extraordinary - he must be such a powerful 'magician' to be able to make that sort of money 'disappear' in order to be siphoned off etc etc....and let me guess - rachel reeves 'n' universal credit would be a way of doing it? is really beyond disgusting, isn't it....oh and nir couldn't stand it anymore, in the end....all of that 'plague rat' shameful etc etc....and as far as i know - shana is still in shock after seeing him etc etc...of course, i understand his motivation - he didn't want to be a cog in that filthy, brutal satanic machine...and so took the quickest way out....see previous posts:

anyway, so let me see...if you're looking for something 'nasty-on-your-tongue' or perhaps rodway's wig...regarding the 'black hair' network....then look no know how boris went down as the worst UK PM ever?...and well - from current indications, it looks like starmer will go down as something even 'worse' sit back and watch because it's all entertainment, as far as i'm concerned...they really do bring it on themselves, don't they...and you know how rodway ended up etc etc....go figure:

oh and you might visit the grosvenor arms, in lambeth - dazzlenation....because you never know what you might pick up, there....more laughter...although none of this is really funny, now - is it....spring and love are not 'in the air', let us say...more the 'norovirus' etc it goes, eh?

oh and guess who that is reminding me of?

additionally, remember kate holliday and her 'tatters'?..and well, as far as i am concerned "let's call the whole thing off" all because some yellow-bellied nobody trod on the wrong many 'wrong toes', let us say....go figure:

 .....and what's new this thursday evening, dazzlenation...oh i see - are we still on 'black tongue' then?...see previous notes upon 'all of that'....go figure:

oh and 'brenda' had wanted a reminder of lambeth - now why would that be?

Wednesday, 26 February 2025

 ....and what's andrew on, then - dazzlenation? far as i can remember...he didn't like the 'cybermen' much, either...."no i don't want to shake hands!" he had told toddy etc etc.....go figure: many flashbacks, eh - dazzlenation?...madame tussauds and now the a child - i would have been absolutely terrified to see 'that lot' standing at a bus, let me guess...a sort of 'waiting for godot' number?....go figure:

 ....and if we're still on 'depraved' - dazzlenation....see previous post...doesn't flashbak have some of the most fascinating albeit gruesome photos?....go figure:

The fire that tore threw London attraction Madame Tussaud’s on 18 March 1925 melted the famous waxworks. Fire crews piled some of the ‘dead’ mannequins outside the attraction on Baker Street. The fire was “a wonderful spectacle. Strong red and golden flames leapt 50 feet from the roof of the building,” one eyewitness told reporters. “The wax models could be distinctly heard sizzling themselves to ‘death’.”

 .....and if you're still on 'penguins-on-the-slide' dazzlenation....omg....look at what flashbak's got for you....go figure:

"Penguins and their frequency of sexual activity, autoerotic behaviour and seemingly aberrant behaviour of young unpaired males and females including necrophilia, sexual coercion, sexual and physical abuse of chicks, non-procreative sex and homosexual behaviour."

 .....and what's flashbak on then, dazzlenation?...oh, i remember 'that one'.....something around laura 'n' darwin and then the crystal ball went 'cloudy', let us disrupted connection etc etc....go figure:

 ....and what's new upon my youtube frontpage, dazzlenation?...ah, spring is almost here and it's wellington boots/muddy weather time....hmmm...the difference between meteorological and astronomical spring, according to the BBC....anyway, maru's enjoying the mud figure:,that's%20March%2C%20April%20and%20May.

 ....and what's new this wednesday evening, dazzlenation?...well, i got a letter from UC (universal credit) dated 21 Feb 2025....telling me that i will have to migrate my claims to UC by the 22 May 2025 and giving me the following link to do it:

hmmm....looks a bit 'mickey mouse' to me...falling between so many stools rather than just two - regarding DWP bureaucratic errors etc etc...and so i've emailed CHP to ask them if their former housing benefit officer can facilitate a seamless migration....naturally, it would be in their interests or the rent won't be paid etc etc....anyway, radio files for today - short - "dib dib dob dob" as younger had told shana lewis 'on the steal' again..."we'll hide it".....the zionist way....involving an office called nir/ner.....and yes losey's colleague at US naval intelligence had wanted a reminder of the it goes, eh?

anyway, are we playing with an indian railway set here?..."the switch" replies BI andrew's latest-in-at-portishead-house....his wannabe mathematicians etc etc....see previous notes upon 'all of that':

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

 ....and let's have a look at the weather forecast - dazzlenation....hmmm....the last day of feb 2025....something a bit 'ghostly', going on?....remember 'casper' - beloved of sarah holliday etc figure:

and let me had been sarah's idea to go to venice for the carnival....during the worst snow 'n' ice conditions imaginable....see previous notes upon 'all of that':

anyway, what is specifically celebrated on that particular day...not a leap year etc etc....and which one might you etc etc:

let me see....possibly a rather 'ghostly' day for the romans?...when they honoured their dead - according to the BBC 'sky at night'...oh and according to the can see a planetary alignment this week...friday appears to be the last day...all a bit 'spooky'?

ah, i remember now....this is all about sarah holliday in venice....remember 'harry's bar'...."golden toilet" replies BI online....that,, she had then visited a certain address etc etc....go figure:

and what else, dazzlenation?...well, this is something around helen browne who had been very inquisitive, let us say...about the whole thing..."have you been?" etc etc....she was then to identify as larthia seianti:

....helen browne...who had studied 'romans' with nankeville at sixth form and yes, there's something here, if only i could get at it etc etc:

....and what else?....not unlike the japanese - as sicilian laura had commented to darwin, at warwick:

and then bizarrely enough - we're back to toilet seats....anyway, my sixth sense picked up on something around 9/11 here....remember that 'golden temple of doom' below NY etc, there had been one excavation afterwards - according to an FBI source....which was to find nothing....although that's not to say that others had been equally unsuccessful, let us say....and that's because i get the oddest feeling that the modern art sculpture of a 'golden toilet' at blenheim palace, had been created out of etc silly is that? it goes, eh?

oh and if you'd like to watch the CCTV of it all - the BBC has 'this':

and of course, you're on 'gorey' again - dazzlenation:

 .....and what's new this tuesday evening, dazzlenation?...well, remember helen browne 'n' carol-off-of-countdown...regarding moore 'n' younger extracting from carol's bank account, let us say etc etc..."bankruptcy" replies BI online....because the following is on the timer system.....go figure:

Monday, 24 February 2025

 ....and then we're back to look-at-who-moved-out in 2021...and in particular - upon west street, harwich, along with figure:

oh and according to BI online...the british army had put caroline hughes in here, for a while....who or what was she supposed to look out for, then....and why are we back to harwich, again etc etc:

 .....and what's new this monday evening, dazzlenation?...well, i don't suppose that you've got anything for 'this one' but anyway...the 'most read' article upon the all about a toilet made of gold - dubbed 'america' - recently stolen from blenheim palace.....what do you make of that heavy-duty symbolism etc etc....go figure:

anyway, i was also thinking about improving my handwriting - then realise that there are more important things than etc, i agree with the general sentiment is indeed - simpler when you stop explaining yourself to people and just do what works for you....oh and i was reminded of a certain teach-yourself-calligraphy present - given to me at that vieilley doubt one of buller's tricks - regading the original manuscript of etc etc in short, a way of getting me to change my handwriting....i then moved to ipswich and did a short course in short-hand via a manual...uncle michael was to laugh at the result...and that is because as a consequence, the style had 'bled' into my 'normal' writing style etc etc...."object achieved" replies BI online...yes, i suppose that the whole of 'tardville' was relieved, by that point in time....circa 2000....athough one has to say that i'd already changed it - after writing etc etc in the early 80s - in order to have legible notes rather than the usual careless 'scribble'...i.e. taken up a style that was rather like print i.e. not joined up, in the main...oh and it was a surprise to see that when writing with my righthand - as quasi-collie had asked me to do - at warwick 1997..."joined up!" she had noted, triumphantly......and i was at a loss to understand 'why' that was so important etc etc......go figure:

oh and 'brenda' had wanted a reminder of what the following sounds like, in wonder 'why' etc etc:

oh and she'd also wanted a reminder of this series, for some reason...and yes, it's all coming back now etc etc:

additionally, uncle bobby used to laugh that his son 'jeremy' looked rather like 'ralf little' who plays 'antony' (the scapegoat of the family, according to jacqui carroll) in the above soap opera....go figure:

anyway, is this all about 'prince andrew' again?