....and what else is new this saturday morning, dazzlenation?...well, the following...go figure:
http://emilygyde.altervista.org/ update...my altervista site has now been 'hacked' and so as a precautionary measure - if this blog goes down - I will be posting upon my new blog below: http://illuminatiexposed1.blogspot.co.uk/ 29/12/2014
....and what else is new this saturday morning, dazzlenation?...well, the following...go figure:
....and what's new this saturday morning, dazzlenation?...ah, reminding me of PKW/webb again....lol....in short, tards-at-work in relation to their we-have-no-free-will-straight-to-hell-don't-pass-go number etc etc....and er...if younger were to bother to 'lift-a-finger' you might all 'pass go' but he won't....guess 'why'....go figure: