.....and what do the UK newspaper headlines say - dazzlenation?....oh i see....we're back to 'tatters'....see previous posts....go figure:
Friday, 28 February 2025
.....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, i can see what you're getting at here....regarding the BBC site, this evening...er...he's not doing 'paddington bear' anymore - is he?....anyway, we're back to what dona had told me ages ago now (she used to work for the british army) about US interests in the ukraine...that it is abundant with 'minerals' to be mined...minerals which are apparently important within the production of mobile phones...oh and lithium was key...for batteries?...and so yes, we've come full circle, this evening....go figure:
....look at this talkmobile advert, recieved via email this friday evening - dazzlenation....lol....go figure:
...and what's new this friday morning, dazzlenation?...lol...it's all about 'starmer', again - see previous post...anyway, in relation to giving you a 'good ending' to that particular 'financial fairytale'......nobody could stomach giving the press the entire details....suffice to say - starmer won't be tried as...well, you know what....regarding financial crimes....lol...remember toddy, asking me to remember 'the-time-space-continuum' etc etc....in relation to details leaked into the public sphere...and so no, starmer isn't traitor to his entire country and to the tune of 9 billion....lol....just 3 billion that has been taken back (rather like the HSBC had done to O2 - regarding illegal direct debit)....starmer is going to be 'done' for lesser financial crimes, let's put it that way...watch the press for details....go figure:
Thursday, 27 February 2025
....and what else, dazzlenation?..well, the following is upon the timer system...courtesy of whalley's sister....who knows what she might have been thinking of, at the time....lol...and yes, we're onto another 'look-at-who's-moving-out' number etc etc...."job done" replies BI online...oh good - whatever that might have been, let us say....go figure:
....and what's new upon the BBC site, dazzlenation?....well, if i'm going to call this evening's current theme 'nasty-in-black'.....oh i 'get' it now...a lennon/rutles desk reference....lol....go figure:
Wednesday, 26 February 2025
....and if we're still on 'depraved' - dazzlenation....see previous post...doesn't flashbak have some of the most fascinating albeit gruesome photos?....go figure:
The fire that tore threw London attraction Madame Tussaud’s on 18 March 1925 melted the famous waxworks. Fire crews piled some of the ‘dead’ mannequins outside the attraction on Baker Street. The fire was “a wonderful spectacle. Strong red and golden flames leapt 50 feet from the roof of the building,” one eyewitness told reporters. “The wax models could be distinctly heard sizzling themselves to ‘death’.”
.....and if you're still on 'penguins-on-the-slide' dazzlenation....omg....look at what flashbak's got for you....go figure:
"Penguins and their frequency of sexual activity, autoerotic behaviour and seemingly aberrant behaviour of young unpaired males and females including necrophilia, sexual coercion, sexual and physical abuse of chicks, non-procreative sex and homosexual behaviour."
....and what's new this wednesday evening, dazzlenation?...well, i got a letter from UC (universal credit) dated 21 Feb 2025....telling me that i will have to migrate my claims to UC by the 22 May 2025 and giving me the following link to do it:
Tuesday, 25 February 2025
....and let's have a look at the weather forecast - dazzlenation....hmmm....the last day of feb 2025....something a bit 'ghostly', going on?....remember 'casper' - beloved of sarah holliday etc etc....lol....go figure:
.....and what's new this tuesday evening, dazzlenation?...well, remember helen browne 'n' carol-off-of-countdown...regarding moore 'n' younger extracting from carol's bank account, let us say etc etc..."bankruptcy" replies BI online....because the following is on the timer system.....go figure:
Monday, 24 February 2025
....and then we're back to look-at-who-moved-out in 2021...and in particular - upon west street, harwich, along with penguins-on-the-slide...lol....go figure:
.....and what's new this monday evening, dazzlenation?...well, i don't suppose that you've got anything for 'this one' but anyway...the 'most read' article upon the BBC....is all about a toilet made of gold - dubbed 'america' - recently stolen from blenheim palace.....what do you make of that heavy-duty symbolism etc etc....go figure: