Monday 8 April 2024

 ....and what's new upon my reddit homepage, dazzlenation?..ah, there might be another file attached to DSC 5?, yes there is another file - appears to be located up station road - near to the town hall - where that golby/mossad/men-of-zion number used to breeze through a sandwich another estate agent's or something like that....go figure:

....the police are reporting that it is a 'false node'...well, it isn't a node at all...but they had thought it was....more laughter.........and so naturally everything that they've tried to do is off-kilter and about to topple over....oh and it appears to be rodway's adoptees in charge of etc etc....and now the premises next door is on the radar - closer to the town hall....go figure:

oh and 'that one' is in the townhall..."housing offices" replies BI online:
additionally, the following signal appears to be coming from the townhall roof:
"shit that's us" as linda was to state - lol....check out the library:
...anyway, to give you a more comprehensive idea of what's going on now, in terms of what's going to topple, they've doubled their signalling power...poor saps etc etc:

without pics, if you prefer:

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