Thursday 11 April 2024

 ....and what's new upon the BBC site, dazzlenation?...well, something that mrs holliday had known about....which had made her terribly the point where she became infertile...."i had been hoping for another child but...." etc etc....and guess what?....she had talked about serratia marcescens to me....because she had known that the sick 'n' the stupid would 'try the same' upon myself....and yes, despite having sprayed my bathroom with anti-bacterial/dettol etc etc over the years....14 years to be exact....and from top to bottom...that pink bacteria keeps on coming back....anyway, for what it's worth....mrs holliday had told me that she had originally figured that it was coming in through the the extent that they had had to have all of the pipes to the house, then find out that it was in the waste water pipe.....hmmm....well, i've tried squirting the overflow and drains with etc the kitchen and bathroom....which certainly gets rid of any 'bad smells' from the drains but that pink mold persists on coming back....anyway, having seen the following 'stormy conditions' article...i was put in mind of it, again...having hoped against hope that it was just 'pinkish sand' blown through the windows....obviously it wasn't but you never know etc etc...anyway, let's just hope that it is the mud, that is causing the 'pink' in somerset...and yes, peter barefoot had been behind using 'serratia marcescens' in order to etc etc...and yes, whenever that mold reoccurs - i tend to get very ill, again etc etc and guess what the 'tards' are calling the infection?....'rabbit fever'....aka 'tularemia' disgusting...and yes, naturally they will all pay for 'that one'...the sick 'n' the stupid, 'earning it by being evil' ad nauseam....and you know where they all end up as a direct result of their sickness and stupidity?...down the sewers etc figure:

 "During the Cold War, it was used as a simulant in biological warfare testing by the U.S. military,[26] which studied it in field tests as a substitute for the tularemia bacterium, which was being weaponized at the time."


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