Thursday 11 April 2024

 ....and what's new this thursday morning, dazzlenation?....something around lisa at peter barefoot's party - east bergholt - all of those years ago, now...I kid you yes, she'd been sipping wine before etc etc...."i got most of the cheese!" she had then told her partner i.e. 'block of wood' (at her side, later on), who was to look most concerned....."i-don't-think-that-you-should-have-done-that" said in her monotone voice....and before she could repeat that statement and for the umpteenth time i.e. droning on etc etc...something else then happened.....more laughter...a lot of 'shrieking' - around the cheese platter table, which had been, by that point in time....discovered - looking like....well, let's put it this way - a bit of a 'war zone' - to put it mildly.....i.e. large cheeses on stands, had been decimated - like buildings...not to mention the 'under-fire' relating to the white tablecloth, underneath...lisa had used 'fruits-of-the-forest' etc short, whatever had already been in lisa's blood system, before she etc etc had not 'helped' to contain and maintain her 'sanity', let us wonder sonia fisher had been told not to touch alcohol - regarding quasi-collie's 'free' class A drugs i.e. 'all-the-white-powder-that-you-can-sniff', just like the british royals 'off duty' ...for the weekend etc etc..."could happen to anybody" replies BI online...could happen to any of you, as far as i'm concerned....anyway, caroline hughes had been an 'oddity' and that is because she used to take 'everything' but in moderation - as she was to tell me, whilst at dartington - rather like dibbens, who also appeared to be able to manage what few could, let us say...oh and CIA 'mcdonald' had been another one i.e. pill-popping/sniffing etc whilst imbibing alcohol....a bit like 'caitlyn' etc etc...and i used to laugh about it all - along the lines of 'i'd be dead if i did that' whilst not daring to etc know how it goes, during those years, let us say...terrible years....see previous notes upon 'all of that'....go figure:

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