Sunday 7 April 2024

 ....and what's new this sunday morning, dazzlenation?...well, it was a 'matt smith' attempt at a sky program, in relation to 'scudding clouds'...along with elliot et al - as well as what mcgowan et al, had found out i.e. 'house of dolls' (depp was also to turn up, soon after) short, lisa and those like her, had been turned into etc etc..."not much brain left" replies BI online...a bit like 'mobile phones' - fitted with sensors, along with chips in their skulls etc etc....oh and i might add that 'barnes' at that blackheath residence (formerly occupied by forrest) had talked about ingabot in the following ways..."she was beautiful - perfect...born without almost any brain at all", whilst holding up a rose and smelling it etc etc...well, I could have said a 'few choice words' at that point but i didn't - obviously not - despite the police 'feed' regarding my wire - you see trying to act - instead of 'corpsing', in front of an obvious psychopath, who could etc etc can be rather difficult, at times...suffice to say that i conceded that he was a brilliant mathematician and managed to do so believably etc etc despite what those who were going on in my ear, at the time, were going on if i didn't already know what ingabot was all about etc etc nearly made me laugh, at the time...."bad direction" replies BI online...well, some people aren't used to it, are they?...oh and in retrospect - the whole situation reminds me of what i had previously gone through with tomlinson - regarding 'the maths' let us say - except that he had been far less dangerous.....anyway, let us now return to my former subject....remember 'scudders' in that movie 'maurice' - currently available upon MUBI....along with a feeble attempt at psychological blackmail 'from behind' or rather from the subliminal/subconscious....regarding grandpa clayton's role, at a local tannery, in suffolk etc etc.....and then we have 'burn burn burn' (another movie, available at MUBI) which is all about 'ashes' and what to do with them - featuring an actor that looks like he had been chosen to look like hugh-grant-when-young-on-heroin and going 'cold turkey'...a major failing, i would have said - after viewing the opening etc etc.....athough it gets better towards the end....and yes, despite certain 'mistakes' at the beginning of the film - i normally watch films to the end....regarding' MI6 brain impressions/frequency tapes', used to plumb the depths of etc etc and in relation to the director getting through major 'faults' made early on....but also showing promise for future debuts etc etc..."disappearing forever" replies BI online...that bad a mistake, huh - on the part of SIS? - unlike 'theatre', let us say i.e. when it is 'bad' at the beginning, it will almost certainly tend to be 'bad' throughout etc etc...although daldry was to disagree - some productions defy that etc movie 'yannick' is all about 'that one'...oh and that movie 'fuses' together what appears to be an all-encompassing theme, regarding the latest clump to come up - concerning the military police and 'theatre' i.e. when the real action begins - as the play and the film ends etc etc....and well, what can i say about the following movie, upon the timer system apart from....'france' brings to mind firstly the 'french' and then 'dinghies' but it is so much more than it to find out...oh and i could label the movie 'france' as being some kind of homage, to rosalind brady...a bit 'genghis khan' - as a male child alter?...more laughter....go figure:

'maurice', anybody?
....and er....should we add that 'rene zellweger'/bridget jones reference - regarding roz brady?


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