Saturday 6 April 2024

 .....and what's new this saturday morning, dazzlenation?...well, 'tying up loose ends', let us emails...whilst extricating myself from a family that had openly treated me as a 'slave' and a 'resource' (in relation to masonic mind control slavery) - to be used and abused - rather than as a family member etc etc and yet, one grows so fond of them, that it is heart-breaking to let go....i wonder how many of those 'in slavery' feel that 'strangeness' - let us say, about it all etc etc...."you care about them because they're only human" replies BI online "and they had made you feel that their lives were more important than yours"...exactly that...oh and with no 'apologies' or 'explanations' for anything that they had done, in the past....and yet, i still care, strongly - even though oscar had told me that he had cut me out of the will (if i ever had been in it) and that is why I have continued to support them - in old age, in any way that i can - despite having very little 'agency' as the sociologists, put it - to do so.... - see previous posts....go figure:

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