Friday 5 April 2024

 .....and what's new this friday evening, dazzlenation?...firstly a number which appears to be a 'delivery scam' number starting with 7158 and ending in 291639.....hmmm.....and there's more....the sick 'n' the stupid have left a few more comments....what fiendish illegal substance are they all taking this time their heads, as per usual etc etc.....including a comment that talks about a 'game' in which apparently delivery drivers have to etc etc because apparently i am a 'nasty doll' called 'emily' - that is threatening them...."israeli intelligence at work" replies BI online...i guessed as much, how pathetic....besides, the doll doesn't even look anything like me....hmmm....i also had an ansaphone message from somebody called 'mikhaila' about the kitchen lighting, today - told me to ring without leaving a number and so my guess is etc"it looks like her" yes, we're onto 'dolls' this evening...mainly because it is time to talk about ed programmed by rimington - with a certain green stuffed toy, called 'osmo' - that bore a certain resemblance to 'dipsy' teletubby...although it looked more like a furbie 'owl'....yes, really...ed then began to turn in circles, flapping his so-called 'wings' like a flightless bird - winnie's gang were to watch....whilst being told that ed was in touch with SIS and by 'osmo-SIS'....a plastic bath mat with holes, was then held up by ed's ear - between him and the SIS operative....the idea being?....transmissions through the etc short, a SIS recall number...which ed would then forward to the rest of them....additionally, we have daldry's favourite movie, on MUBI - all of those years ago now....remember his interest in anarchic agitprop/agitation/propaganda 'theatre' which had included terrorist acts - regarding scarlett's operations etc etc.....and last but not least....i was to ring up oscar at no. 4 goffers house,  yesterday evening - to see how the move had gone...not good....and to the nth, as far as i can remember - 'crappy' was supposed to step in, at this point - to lend a hand but whether he has actually arranged for support etc etc....has as yet, to be seen...anyway, oscar appeared to think that RH is 55 years old and ed so many years younger....which dates whatever he can remember to 5 years ago...go figure:

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