Tuesday 26 January 2016


Michael's partner claimed to be a dentist...although when my mother drove to...was it Sudbury...I can't remember now...she appeared to be running a haberdashery store....I was to ask her how she fitted 'dentistry' in which running a shop...she looked embarrassed "I don't do that anymore" and refused to comment upon 'dental work' from that point on....and so what can one conclude? something around 'the really stupid pretend to be....what they cannot defend, in public'...etc etc..."pull off" replies MI5 ONLINE....see previous notes....

the pullover and the pulloff? ha ha ha...

and so what are the CID saying here, with this video?...sorry, I meant to type 'friendly neighbours' minding their own business...

hmm...let me guess...somebody who has problems working an electric toothbrush....is unlikely to....etc etc....go figure:


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