Thursday 28 January 2016

"Codillo - the Ombre loses, opponents win."

ah...that reminds me of something that I had remembered, this morning...McDonald had taken a call...early days in the CIA LAB..."sounds like coddle faddle"....I was to pick up the receiver and quip "are you being served?"...see previous notes upon our programming in relation to that TV comedy the muffled, somewhat slurred reply "I know you...i'll have 3 double pizzas..." which I replied that I didn't sell pizza and put the phone be told off, later on by MARK R...along the lines of when somebody very important phones up and asks for pizza/the latest statistics upon a war zone etc etc...then that is what one delivers...service with a smile...SC then retorted "but he's using us like room service"....and what had happened, you might ask?....CF had hit the wrong button on his speed-dial...and was calling NY from LA....instead of whoever was his PA, at the time...go figure...

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