Wednesday 27 January 2016

...what else?

what was that type of material...again?...oh I see....Michael's partner and that haberdashery shop....haber-DASH....out of the shop?

the boucle...that was it...

rimington had a jacket in that type of material...she used to favour that type of thing...I used to call it 'tweedy' but that wasn't quite right, I suppose....

let me see...oh I remember now...the CID had wanted to question Michael's partner but then somebody like rimington had helped her to escape...'mesmeric' departure, eh?...more likely to be Effie, I retrospect....see previous notes.
what else? well I was to have a look at this site....
anyway, after looking at the above site...suddenly the following site came up....I have no idea why...the url just 'switched' to the following:

and so why has this page just come up?

"cross-stitch" replies MI5 ONLINE...oh you mean.....a 'stitch page' upon the web? see previous notes:

LESLIE BERLAND eh?...Effie used to refer to herself and the others in bobby's mob as the 'bers' for some reason...with reference to teddy bear 'picnics'...go figure....

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