Thursday 28 January 2016

...let me see...have I looked at 'this one' before now...within a UK police context....the ripple stitch jumper? see previous notes upon web stitch pages etc etc....

because it's almost the same, isn't it?...well not quite but anyway....did I read that right? £119...that's a bit excessive...even for M&S...oh I see...'pure cashmere'....anyway, their jumpers can cost up to £180...according to the website...

anyway, is somebody joking around relation to 'white and gold'...'black and blue'....what colours can you see....because I can see 'crabmeat colour...white and dark blue' - see below....etc etc..
are we looking at STAR TREK programming here?

'the dress of confusion'? how long before it appears upon a 'chair of solitude' then? see previous notes upon the TREAP website...

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