Saturday 30 January 2016


...and this evening i was to remember being in hollywood...i was to laugh to CF..."i've got my pyjama (bottoms) on" relation to certain then inspect a certain compartment in the door of a car...a bug...something that would have enabled somebody with a remotecontrol to take control of that car (microchip in the steering wheel)..and crash it....see previous notes upon 'that one' on british relation to the british princes....and then? back to a house...not CF's house...anyway, a liaison 'intelligence' team were at work upon a computer....CF and i were picking up a signal....CF put on a tape...."you raise me up - up above the world"...something was wrong, terribly wrong...the underside of the tape, so to speak....this was about the ill cult crucifying their victims....the team were to track and trace the signal...i was to see dots appear on the radar screen of los angeles and beyond...a sort of spiral and then a tail....going down california....and further on to the right....branching branch went towards what those like tomlinson had called 'area 51' the desert....

CF was to say that it was a case of forewarned is forearmed...that transmitter upon the hollywood hills...."it's like listening to the news" wonder the south coast of california is a bit like 'totnes' in terms of its new age many people who are 'psychic' many who can 'channel'....and that day, we were channelling something terrible...a bit like....well, let me put it this way...eventually an MI6 man came to the collect me...later on we boarded a flight...and mid-flight i was to tell him that i was so glad to get out of the remit of that radio was terrible...a bit like the ending of spartacus....had we been tuning into another 'coachella' event? see previous notes upon 'lizard' programming/crucifixions in the desert....the ill always lose some, during that sort of torture programming....those that they cannot resuscitate.....listening to that 'sound' would send you mad, after a while...'the torture of innocents' was like listening to children crying....terrible....although paedophiles tend to get 'excited' by that sort of was to remind me of that tape that sculptor/performance artist alistair maclennon had made...he had recorded the sound of children crying 'backwards'....and then left it in a taperecorder, along with a collection of tiny shoes, on the window sill - whilst he performed his 'mountaineering' the newly opened art gallery in exeter (formerly an abattoir)....see previous notes....

anyway, i was glad to get out of there...the plane was flying over the ocean, at the have to listen to that sort of horror, too much....i couldn't bear it...even if it was a way of keeping safe..."listening to the news"...the real news....go figure.

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