Wednesday 27 January 2016

next up...there was a shop at the top of town...totnes.....which sold handmade glass objects....they were rather costly and so all I could afford were the 'rejects' in a wicker basket upon the till counter....the artist/craftsperson used to take the leftover melted, coloured-glass...roll it into 'pebbles' and then decorate it with gold patterns....what am I saying here? well I wonder now...she didn't mention these fish as having been 'behind her design'..but that is what her 'rejects' had looked like....a £1 a time, as far as I can remember...I bought quite a few...and when my mother came to visit...she bought a couple, too...pretty decorative objects....

it was sarah holliday who had said "they look a bit like fish..." - later on kate was to find out what type of fish - sarah had been thinking about...they were then to 'do something' with it...go figure:

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