Saturday, 23 May 2015


photos from this Saturday morning.....

so we begin the 'clue trail' with this:

belle court bins room and a new addition 'in the middle of the floor'....why did gill want this shot 'upside down'?....all will be explained later on...well it had better be, hadn't it? I have no idea why, at present...

and onto the TEMPLAR'S display the TAILOR shop on THE GROVE...
and an old record player.....

 ....and onto the dvds, that I was to borrow from Clacton library today - having returned SABOTAGE....


...I might also ask 'what is that, and that' in the background  and to the far right'? the cuddly toy in front of a blonde Aryan 'doll'?
is that supposed to be 'col the sol' protecting ingabot?
let me 'try to understand'....Inga used to bemoan the fact that 'natural blond(e)s' were the last of their race....but how many took up Nazi eugenics in the way that Inga had done - to ensure that her 'madness' was carried on by microchip - down the generations?
it is tempting for me to say that the world would be 'better off' without 'blondes like inga'....on the other hand, I am sure that she had a 'valid point' in her way - in terms of 'rare genes' a similar way to 'rare plants'.....I am simply arguing with the way that Inga and her kind, had chosen to do it....via a Nazi eugenics project - dedicated to Lucifer and Armageddon....
 I mean to say...on the face of 'blond(e) hair' is dying out - across the globe, as a 'gene' because according to doctors like my mother - it is a 'recessive gene' and cannot activate itself against a stronger 'dark haired gene' etc the world becomes more 'diverse' in terms of colour is not really a 'big deal' is it?although you might think so - judging by so many media shows around 'make-up, hair-dye' and drastic plastic surgery....surely it is the person and the personality that counts more than natural hair-colour and skin colour?
Inga and co....had made a big case for 'blond(e) being a special case' so many years ago now....but what about the other side of the spectrum and say - the Ethiopians? did they have the same chance to make a case for 'my skin and hair colour'? did they.....I ask you?

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