Wednesday 27 May 2015

next up...onto GREEN RUST and MARTIAN LIFE... what's rover been up to, this time?

something around digging for the 'big cheese' according to BI ONLINE:

oh and upon the note of the famous - being encouraged to become 'astronauts'....see the latest edition of private eye for a pisstake of THE LETTERS OF BERNARD BERENSON & KENNETH CLARK...craig brown was apparently told...that clark had tried to nudge Berenson to join an APOLLO mission....
oh I remember now...turner was aware of the above image...and that is why she had chosen to be photographed in front of 'all of that writing upon the board'...go figure.
anyway, i would never have spotted that 'traffic light shaped rock' if it hadn't been pointed out - see below:

"she became a traffic light upon the system" replies BI ONLINE...really? what does that mean?

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