Saturday 30 May 2015

well I suppose that I can be bothered to do a quick 'review' of the most salient points, to my mind - regarding those children's books...see previous notes and images:

first up 'the HOLLIDAY ship' and I can remember scarlett programming marr's gang with the following:
"I am that...(pink jellyfish) and I am using my periscope...remember the yellow submarine...?" in brief, scarlett was to tell them that it was 'biznez' as he traced the 'grey line' up into the bedframe and across to the genitals of the MD duck, hidden by a book...the zygote slavery trade.

next up...what rimington knew...she was to point out the book and illustration below...what scarlett had been hoping would happen - but didn't...regarding myself and the 'newlook toddy'...along with marr's gang....

next up...the following illustration is all about the ill cult and their 'spores' computer program....hoping to start it all up again...see previous notes in relation to dandelions going to well as that 'perry barr' number....

next up...'little colin' loved to frighten people and other children...he loved to jump out and 'act crazy' etc etc...well here is 'little colin' amongst the 'traffic lights'....see previous notes upon that 'traffic-light-made-of-stones-on-mars' and sarah turner's programming....

next up...jared leto was to tell colin Farrell...something along the lines of "don't you see? that's me...(the father) and you're my son..."

....and so what did the son see, then? well the moon - I guess...

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