Sunday 31 May 2015


I was to buy two new dvds from the 'british heart foundation shop' on the high street today....I must have been a bit absent-minded because I was to hand over a £10 note thinking that it was £5 and therefore not expect change...additionally the till assistant must have been new because she was having problems working that 'new type of till' which most of the charity/support shops now have...even the CRUK shop has got rid of that old 'tank of a machine' and scanner....see previous notes.

anyway, I was to choose those two dvds because HARLEQUIN was to remind me of 'toddy' and that reproduction of a Picasso 'harlequin' in a 2 st austell road...he used to say "that's me"....secondly CHINA ROSE...well that dvd still has the cellophane on was a reminder of david Rockefeller and mark r in china...see previous notes upon paul merton interviewing him...a splitting image of mark had to have been had he 'got lost' in china...well, far as I know - he was attempting to run the HOLLIDAY camp from behind....

what is meant by 'empty case' because there is definitely the right dvd inside of the box....

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