Saturday, 23 May 2015

oh and you might need to know that col the sol was planning a revenge attack, gill...for example - remember that 'red chiffon scarf but otherwise naked' photograph of yourself, that mark r had taken?

and it was even worse for myself "there's a photo of you that looks rather like that...i'll put you in a wheelchair" said col the sol etc etc...

why keep on rolling? I do not see how any 'sane person' would want to do that i.e. cross the USA in a wheelchair....even an able-bodied one...ergo she must have been pushed, she didn't jump...meaning? the ill are behind this stunt and it will be a punishment for 'daring to live' despite their attempts to kill her off, and from early the website to find out her history...

'keep on rolling'...see previous notes upon MI5 being behind certain performances at that torquay see J K ROWLING had got up to read one of her dire compositions and believe me, she was no poet...which is basically what MI5 had been pisstaking "she's no writer"....and the inspiration for that poem about ROLLING had been around an improvised....."rolling rolling rolling...joking...j king...jokingrolling...." etc etc....

....and I can remember now....that was the case - see above...perhaps lucie's PR people should reverse the whole stunt...get people to pay her not to - or is that an even worse idea? at any rate the ill had been hoping that the 'whole thing' would finally kill her off....go figure on what is the best thing to do in order to handle that particular situation...and it's as bad as it gets, isn't it?

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