anyway, let's have a look at the JOTUL....because it had been a seminal image upon the networks but i cannot remember why, as yet - apart from the obvious:
"colin had left us with a smile...we were all acting thick...he was to tell us, in the end - to remember 'werk macht free' because we couldn't remember the phrase - intentionally' states BI ONLINE.
and the allgay/algae team had always wondered why he prefers 'grey teeshirts' when the colour doesn't really suit him at all...."try green, colin" etc etc....although if you look at the above....gun-metal grey actually rather suits him...only if grey is a 'deep grey' eh?
"he looks like a prisoner, awaiting electrocution at the chair" replies BI ONLINE - see above.
no doubt, 'how he felt' at the time...whilst talking his way out of it - via the 'charm offensive'...see previous notes upon dartington acting classes etc etc...
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