Tuesday, 26 May 2015

...let me see....having viewed a 'still' of Sweden's entry into the Eurovision song contest, this morning...I wonder:



I haven't as yet watched the Swedish video as yet...so we shall see:

"mr mojo rising"...mojo is normally equated with the sex instinct....and the life force...but in relation to the images.....well the next one says 'Edward scissorhands' to me....'Edward scissorhands in white' not black:

...and then we have the ZEBRA MUMMY rising, rising...what next?

let me do some educated guesswork....the HOLLIDAY desk program....depp triggers Farrell?

and now it's time for EUROVISION:


"put on your nightgoggles" replies BI ONLINE....what do you mean? naturally it depends upon whether gill and I had...well, you know..."I can't see"...

...and NUMBER 13:

hmmm...having watched the first minute...I suspect that somebody had been inspired by that dolce & gabbana advert...a cowboy dirge...now, what if we were to apply the benny hill theme tune to the Swedish entry?
however, even with the benny hill theme tune - this imagery is rather alarming, isn't it?
 however, I can see what 'sweden' is doing here....see previous notes upon that 'Farrell pisstake' entry from Norway....
this is a pistake of gill, isn't it?
see previous notes upon 'just how scary gill could be' whilst projecting 'the devil'...as hulbrusch was to find out...whilst sharing a tent, in the arctic circle...hulbrusch was to say afterwards that he was unable to sleep a wink, in the end...and what could I say apart from 'don't piss him off, then'...or words to that effect....and anyway, it is all a projection...an illusion...you just have to tell that big old tomcat to stop being so silly and it was his fault - he fell off the bed i didn't push him etc etc...see previous notes...

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