So what happened this morning at the HSBC?
DÉJÀ VU all of the way.
Firstly I met an elderly woman, sitting outside of the offices - for the customer assistant staff…she greeted me…as I knew she would…RIMINGTON had introduced her to me circa 2003 - she ‘ran’ the customer service staff at the HSBC. She was their ‘minder’. She even laughed about how she knew all of them but that she was waiting for one in particular…to become ‘free’.
Anyway, another customer service person became free - and I went into her office.
She showed me on her screen - that the 000000 entries were all linked to CASHBACK.
Now this might have been true for one or two but not all three - I am quite sure that all are bogus - but with the ill cult - they always muddle things up - just to confuse the issue. So let us just say that IF this was the case - it would have been up to 3 FRAUDULENT withdrawals…that is what was going through my mind at the time…as I smiled back…very polite indeed.
The outcome of the ‘situation’ was this - the HSBC claimed NO KNOWLEDGE of what 000000 meant. The woman expressed surprise that MORRISONS had also claimed NO KNOWLEDGE of what 000000 meant…
She told me that one could assume that it was another MORRISONS account name because PETROL as in the PETROL STATION at HSBC was another code…and that probably, CASHBACK was also another code - but she DIDN’T ACTUALLY KNOW.
I then followed her out, smiling…as she then tried to sell me ‘sale’ HSBC ‘house insurance’ and gave me a brochure…the elderly woman outside was looking shocked out of her mind…I wonder why…really, really worried…
I then walked on to SAINSBURYS mulling it all over…I got my shopping, walked out and as I was passing SAINSBURY’s cash point…walked straight past a man, whom I immediately scanned and recognised as one of TOMLINSON’s gang in CLACTON. He immediately recognised me too and looked worried.
I was then to walk past one of the JANITORS upon PETER BRUFF ward…and she was ‘part of the ring’…and she was looking highly upset…nearly tearful…so I avoided her and walked on…
After having scanned the guy - it all came back.
TOMLINSON had gone to a large criminal RING of people in CLACTON…and set them all up as ROBIN HOODS.
He had told them that it was ‘all right’ because they would only be robbing the RICH…that wasn’t true…they were robbing people like me…those who spend very little in one go…they were too stupid to work that one out…not a ‘bright bunch’ of people…mainly thugs with little brain….who figured that if you had a middle-class accent, then you must be wealthy and it was all right to steal from you…to rob you blind.
The middle-class HSBC assistant was also part of this CRIMINAL GANG and it is a large one…she looked surprised when I told her that I rented a flat and didn’t own a car (at 47 years old) and that the only thing that I possessed of any worth was my PC which I had insured but nothing else was ’worth it’ - she then told me ’what about your clothes?’ and I looked down at what I was wearing and laughed - nevertheless, she still gave me the HOME INSURANCE brochure …I scanned her to find out that she ‘knew’ everything…and that my ‘confession’ that I was poor, had worried her…what was the ROBIN HOOD gang up to? Stealing off somebody like me?
So how does TOMLINSON’s ROYAL ’ROBIN HOOD’ CRIMINAL GANG, which steals off the POOR, manage to do it?
I think that I can provide a few answers.
For example, I walked off the street…with a few sheets of ‘somebody’s HSBC bank statements’ - I was let into an office and then shown EVERY SINGLE BANKING CODE ON SCREEN….that was attached to this account.
Even I was surprised to learn my ‘secret BANK ID CODE’ which was a 4 digit banking code that ended in 11.
At no point - was I asked for any evidence of ID to view every single BANKING CODE for the sort code and account number upon the sheets. I wasn’t even asked to produce a debit card or other evidence, that I was, who I said I was…
So that is how easy it is…
You have an ‘insider’ in the bank…you get somebody to steal a few sheets of a bank balance…they go in - get the full BANKING ID on screen…they then give it to somebody ‘on the inside’…and they then debit your account…
I still haven’t quite understood why neither W M MORRISONS supermarket, nor the HSBC can tell me what the account registered as WM MORRISONS 000000 means…but I think that we can guess, can’t we?
Neither company is admitting to any knowledge of what it actually means - and that is odd, don’t you think?
Answer: mind control - Ill cult Zionism/demonism…ROCKEFELLERS…MOB…you name it…6 zeros…6 pointed star and all that…well, they have all had their day now.
I really do not ‘get’ these really thick THUGS who go on about CLASS all of the time…they get at the middle-classes for earning a few thousand per year, more than them (or not, as is often the case - look at LORD LEVY for example - so full of his so-called WORKING CLASS roots)…and they do not attack the people who are creaming millions/billions off of them…those like LEVY, the aristocracy and ROYALTY (if they are still around)…yes, I know that it ‘hurts’ to be looked down upon by SOLIHULL middle-class types because your car isn’t spotless…or your shoes aren’t shined…or you aren’t wearing the last ghastly fashion of highly expensive but tasteless and cheap clothing…but hey, I was middle-class and a ‘social pariah’ within that class…I hate them too.
I just don’t get it - why people can be SO STUPID…so blind…as to be fooled by KOOLY BEAR of all people…because it was TOMLINSON who was running the ring.
TOMLINSON bastard son of PRINCE PHILIP who felt that all women were beneath him - apart from the ‘very best’ e.g. PRINCESS BEATRICE…
TOMLINSON, who could do WORKING CLASS THUG/HEROIN ADDICT to a T and didn‘t the other MACHO BRAINLESS WORKING CLASS THUGS love him for it?…he was a ‘class actor’ and he wasn’t acting in relation to heroin addiction…but that is as far as his ‘identification’ with the working classes went…he most probably despised them as much as ‘women in general’…
See previous notes upon the KRUSTIES of TOTNES (filthy dirty hippies, with dogs on strings who felt that they were the new ‘messiahs‘ and used to pontificate in ‘working class‘ accents to the world ‘on the street‘)…
KRUSTIES - that the real ‘working classers’ like JACQUI CARROLL picked up on immediately…extremely wealthy and spoilt children…who had never grown up…who wanted to be ‘real’ for a change…so opted for a KRUSTY existence for a while…with no idea of how those who find themselves homeless, really think and feel…the need to keep yourself clean and not have grime all over your face, for example…no true working class or middle-class person would ever let themselves ‘go’ to that extent (unless they had been sent severely mentally ‘disturbed‘ by abuse and could no longer look after themselves at all)…but that is what the ARISTOCRACY figured that we were all like…and they viewed us as a ‘bundle’…
See previous notes to me even meeting a young PRINCE WILLIAM in disguise, as KRUSTY - at the top of TOTNES HIGH STREET…his ‘turn’ I suppose…but for what reason, I have no idea…
ROZ and I, remote-viewed it all - at a BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY luncheon…as PRINCE WILLIAM gave a brief account of how ‘RABBIT’ had offered him ‘food and not money because that is what my dad had told me to do’ and then offered to take him to the local vegetarian restaurant…way beyond my means, as a student…the other ROYALS scoffed…she fancied you and that they hadn‘t realised how attractive he was, as a teenager, until that point…but PRINCE PHILIP then intervened and said that my father had a point and that there was more to RABBIT than met the eye…and the family, by association.
So the next time you see a KRUSTY with grime on their face and they are yelling insolently at you to give them money or else ’YOU’LL BE SORRY’ (as they used to do in TOTNES)…smile and ask them for money because they have so much more than you do and they KNOW it…
In fact, kidnapping them and holding them to ransom, might be an even better idea…I am now thinking ITALIAN MAFIA…and why not?
Yes, that DVD film yesterday, made a lot of sense to me…it was all about MARK R/ROCKEFELLERS and the ROYALS…and the two ’DEVIANTS’ even gave a summary of themselves as ‘total losers’…too much money and too many drugs…that was their main problem.
So these DEVIANTS from the top ill cult classes - then go onto the streets in order to work out ‘all of their problems’…but all they learn is how to pass themselves off as ‘STREET’ aka TOMLINSON…in order to control GRASSROOTS MAFIAS…that is all.
I suppose it must be quite ‘fun’ in a way…if you have come from these macabre elite classes…what a challenge eh? Fooling everybody…then convincing yourself that these people are ‘too stupid to exist’…why can’t the sheep see through it all?
I was thinking about that number this morning and an example came up of GILL:
‘CHANDRA’ from ASIAN DUB - as he is now called…STEVE SAVALE to everybody at ESSEX UNIV…introduced me to a party of ‘mature students’ who were studying a teaching qualification at a large old VICTORIAN RED-BRICK HOUSE within the grounds of the university. It was hidden from the main university by grasslands and trees…and to my mind…was a bit like an OXBRIDGE COLLEGE crossed by a ‘haunted house’…anyway, the building was linked to the NHS…there was a sign post by it, with NHS on it…they appeared to be studying a qualification in ‘teaching’ of some description…
I met the mature students with STEVE, on campus (they were all like MRS GRAHAM - lovely people - so ‘understanding‘ - I listened to them chatter and loved it - ‘safety‘ in a way - worldly-wise adults)…and later on went on a little investigation - and walked up to this building…something told me to stay my distance…
I loved these people…their maturity and relaxed, understanding atmosphere (unlike the insanely paranoid, stab you in the back network of my generation of students - teenage peer group)…I told ALISON STONIER about it afterwards…and she told me cryptically that they might not be as ‘nice’ as they seemed…that was ‘warning’ enough…simply from the tone of her voice.
I told GILL about them…
I remember remote-viewing him walking up to this building…the green grass and trees around…isolated from anywhere…and then he walked into the portal…to pick up leaflets…then somebody opened the main doors and said:
“Welcome - we have been expecting you…” and he walked in…not knowing who she was or why he was ‘expected’…
He was then tortured horribly upon a rack with the ‘little BLACK metal box’ - meaning electrocution.
RIMINGTON was there…with those ‘mature students’…telling him that he had deserved it, because he had ‘wanted’ to be there…to walk in…he had ‘come back’ for more.
This is all about HAUNTED HOUSE programming…memories that HAUNT you.
PETER MANDELSON once told me about his strangest fantasy which disturbed him but he couldn’t get it out of his head…the idea that all of the ROYAL PRINCES had mugged him and buggered him. Now, in real life - he didn’t want that at all…so why was he reminded of it in his dreams?
Yes, it was the old FREUDIAN BELIEF NETWORK…as in ‘if I am dreaming it - it must be a hidden fantasy within my subconscious mind - I am responsible for it - it didn’t happen in real life - I am really perverse - I need help….because in real life, that is not my sexual fantasy at all’…
FREUD had taught us all to believe that if it comes up in your dreams e.g. as a child you dreamt of your parent sexually abusing you…then it was an erotic fantasy and not a reality.
MANDELSON had ‘got it’ and he wanted it exposed. Yes the BRITISH ROYAL PRINCES did regularly gang up and GANG-BANG him. It was no ‘dream’.
Now let me add ‘human psychology’ to the above number…you want to uncover your memories of ill cult abuse…because how can you HEAL if you do not remember the trauma, get over it and survive?
Otherwise it is a ‘black hole’ in your mind…something that terrorises you but fascinates you…hidden memories….down a BLACK WELL.
So let us now go back to GILL…who wanted it ‘all out’…standing in front of that VICTORIAN HOUSE in the middle of nowhere…behind the lakes of ESSEX UNIV…he went up to the door…a woman told him that they were ‘expecting him’…and did he didn’t exit like a blue streak of lightning…and run for his dear life, across the grass, through the trees to the main campus…
CURIOSITY KILLED THE CAT…CURIOUSER AND CURIOUSER SAID ALICE…the glass table…the glass of the door…Victorian glass…and then she was sucked down the RABBIT HOLE.
The ill cult could never believe how ‘stupid’ their victims were…they used to go on and on about it…
What the ill cult had decided to ‘forget’ was that these children had been programmed and terrorised from birth…and so they were blindly following their own instincts to ‘find out what had happened to them’…
THE ROCKEFELLERS knew human psychology…these children had been shown so many horror movies…where the main ‘victim’ doesn’t do the obvious things…call up a posse of people to surround the building, for example…where the ill cult programmers are…
Do an SAS number…send a few of your ‘posse’ up to the door first, but with many others hidden - with guns, mobile phones/cameras in hand…so that even if the ‘signal/commands of the ill cult programmer’ turns to ‘stone’ those in front of the door…the rest of them, behind the trees, can gain ‘control of the environment’…that sort of thing…
At the end of the day, dealing with the ill - had to be a military operation - you cannot just walk up to their door and not expect NOT to be ‘taken prisoner’.
They rely upon ill cult slaves to want to ‘do it themselves’ - to be drawn back by the yearning of their subconscious minds to HEAL and that comes out as CURIOSITY in front alters…so that it is easy to kidnap them again…so if you feel like that about a certain ‘area’…take a LARGE POSSE with you and do it properly.
What on earth is this letter about?
I have no idea.
I have had no contact with the JOBCENTRE since I was sectioned - and they had refused to write back to me for months…they had cut off correspondence.
I am now on EMPLOYMENT AND SUPPORT and that is an entirely different department.
I then began to remember…
TODDY told me that this was the ‘worst of the lot’ as in SHILPA SHETTI’ and INDIAN INTELLIGENCE turned against you, as part of the ill cult game…really, how?
I had politely requested that the BRITISH GOVERNMENT explain themselves in relation to trying to enforce REGULATIONS, which as all of the media and anybody who works for CENTRAL GOVERNMENT) knows - is not law and cannot legally be enforced.
The government gives REGULATIONS which means GUIDELINES - it does not give laws - in terms of what it publishes in JOB CENTRE booklets.
Not that the pay was any different…in relation to my RSA III…for temporary secretary or ‘office junior’ upon a JOB CENTRE scheme…the pay was pretty much the same…£50 per week to live on after you had paid your ‘nearly £100 damp bedsit rent’. RSA III people are supposed to earn at least £20/30,000 in London.
With my ‘understanding’ of computers, and their different software…with my brain lit up…you would find me almost, how does one say it’…like a ‘vase’ that has been talked about as ‘priceless’. Understanding any software or any system...I could do it in a minute, this side of the mirror, or that, in terms of the ill cult mirror....all UK COUNCIL systems were not 'foreign to me'...I had seen them before, child's play.
A BIG THREAT: That is how the ill saw me…I was talked about as ‘lower and nothing’ for all of my life, by the ill cult…whilst those who ‘knew’…kept me in there, until I could ‘outrun the hares, ninja turtles….you name it’.
The very SMALL amount of my life upon this side of the mirror?
I was objecting to the flagrant abuse of the above…in forcing me to work for almost nothing…to humiliate me…upon some government scheme…I had been on many before…such as ‘office junior’ and made to carry large stacks of paper up 3 flights which did my back in …
…dangerously I might add - I couldn’t sit down for weeks and my JOB SEEKER ALLOWANCE officer wouldn‘t report it either - rwhilst having the best qualification as a SECRETARY in this country…the RSA III level, at that time…
This JOB SEEKER’S ALLOWANCE ‘officer’ - he had a ‘friend‘ who had done well out of the BRITISH COUNCIL and was now sucking cocktails in THAILAND - ill-disguised FOREIGN OFFICE/KOOLY BEAR shit - this JOB CENTRE officer was so ‘gay‘ and so sympathetic…whilst putting it to me that I just ‘hadn‘t towed the line‘ had I?
In his sing-song, oh so gay…but you wouldn’t have guessed…light brown eyed way (SCARLETT’s POLICE are saying ‘he died a long time ago’. Really - are you surprised?)
Let me answer one of KOOLY BEAR‘S workforce ( the CLOSET GAY network and not the WORKING CLASS network - although of course, they intertwine):
I have never been obedient to the ill cult - I have never viewed aristocracy or ROYALTY as anything more than ‘DEAF, DUMB AND BLIND BEASTS‘ because that is all they are….
…and so…lightly put…because I always rebelled against the above - I have never eaten my own babies - as some zygote slaves were forced to do - or to strangle their own babies as CAROLINE had been forced to do under TODDY‘s guidance (he had told her to do it via MARK R's instructions - and then he could hardly believe it and wrote some terrible tract about how a mother SHOULD NOT be made to kill her own children - to get rid of JOOISH ORTHODOX TASCHAMANN FILTH...because that is what they are all like and make no mistake about it) - and that is what ‘turned her‘…let me add.
Tuesday, 4 January 2011
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