Saturday, 1 January 2011

"We saw The King's Speech. It was in Dendy's largest cinema, and there were no spare seats. The audience was vocally appreciative, laughing and cheering and at the end clapping. I think it's not only that the movie is excellent, with wonderful acting and a spiffing script; it does more to generate a sense of pride in being Australian than any Australian film could. I can't speak for any other audience member, but I related to Lionel's egalitarian spirit, his larrikin (sp?) streak, and his cheekiness. Colin Firth was his usual loveliness, especially when he swore. Sigh."

my nickname was 'sp' in a child alter because I often made spelling mistakes...for example immedeately...that type of thing...I would put an 'a' in...

Anyway, whilst cycling back from the MARTELLO TOWERS I was struck by the image upon the self-service desk at the simply read:


(no room for SPIKE or MILLIGAN)

...i then figured:


MR ICKE and myself...had been working together in some way...and following in the tradition of SPIKE MILLIGAN...

Perhaps others were programmed with MILLIGAN...MILLIBAND and...

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