A Film by Jean-Paul Salome
The ALLO ALLO TEAM must have been behind this one - the production of it - what a marvellous movie - I haven’t seen such a good one in years…but I had seen it before…in the cinema…holding RIMINGTON’s hand…with the rest of them down the row…
What happened?
HULBRUSCH MCDONALD and GILL appeared to be primarily involved in relation to the creation of the plot…
RIMINGTON had told them of her early SOE operations and they had been in France…yes, she had an alter that could speak fluent French…she had had pretty much the same background as myself…and she gave the ‘boys’ a blow-by-blow account of what had happened during one particular operation at that HOSPITAL…they then wrote the whole number - the entire operation…pretty much as RIMINGTON had described it.
RIMINGTON’s character was represented by the ‘blonde one with curls’ who never gives up her faith in G-d. She was to tell the CRAZY COMPANY, after all of those years of being run by the SATANIC BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY…that she had never ever given up her faith.
Anyway, after that point in the plot - you then have a metaphorical account of WWII…against the BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY. Yes, that HEAD NAZI was modelled upon PRINCE EDWARD.
You had two time frames interwined - WWII - and yes, the BRITISH ROYALS were directing the NAZI cause from CANADA…running the whole show. They even turned up in PARIS - in NAZI costume to have a direct hand in NAZI operations……and then you have WWIII as fought by the ALLO ALLO TEAM and the CRAZY COMPANY…along with every network upon GREEN TOWER databases and more…
During the writing of the screenplay…I remember reading through what the ‘boys’ had written so far…a sketch of the plot and they were about halfway through…and I said to them ‘look, she was supposedly trained by the SOE and so you can’t have her missing every shot at the important moment or it undermines the believability of the whole plot’…and a ‘light bulb’ went on over MCDONALD’s head and he put it to the others that in order to build up suspense…SOPHIE MARCEAU’s character muffs every shot …until that all-important final one…she gets HEINDRICH ‘head of German counter-intelligence’ in the end.
Brilliantly acted…this film had me crying at the end…and because of so many things…not least all of those views of PARIS…and ‘how the French are’…
It was the ALLO ALLO TEAM who had kept on saving the CRAZY COMPANY…getting us to hospital…getting us de-microchipped…
The networks are telling me that this time it was the FRENCH who saved the BRITISH…roles had been reversed in WWIII…as far as the ‘resistance’ to the modern-day NAZIS went…
The references to PHOENIX and ‘blocks of concrete’…all I can say is this:
PHOENIX- another FBI reference
The GEOLOGIST who had been researching PHOENIX…who ‘knew’ about PHOENIX…somebody who studies STONES/ROCKS/ROCKEFELLERS.
This film is entirely coded and in many ways.
Note the WOMAN IN THE RED DRESS who cannot resist 'PRINCE EDWARD' NAZI...and so he shoots her (instead of her shooting him) - a lesson for all RED DRESS women then...does a RED DRESS imply a RED QUEEN?
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