CAROLINE and the PRINCE OF MONACO…as well as the ALLO ALLO TEAM…the program affected them as well…they had to ‘do something bad’ to me as another stage in this ill cult game…and I was surprised at the time…when they told me that…I warned them not to…they simply said that they had to…so I made ‘contingency measures’ in the future and also knocked out their frequency control desk - the one that was being used to control ‘food microchips’ - microchips that I was supposed to have swallowed…see previous notes.
I felt sorry for CAROLINE…she had really listened to what I had to say…and she was the woman that I loved the most - not in a lesbian sense…as I was to tell her at DARTINGTON…but simply because she was the most beautiful person that I had ever met in her understanding of ‘all of human life’, including her own.
After listening about what I had to say about PALESTINE for example…the real history of it…CAROLINE got together her best Indian spiritual gurus and yogis…and they visited PALESTINE…in order to find out for themselves. She then reported back to me that the level of negative energy, Satanism, demon worship…and general ‘love’ of violence, death and destruction…was as bad as the JOOS that they were opposing…pretty much ‘the same’ on both sides.
Her band of ‘spiritual psychics’ had been shocked and frightened by that experience…almost overwhelmed by it…horrified.
The results of MI6 satanic mind control upon a population put into a ‘pressure cooker’ - CAN THE CAN.
When will DAVID ICKE’s people - the ones that run his website - start delving a little deeper than ill cult press releases?
If you really want to write about ISRAEL and PALESTINE - do it well.
The real battle is between Satanists and non-Satanists and if you do not get that, you do not get anything at all.
That is the conclusions I came to this morning - with the help of HOWARD RATCLIFFE’s site…supposedly GILL’s site…but really run by MARK R in his ‘Christ identification’ fantasy role…
You do not need any of the historical bullshit…you just need to believe in G-d and not Satan.
MARK R wanted the fantasy of the CHRISTIAN myth to go unchallenged.
Even though the historical truth is that at 0 BC or 0 AD if you prefer…nothing happened.
Circa 3 AD - the fall of the JEWISH TEMPLE occurred and by JEWISH hands - the ROMANS were too scared to intervene….although they called in troops later on…and ‘dealt’ with the problem…so no doubt, loads of JESUSES were then murdered upon CROSSES ‘far away on a green hill’…but as far as I can recall…it was indiscriminate street battles…until the populace started to pay their taxes again.
Remind you of MODERN TIMES - it should do.
“We won’t put up with your SATANISM or your TAXES…and this time, we will GET YOU.”
That leads me back to a simple thought on human civilisation that I had early on - maybe 5 years ago - perhaps human beings who have reached the top of the ant-heap/beehive by backstabbing and trampling upon other people etc (your workplace psychopaths)…cannot believe in a ‘good god’ and so they believe in Satan…because it wasn’t a ‘good god’ that got them to the top, was it? Therefore, they must have been ‘blessed’ by Satan.
You can see how easily, these ‘workplace psychopaths’ could be convinced, that it was Satan who was in control of this world. They had cut people down, facilitated ‘deaths’ of their rivals…and worse…
In a sense, ’Satan’ was in control of this world - the self-proclaimed SATAN of the MKULTRA CIA NAZI program- PRINCE PHILIP.
Except that he was an ordinary human being, reliant upon NAZI research and development and no ‘god’.
You see how you really have to keep Science and belief systems/RELIGION separate, in order to make sense of the ill cult?
Yet it is the most difficult thing in the world to do…when you look at ill cult rites…because the ill always like a bit of dressing up, pantomime, religious iconography…’foreign dead languages’ etc etc…in their rites.
The ill then start believing in their own madness…the insane belief systems that they have constructed…and you get KOOLY BEAR telling the TEMPLARS ‘for it is our way’…
Yes, ‘it is your way’ to get a young person (sent insane by ill cult torture) to murder their parent…in order to become a RED QUEEN…and then…see notes upon RIMINGTON in her 70s…get her to charge up the TRAVELODGE STAIRS to the penthouse suite flat (SCOTTIE told me that the SAS felt quite sorry for her, having to do that as an old lady)…RIMINGTON wasn’t allowed the lift…she had palpitations afterwards…to prove that she was still a RED QUEEN in this ill cult game…yes, the whole ‘symbolism’ of becoming a RED QUEEN simply revolved upon the BRIGHT RED handrail of the stairs…to the top.
Who in their right mind would play such an insane ill cult game?
“For it is our way…”
The ill TEMPLARS drank distilled poisonous crushed beetles…which gave them hallucinations and the same general effects of ANGEL DUST but worse, in terms of psychosis…see MCDONALD’s pisstake of the most terrible events in terms of BARFY THE SCORPION outside of Tomlinson’s ‘abbattoir’ for human meat…scraping up the leaves and BODY PARTS.
THE LEAVES OF THE TREES and BODY PARTS - obviously to the ill - they cannot distinguish between them.
“For it is our way…”
I can never forget those words, and for good reason.
if you feel the need to gravitate to any of those groups...please do not for the sake of your sanity.
OBAMA and TOMLINSON didn’t grow up in countries where there was what we call the NANNY STATE - such as in the UK.
OBAMA grew up in KENYA where he learnt ‘life was cheap’…and MARK R was to ‘forget the history of KENYA’ and to talk about him as a ‘retard’ basically…who could be used as a front-man for any ill cult cause. OBAMA was then given the ‘green card’ and recruited into the CIA as a hit-man…the rest is history.
TOMLINSON grew up in an aristocratic TURKISH family…but an extremely sexist one. He had no love of women.
The pair of them were rebels to the ill cult but only because they wanted to run it - not because they objected to the system or the Satanism.
So relying upon either of these two men - after the top ill had been toppled - was a mistake. I can see that in retrospect. I learnt it, during my time at the CIA LAB.
They were strong enough to rebel - both did - in various ways. Their biggest problem was that they always accepted ill cult control in terms of ‘deals’ - you give me this - I continue your ill cult system, that sort of thing. They could be bought by bribes and easily, as it turned out.
Upon the note of RED QUEENS and matricide/patricide…many ill cult people were forced to do it…MANDELSON and RUSSELL admitted it - as main ‘blackmailing’ tools, against them to ‘keep quiet’. The fact that they admitted it - exonerates them, as far as I am concerned. They had worked it out.
I could have committed patricide (or matricide) for that matter, to become a RED QUEEN in this ill cult game…I certainly ‘had the power’ within the CIA LAB but I didn’t do it. I then looked at the whole lot….and saw my father…talking with GILL…about how it would all be ‘after the end of this ill cult game’…and he was as mean, cruel and disparaging as he normally was…behind my back…in his TEMPLAR ALTER…the one that had run me as a ‘female slave’ from birth and taken every wage packet from every intelligence agency that MI6 had ‘rented’ me out to (as a mind control slave) …whilst watching me squirm in poverty and bedsits until I was over 40 years old…from the day I left home until over 40 years old (see previous notes).
…and yes, he hadn’t left it at that…he used to give me sneering comments and looks…about how I was a ‘failure’ in life…I couldn’t ‘keep a man’…I couldn’t ‘keep a steady job’…I was useless…dull as ditchwater…if I spoke to him…he could ignore what I had to say…and pretend that I wasn’t even there…
That is rich for a man, who failed his final medical exams three times ( didn’t even go through the proper route to become a doctor as COLLIE had pointed out - an ill cult way of getting qualifications at the LONDON GENERAL)…and once he had made the hallowed position of CONSULTANT in his thirties…spent most of his life, locked in his hospital office, during the afternoons - apparently sleeping, according to my mother - who had heard off his secretary…he never answered calls or knocks, during the afternoon…
…and yet, for doing pretty much nothing…apart from being a total and absolute TASCHMANN mind control slave…my father then got an ‘A’ MERIT AWARD off the BRITISH CROWN…which meant his pension went up from £30,000 to around £80,000 or more (my mother gave me the figures and the ‘that is totally unbelievable’ count - from the DOCTORS’ gossip circuit, who in general - appeared to be highly annoyed with this ‘award but no evidence of deserving it‘)…
The ‘award’ then got cut back twice…and finally taken away…my mother reliably informed me about that one…about 5 years ago.
Yes, DAD - I wasn’t into ‘patricide’ but you put me through hell…for decades of my life…
How and why was it cut back?
‘DAD’ had to do a big speech for the BMA…a presentation. He was all geared up to do it…he walked into the hall from a back door…and up onto the stage.
The only problem was…he hadn’t done his flies up.
That wasn’t immediately recognisable…my FATHER had grey hair, a grey tweed suit on, dark grey trousers…
….but an exceptionally long, large, greyish FLACCID PENIS DANGLING OUT OF THE FLIES? - that was ‘instantly recognisable, by his respected and revered BMA colleagues of old - and new…
Yes, DAD…being at the CIA LAB taught me a thing or two…why ‘kill’ when you can thoroughly SHAME those who were responsible?
The CHAIR of the meeting thundered at my father…to GET OUT! GET OUT!…and he did so like a whippet with his tail between his legs.
He lost his BMA ‘A MERIT’ award after that one.
Rough justice eh DAD?
You told GILL that I was a ‘nobody’ and a ‘loser’ and you didn’t have a clue…he was listening to your insanely cruel and stupid speech about my ‘front alter’ in terms of ‘give her something to do that isn’t important as a job and just screw her basically - she isn’t worth anything more than being a part-time secretary on £4 an hour…’…
…and GILL…I was remote-viewing it at the time….he was doing ‘laconic’…BRIEF…and looking at the floor…thinking ‘she will know this…she will pick this up…you fucking idiot…’…but he didn’t tell my father to SHUT UP….and nor did he try to explain - what he really ‘knew’ about me and from toddler hood.
My father -a product of his time, class, era…he hated women…he was picked up by my mother who devoted herself to him…she was a much better brain all round…yet he never knew it…he never found it in himself to respect women…he respected his mother and my addled brain of a sister HELEN (clone of SOPHIE or DADA as we called her)…who was always ‘half-cocked’…until DALDRY took her in hand, in order to ‘make something of her’…
Where did I get the ‘brain’ from - in order to do what I did in the CIA LAB - my BIRTH MOTHER- and that was SYLVIA CLAYTON….and as far as I am concerned…as my mother used to say, that is GENETIC female XX memory (men don‘t have two X - not enough memory)…and that is where you have real power and knowledge.
Yes, the ill cult then used that genome symbol of XX and XY against us…XX meant two ‘dead eyes’ as in ‘we have sent you into NDE’s on both sides of the brain’ - didn’t work…look at what the WATCHERS did at the TEMPLAR CASTLE. The ill cult knew that the 64 program would end….and it did….2009.
CAROLINE and I figured…’we do it now’…not wait for TODDY and the rest of them with their ‘grand finale’ fitting in with some ludicrous AZTEC/MAYAN invention/forgery…that we all have to plan for 2012...
…and yes, that was another ROCKEFELLER forgery.
MAYAN ‘end of the world’ 2012 - invented by GREEN TOWER.
As I was to say to DABYDEEN - the invented symbols that he showed me (yes the ROCKEFELLERS did a lot of ROCK-CARVING to prove their SATANIC designs and all over the place)…they are PHONEMES…
He said ‘wrong’ and that MI6 had translated them…oh, you are kidding me…fall over backwards laughing…you ‘translated’ them?
Honey - they were PHONEMES ( I know this to be true - I saw the ill draw them to represent every sound)…meaning something like ‘I am the man from TACO with too much money and I spend my time pissing around on drugs and fucking up the world and making movies about it…’
You want the word that the ‘MAYAN symbols’ symbolised: PISSTAKE
Another CIA job.
It is so easy.
…as MCDONALD would say, when you have all of the money in the world…it is so darn easy.
…do not feel ‘bad’ about studying MAYAN CIA bollocks in terms of various things put your way DABYDEEN…
My father’s front alter was the same, in terms of LEUKAEMIA…upon this side of the mirror…he had no idea…he used to come home crying about another child who had died of it, upon his ward, at the hospital…his front alter couldn’t cope with being a doctor, at all…or maybe like the rest of us…his GYDE family…he couldn’t cope with the extreme abuse but felt he had to hold it all together…a shattered personality, like the rest of us…we had our front alters (who knew nothing) and our back alters, who if put together would have defeated the ill, in a second…
MARTIN GILL - we are all fragmented parts of a whole personality…they chopped up our bodies, brains and minds…we now have to put it all back together and I don’t just see hope or ‘chas’ titty’ on the horizon…I think of it as a ‘life well spent’…I enjoyed it - as a REBEL to the ill cult - and they were many of us as TONY HADLEY was to remind me ‘we all went through it not just you‘ - yes but you didn‘t have TODDY and RIMINGTON next door, during your childhood and TOMLINSON around the corner (but maybe they weren‘t as bad as your ill cult programmers - that much is probably true)…even so…it was a ‘life-time in hell’ but we all emerged out of hell…we got clear and we are now retrieving the parts that make us WHOLE again. TIME t to survive it all…as who we really are…GOLD CHILDREN…CAROLINE knows it all…those who survived and killed off those who would drag us down…
Yes, GOLD CHILDREN is an ASHKENAZIM reference to those whom they treated like a human meat cattle market…but if these people - who perpetrated that market and belief- are not dead yet…I would be very surprised….
In total - what can I say about today?
Today I looked at the whole of my life…
I remembered how - as a toddler…from a very early age…I could not trust my parents…too ill-cult programmed…
I remembered how I could not trust my programmers (although I always ‘knew’ that I had a connection to RIMINGTON which was a ‘good’ one but I didn’t know what…)…
I KNEW that MARTIN GILL was my ‘little brother’ throughout life and I would protect him as such (from toddler hood onwards - we where ‘like that‘)…as I was to do my youngest brother ED…whether or not he was turned against me…
…and then finally I met CAROLINE and I realised that women could be as ‘good’ as men and in so many ways, whilst retaining their quintessential FEMALE selves and femininity. I loved her almost immediately….and then felt the profundity of it all - afterwards…I had met a real ‘teacher’ in life.
It is funny how one views 'words' and professions...'teachers' lecturers...professors...
CAROLINE was a 'professor' in what she had studied.
Sunday, 2 January 2011
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