.....and whilst we're still on 'fairytales' dazzlenation.....reddit has a reminder of what lisa had been all about..and i had not realised....presumably because i was so young, myself - at the time, of reading that ladybird book 'snow white' to her....that she had identified with the witch and not etc etc...although in retrospect, it all becomes abundantly clear....the self-proclaimed 'green witch' of greenwich etc etc....lol...lisa 'n' mod 'muvver' on the line, with their poisoned apples....go figure:
anyway, in a very alternate dimension this is all about toddy and the sick 'n' the stupid, regarding their liking for healthfood, let us say....a certain 'steve hoare' recipe for chicken biryani - wth a sidelong reference at jade laing and the rest of those heroin addicts at dartington...apart from mod daughter 'rachel' who had said "it's disgusting" and refused to eat it etc etc....more laughter....anyway, roll on the decades - toddy was to tip it down a chute - in the corridor, outside of a certain office....having realised that the tardies had just put all of their satanic 'harry potter cult' files, into a certain CIA base depot etc etc.....and so where do you store your 'black apples' then etc etc...as it goes, eh?
and so yes, we're actually on 'chicken-biryani-u-don't-like', dazzlenation...on account of the 'hot tomato sauce', regarding toddy - as far as i can remember..."stomach bleed" replies BI online:
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