Friday 24 November 2023

 .....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, this is going to be a bit of a long and rambling one, that sue had wanted pulled many strands, you understand....anyway, let's start with stenson who had seen that crash 'in the future' to then say that one of the first things that he had learned - once he had passed his driving test....was just how dangerous it was to drive down a motorway...."with a full load" in the relation to unexpected gusts of wind.....let's now have a look at the article....remember how MI5 used to release certain photos but not others - advising the police upon what to do - regarding certain 'special' cases etc etc.....and well, the first pic of 'harvey' looks rather like how 'dr john stewart' of solihull (retired to the cotswolds) might have looked at that age...the 1-in-4-pic a bit like the teenage gill etc etc....anyway, stenson and the doctors' network, is interesting me, here.....regarding stewart exposed as a violent and sadistic paedophile after the first langley senior's camping holiday......hmmm....and not just a 'golem' like oscar....stewart had been a man who raised his fists to young girls, whilst calling them "dirty whores!" in mixed company, let us say...."horrified company" replies BI online....and so i find it very strange indeed...that it was his wife gillian, who was sectioned - according to sylvia...for having gone mad and then become violent...rather than her husband....anyway, regarding that camping holiday, in the forest...whalley had been interested in a circuit broken, let us say...simply because a certain teacher and myself had walked back across the bridge......whalley had noted that suzanne barton had decided to let 'sleeping dogs lie'...and tried to cover it all up, as a consequence.....anyway, upon a lighter note, sue could remember moore 'n' his mate being sacked from 'doing the food'....sue and i were then put in to do it.....the only teacher left on camp, one morning - had to stay and guard the teachers' tent and possessions - and so we had been entrusted to etc etc.....sue could also remember the supplies van rolling backwards down the hill, as i refreshed my memory upon 'how to drive' - to then remember the then got into the cab and i proceeded to drive it to the depot...she then wound down the window, to wave to jan 'n' helen.....later on browne, was to ask me if i had etc etc...i said "no" and gave her a wink...seeing as i had been told that i looked rather like the teacher who had walked back across the bridge with me and so to say etc etc by the teacher in charge........remember that empty jar of nutella hidden under the van, sue?"like a squirrel and her nuts" - i was to comment to him - as we watched sue tying her plastic bag of goodies to a branch....regarding possible 'tent raids', i suppose etc she had bought after i had parked the van and then returned the keys to the depot..."where's your teacher?"..."he's busy"..."well i need a signature - initial it"...and so i wrote 'E.G' it goes, eh?

North Wales crash teen was most precious soul - mother - BBC News

oh and there's a bit more to short, gillian had once given sylvia an M&S christmas pudding in a green plastic stayed in the cupboard for ages, until there was nothing else to eat in the house etc etc....hmmm...shades of what had happened at that californian beach house....remember roz saving me, with a tray of veg-to-be-roasted etc...."zygote slavery"...not that the pudding contained etc etc....although come to think of it....remember sarah holliday and those mince pies "just swallow it - don't think about it" etc etc....whilst at that 'party' held at a country house - isolated by flooding for the weekend etc etc....go figure.

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