....and what else is 'new' this wednesday evening, dazzlenation?...well, from the macro to the micro.....and a bit of a 'slip', let us say....hmmm....and judging by the state of play - regarding what CHP HQ have recently got up to...."the tardis and the party room" replies BI online....and well, there's no such thing as a 'free lunch' now, is there?....worst possible case scenario....are we to expect poisoned apples and fortune-tellers etc etc...all a bit 'fairytale' eh?...."military fairies"...see previous post.....go figure:
anyway, naturally i will be avoiding an event like that and for obvious reasons....hmmm.....let's go back in time now, with the 'tardis' to long before CHP had become a legal entity as a housing partnership...anyway - gill and i, had walked into one of CHP's rehearsals - let us say....at a 'community hub', to be told that we weren't allowed a cup of coffee 'n' cake until we had answered a questionnaire...giving us a chance to think about it...in point of fact, that man had laughed about it all - in precisely that sort of way....gill had laughed back and answered that he only wanted the coffee....i 'knew' that something was up and so left, immediately....you know what it's like....the old 'get you under'....remember how BI had managed to get me out of that interview in the building opposite to charing cross by turning on the fire alarm.....let me backtrack - after the interviewer had given up on trying to make me drink a cup of coffee or tea (both of which i had politely refused, along with fruit juice "thank you but i'm not thirsty" etc etc) he then slammed a plastic cup of water down beside me and aggressively ordered me to drink it, in no uncertain terms....and that is when the fire alarm went off and the whole building had to be evacuated....lol....oh and if we're still on 'tards'...that is how careful you have to be, when the MI6 'tardies' come out to play....hmmm....and upon that note - sonia fisher 'n' mark vizard had 'once upon a time' been highly intelligent and talented remote-viewers...until theremin-chipped and addicted to crack...additionally, tomlinson had become 'brain-damaged' the more straightforward sort of way....he had been trying to escape buckingham palace and then fallen out of a window....hmmm....and who else?..well, remember dr craig - he had become brain-damaged after agreeing to be baker's guineapig, in order to cure his depression...nota bene this is all about being chipped and then linked up to the machine....the machine that is now trying to repair itself, without a manual - see previous notes upon 'all of that'....oh and ironically, i was to decide later on that it would be better to work from the inside, in order to expose the whole thing - rather than be on the outside, as gill had then decided to operate...he was then duly chipped by MI6 younger and run as a drug-dealer etc etc...anyway, it has been difficult to ward off the attacks from 'tardies' - when they have the keys to your flat and can let themselves in, whenever they want...."to piss on your floor"....tards are disgusting, aren't they....brain-damaged and desperate class A drug addicts....one cannot expect more of them etc etc....as it goes, eh?
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