.....and what's reddit on, then - dazzlenation....let me see...and we're back to 'fire consultants' with a sidelong glance at sending the whole lot in, as it were....the whole nine yards....hmmm...stenson had told whalley to leave a 'driving' reminder upon the timer system etc etc....see previous posts.....go figure:
Green is at a stand still letting blue turn in, When red is seeing blue turn they also take their exit, After blue made the turn, Green accelerates quickly and crashes into the rear driver side as red is just finishing their turn. Who would be at fault?
and you're saying, dazzlenation....hmmm....pink/red - green - blue.....didn't quite work out as planned?...a bit of a 'muppetshow' disaster etc etc...regarding the jaws of the crocodile:
and what's gilly_breeze on, then - dazzlenation?...the inca tern....in-car-turn.....hmmm....and my sixth sense is now picking up on david cameron.....go figure:
and what else, dazzlenation?...."a muddy finish" replies BI online....well, if you mix all of those converging colours, let us say....as sonia 'n' mark had known...."you let the mossad in"...as the 'wonka' i.e. one-car:
with a reminder of prince charles' pact with the mossad:
and if you want more....there's always more - lol....hmmm....remember moore 'n' younger on the roof - regarding the installation of their own gadget?...resulting in a frequency arcing of sorts....and if one looks at the arrows upon the road....surely neither vehicle should have been going in that direction....lol...and what is interesting me now....is which colour had been using the underpass, let us say...the maron...the marooned...hmmm....something around isolating that frequency as if it were an island - so to speak:
the sizzling (sis-ling) and the cracking (crack-king)...something that whalley had told stenson "it's coming from up there!":
and what else, has gilly_breeze got to offer?....lol....that 'scarlett pink' line - regarding house alarms?....hmmm...that wasn't actually what had terrified sonia 'n' mark...scared them off....that had been the hologram of 'the white lady' upon the back lawn.....lol....go figure:
with the additional 'ho-nir' number...something that fisher had rigged up with the help of sharon:
....oh and this is an odd one, dazzlenation....because whalley had told stenson, whilst in shock, regardig what fisher 'n' vizard had been up to...that the christmas tree wasn't green, anymore - let us say...a projection from fisher....lol....go figure:
with rodway up at the maltings, waiting upon the sidelines for...."her turn in the house" replies BI online...portishead house, to be exact...and yes, she had still been working upon a russian intelligence ticket - at the time....to be found out, later on..."by putin's people":
oh and that is something around moore trying to use the 'black line':
additionally, do you remember portishead house - surrounded by water, during that flood - so many years ago now....lol....go figure:
and then we're back to holbrook if you want to find your 'kurtzmann'....ray fishwick might know:
a bit of a 'medic' apparently:
with a sidelong glance at apocalypse programming:
oh and whalley had found it very difficult to sleep, regarding the whole thing....and what else, had come up as part of the whole clump....'huntingdon' not 'huntington'..along with something else that fisher had programmed with...the 'natural magical' calendar..."and the shade turned against her" replies BI online....lol....yes, she'd taken it like that, at the time....more 'magical thinking' eh?....anyway, sharon had lent her a copy as well as that holbrook 'medic':
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