Tuesday 21 November 2023

 ....and what's new this tuesday evening, dazzlenation?....well, more sickness and stupidity regarding etc etc....on the timer system and entitled "the piddling"....lol...along with the lidl/liddel/little bunch...the pidl and the lidl etc etc....mcgowan take note...the pid-ling and the pid-el....anyway, in brief - will self had once penned an article about how he felt that the teletubbies were rather 'worrying' and was it just 'him' as a house-husband and father etc etc....in short, his wife had arranged for etc etc in order to sell the house - gives 'putting the frighteners upon somebody' a new meaning....lol.....and so whilst 'off his tits' upon the sofa of their country house....hoping for inspiration for his next chapter etc etc....life-size teletubbies came knocking at the windows....will froze - thinking 'i must be tripping' whilst knowing that he wasn't, simultaneously....his next reaction was to hide as well as lock all of the doors but which one first?...."he then fainted by the stairs" replies BI online....and the upshot was that they sold the house pretty quickly after that....hmmm....if will had been military-trained, the whole thing might have been very different...imagine 'crappy' in the same position....a civilian might think...."criminal gang with a warped sense of humour"...that sort of thing....clockwork orange crossed with pulp fiction...whereas a military man might just go for the sawn-off-shotgun etc etc....more than a few incidents have hit UK headlines, over the years....as it goes, eh?....which brings us back to the pidls 'n' the lidls.....hmmm....something around how the 'tards' had been groomed to be 'kapos', in another age - let us say..."prison guards".....but within a non-threatening sort of way....'teletubbies', anybody?.....go figure.

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