Tuesday 28 November 2023

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, the following photo is all about whalley and 'one of hers' who had sat upon my right - whilst i was seated opposite to henrietta bullard - with sylvia to the left.....in short, whalley was to tell me that she was the 'fairy' upon evans' desk...doing all of the hard work....lol....remember, she wasn't that good at maths....got a 'b' at O' level etc etc...oh and there's a radio file attached - marines.....go figure:

nota bene the zygote slavery tree, to the right - bullard was to say later on - "shall we put that in, as that?"....additionally, "she's not much when she's like this  - is she sylv?"....after their attempt to drug me, that is....anyway, whalley had taken the photo but forgotten to pick it up, again.....oh and evans had told her..."you're in 5a"....her new office, apparently and so yes, you can guess where that RF file came from:

anyway, if we look closely at the photo....and unfortunately my camera won't pick up on the detail - having re-photographed it....sylvia had picked up the jug and laughed "remember the potter's wheel" to me etc etc....oh and whalley's male operative had used the tablecloth border design, to liken it to DNA until told that it looked more like..."a wiggly worm"..."microscopic viewing" replies BI online...hmmm....later on, i was to tell pat's department that he had reminded me of hulbrush 'n' constable, rolled into one......anyway, yet another bid to enslave me - make me do the work for free etc etc....and so naturally i helped out....lol....guess what happened next?....."you were left alone with the computer"....idiots, aren't they?...whalley had even forgotten to ask sylvia for the photo, afterwards...so to recap - you let yourself get caught in order to use their equipment upon the quiet - whilst pretending to be drugged...and yes, i'd done that so many times...lost count....as it goes, eh?

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