Thursday 30 November 2023

 ....and what's new this friday morning, dazzlenation?....well, oscar was to tell me on the phone - that he didn't consider a shop-bought christmas card to be the 'thing'....considering that i was such a 'talented artist'....hmmm.....nota bene him telling me, all of those decades ago now....after he had learnt that i wanted to go to dartington college...."there's only one thing worse than being an artist and that is.....a bad artist" - the intended meaning being rather unpleasant, let us say.....anyway, having decided to overlook 'all of that'....i decided to 'play ball'...and create a 'montage' christmas card on microsoft paint....something that used to entertain sylvia, greatly....a bit like caroline hughes and  her laughing gas attacks i.e. 'crying with laughter' etc etc and i've sent sylvia quite a few, other the years - remember bobby's mob as' three men in a tub' etc etc....and so i set to work - collating images etc then remember that i had deleted microsoft paint on this laptop because mcdonald had bugged it ....and of course, the online microsoft store, only allows downloads of the app, for windows 11 or above....and seeing as i have no other graphic design package to use, at this point in time....the whole thing is a 'no go' area, unfortunately....although i would have enjoyed messing around with various montage effects etc etc.....such as man-in-grey-to-left of sunak - disguised as a 'christmas tree' (and yes, he had had the 'kalinka' computerised tree system - upon his computer, at clacton council house - i could have put the 'red sickle and hammer' above him  - to denote what he is really 'all about' etc etc)......attacked by 'cats' smashing the balls etc etc....with a sidelong glance at the 'balls' brothers....remember that RA cult 'mickey mouse' tribunal - with 'mr ball' asking the panel to you-know-what afterwards...oh and as far as sunak is concerned....the fairy that fell off the top.....which is probably just as well....see previous notes upon caroline hughes as the 'fairy' and tomlinson as the christmas tree bonfire 'wood'...oh and that's 'monty don' in the mix - see it goes, eh?

Brothers celebrate 10 years at the helm (

....all of a bit of a 'set-up', eh?...see below:

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