.....and what else, dazzlenation?...weale's reminder of etc etc....hmmm....something to do with napoleon's hat, let us say....lol...although the location looks rather 'unworldly' to me....a bit 'arthurian legend'...shades of sonia fisher's unholy grail program?...let's have a look on wiki.....bronze age - ringed fortress and yes, fisher had chided the rest of them "don't you remember the bridge over...." etc etc....go figure:
Dazzlenation, 400 year old abandoned maze in Spain. (tumblr.com)
Castles for sale in UK | Savills
and now for a hop, skip and a jump through the following...remember sylvia's friend from oxford 'libby biggart'....scottish aristocracy.....a servant had told sylvia at libby's wedding "i'm surprised you were invited" to put her in her place...sylvia never forgot that snub.....anyway, 'biggar' was to remind me etc etc....to then remember BI discussing all sorts of offshoots, let us say.....big-ear on wiki, for example....lol...oh and remember libby's daughter 'janet' who had set up an EFL school etc etc...go figure:
and yes, sonia fisher had decided to link the two up....regarding her 'wigwam bam' intent....oh and whalley might like to know that the popsong by 'sweet' was used by 'chirpy cheep' 4U number, in order to 'curse' philpotts etc etc....lol..."gonna make you my man"...let's have a look on youtube....a french presenter - reminding me a little of 'huntingdon'....more laughter:
and so who got to wear the 'head-wig' in your production, sonia fisher?...i'm going for 'stephen fry'....oh i remember now - he had refused pointblank to do it....lol...as it goes, eh?
and let me see...i haven't finished looking through the rest of them, as yet - dazzlenation but you can see how it is....look at who's moving out etc etc:
"egg-timers" replies BI online and er....how did that work out?
anyway, somebody's just got to explain the topiary in 'this one'....remember packwood house with jesus and his disciples etc etc.....anyway, sonia fisher had been amused by the following, on wiki......go figure:
hmmm.....as far as i can remember....various themes had been mooted along the lines of lollipops, sweets....oh and campestre had offered "perfume bottles?" to then be told by martin ayres that it was more to do with "knobs and levers" - remember that masonic 'shake-the-imaginary-car-gearstick-in-your-hand' in order to get the truth out of somebody etc etc:
additionally, remember armstrong (related to the ogilvie family) - dazzlenation?....well, he used to program here and in relation to the 'lips' - a mossad reference....and the 'lipon'...the logic of it all, eh?....or rather lack of it....anyway, he was oscar 'n' sylvia' s 'online manager' let us say....trying to steal, again...."blind you" replies BI online....amongst other inexcrable etc etc...go figure:
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