Monday 27 November 2023

....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, having had a look at 'comments' after 'the flashing blade'....somebody mentions ingabot's programming....and all because the wyss had told me "you can't see this!"...only for her.....go figure:

Belle and Sebastian 1960s Kids tv - YouTube

next up....we have what french intelligence had identified as whalley's programming of those CID yes, that fake housing benefit officer had preened in front of a mirror, before he left....hmmm....shades of tomlinson, then?....remember evans going berserk, whilst scarlett had laughed and the footage of tomlinson in drag - looking up at the hidden camera in the corner of the basement of the stairwell, with the young putin and himself....all dressed up for a night out on the tiles, in berlin etc etc...."you're the beauty queen" replies BI words to 'crappy' - all of those years ago now....see previous post....go figure:

Les Chevaliers du Ciel ( S01x04 ( 1967 - YouTube

oh and if i were to dig a little bit more...obama had been enamoured with the then code in whalley as 'terpsicord' on evan's wonder french intelligence had wanted to review etc etc....go figure:

obama had chosen the following to represent evans..."and she's his horse but she won't get that" of a knight (her husband's surname) and more of a horse, then?

and there's more....remember that short-legged black 'n' white cat that gill had identified with?....go figure:

secret diplomatic channels, anybody?

oh and obama had also said of that guadaloupe map - "that's our nest":

additionally, 'something-about-the-eyes' is reminding me of ben graham...but no pink in the cheeks or red lips - the bloodless type..and yes, he hadn't looked like his mother or father - although she also had black hair and brown eyes:

additionally, "that's me!" obama had said:

with a joke around lisa's relationship to mcdonald:

and that's supposed to be you, campestre - courtesy of obama:

additionally, he had said "we'll tip it in there" what could he have meant?...and SC was to volunteer....oh and oddly enough, the man upon the left, is somewhat reminding me of coincidence, then?

house of contrebandiers, anybody?...oh wait a minute....later on, SC was to say "we had to sink it" and i still have no idea of what they were trying to hide.....only that the general context was set in 2001:

and so naturally one begins to wonder where they sank it - whatever-it-was....SC had said that he would leave a clue:

along with an aside to 'cinq francs' pour moi and SC as the lady with the fruit basket:

oh i remember now...ingabot was supposed to know....they'd left it with ingabot:

and having looked up additional memory aids, let us say....somewhere in this direction....hmmm....SC had said "near the rocks" in too dangerous to explore....the last place that divers would think of etc etc?....anyway, yes - i can remember now...campestre had said that they wouldn't waste money upon anything more than a recce party, in the first instance....until they had more information:

"between the bird's claw" obama had said:

with a view to 'dumping' more stuff around the place:

and what else?...a deep-sea-diving metaphor from 'johnnie walker' and you'd need a sort of crane/mechanical arm to safely retrieve etc etc....far too dangerous for divers.....anyway, ca plane pour moi?

w.w.w.whiskey, anybody?

oh and the 'babe' in question - campestre - would have been gill, would it not?

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