Tuesday 28 November 2023

....and what's new this wednesday morning, dazzlenation?...well we're back to the 'east india' again, all of those years ago, now.....with armstrong at a certain dinner...and when asked upon the tannoy, why he wasn't eating his food.....apparently 'korean barbecue', as it turned out...he replied that it was disgusting....hmmm....a similar number to what morrison's have in stock, nowadays - regarding their 'ready meals'.....looks and tastes like fried portobello mushrooms veggie 'borsch' with a tin of black treacle mixed in i.e. overly sweet...with the rice drowning in fat.....hmmm....and so i take it that morrison's haven't taken into account what wiki defines as 'korean barbecue' etc etc...oh and there's more....you'd never guess....lol....remember mark r laughing about jakarta EFL manager and her text to 'crappy' - replying to his text requesting a date...along the lines of 'hmmm...i fancy korean barbecue and if you don't - don't bother turning up'....."a sore point" replies BI online...it went viral...yes, she could remember 'that one' well....and yes, she had subsequently been behind the whole show, at the 'east india'....'crappy was to ask 'why'...to the reply that she was doing it for the money and she didn't care, anymore...."rodway had been paying her to do it"....anyway, one of the additional programmers upon the scene, at the time - had stood by the curtains - whilst using the following image..."to make the bird disappear - soul-trapping"....go figure:

Korean barbecue - Wikipedia

Pablo Picasso — Blue dove of peace (1961) [2102x1600] : ArtPorn (reddit.com)

Picasso's Dove of Peace (masterworksfineart.com)

Dazzlenation (tumblr.com)

and there's more:

to be or not to be, that is the question:

alternatively you might like to check out the following in relation to your 'oh my gourd tunnel'....anyway, EFL manager and 'crappy' had done a 'two-hearts-beat-as-one' number....a program that had been set up by CF and one that hadn't worked, in the first place - i might add....go figure:

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