Thursday 2 November 2023

 .....and what's new this thursday morning, dazzlenation?...well, quite a bit....starting off with scarlett - late 70s, with the doctors....programming himself in as 'davy jones' in relation to the satanic zygote slavery contract and 'french maid' alters.....roll on the decades - the doctors were to use the following PC video game, which those like sonia fisher 'n' goscia were to order to be reminded of etc etc - according to 'yuri' and the 'spanish shopkeeper' from shane school of english......anyway, google is on carmen amaya, this morning....hmmm....first thoughts upon the initial i have said before....all about 'bird' remote-viewing alters....a bit like martial arts, regarding the movements...'on the defensive'...protecting the head and body, with sudden 'loud noises'....the castanets 'n' the clapping....scaring off the bad energy/evil spirits....a bit scorpion/rattlesnake...whilst paying great attention to the beat/feet, let us say (remember the i-am-bic-pentameter?) - see previous notes upon 'all of that' (the invisible 'bird of prey' upon the arm etc etc) wonder the likes of lisa 'n' petrol nell had chosen to etc etc....go figure:

The Legendary Carmen Amaya (1913-1963), Flamenco Potpourri 1 - YouTube

Dazzlenation (

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