.....and what's new from CHP, dazzlenation?....hmmm....hadn't been done - thursday....i'll check again and reply friday morning.....kind refards, anybody.....reminding me of donna and her unfortunate compensation/condensation number and so no, i won't be clicking on the attachment - whatever that might be....lol.....go figure:
and what else, dazzlenation?...well, she had called herself 'nicola' on the phone but what does it matter....more laughter....i'll give them 5 stars for the lot - keep them happy....simon did a thorough-going check of what might possibly have caused it etc etc....along with supplying me with a quite a bit of additional information, let us say:
also, somebody from CHP left a message upon my mobile, the other day - to tell me that she would follow it up with a letter.....in short, CHP have booked in a 'firedoor' inspection 8-1pm upon friday the 17th of november.....hmmm....remember the carpenter who had put in the new frontdoor for no. 1 flat?...he had told me that CHP would be in contact, shortly and that they would have to change my frontdoor....the gap at the bottom etc etc.....hmmm.....and so one wonders if i'll be able to choose which colour.....lol....i'll email them back to ask for the colour palette, if possible....a nice new frontdoor....more laughter....as it goes, eh?....you see, the location of this flat - within a former travelodge building, by the seaside and close to all of the shops/amenities (with a hospital and railway station) etc etc is rather a bijoux residence, let us say....despite the 'company' that one has to keep or rather pass by on the stairs/within the communal areas......oh and penny hughes-stanton had told me about her daughter and child, living in a very 'bijoux' flat residence, in brighton.....apparently, every time her daughter opens the frontdoor of the building....she sees 'crack addict' paraphernalia strewn around, amongst other undesirable items and wonders about the effect upon her child etc etc.....and so one can say that this type of thing, happens everywhere....."a sign of the times" replies BI online.
and what's new at the manningtree art gallery, then?....go figure:
oh and the following looks rather 'isolated' to me - dazzlenation....hmmm.....can you see something like the disembodied head of a 'white cat' in profile, with dannatts as the 'eye' - or is it just me?....lol:
oh i see....that's where your 'monsters' come in, is it - dazzlenation?
and let me see....just over the brook....and well, i wouldn't really like to think....anyway, i take it that's where your 'wolves' live?...hmmm...doesn't uncle bobby live in 'waltham', nowadays?....hmmm...a bit of a stickman holding up quite a bit, above his head - sideways....a bit of an 'atlas' number?....holding the world upon his shoulders etc etc.....in point of fact, what the sick 'n' the stupid had hoped that i would do for them - if they bullied/tortured me enough into being their 'slave', that is....nothing doing...no help whatsoever until every penny is repaid with a full public apology...."the crown" replies BI online...oh is that your interpretation of the 'building' location?...."on his head"....ha ha ha....on bobby's head, i'd say....anyway, as simon had said....it's really nice out there....it is just that etc etc....go figure:
and that would be the gatehouse, would it?
oh look there's a public footpath opposite, leading to etc etc.....hmmm....and nobody wants to live at dannatts...and simon had no idea 'why':
and now i'm picking up the thread, again....ed had told bobby's mob...."we can make her do that" as in teach 'maths' along with 'creative writing' etc etc.....lol....nothing doing.....go figure:
hmmm....kind of sums up bobby's mob, doesn't it?...."a pile of piss on the floor"...more laughter and yes, this is all rather 'deja vu', isn't it?....anyway yes - i can remember now...those who could do 'the maths', let us say - at BI....had realised that bobby's mob....."were clueless amateurs".....precisely that...."nothing would work"....however, we all had to wait....to see how it all panned out...."a complete and utter failure" - as it turns out....as we had all known it would be and yes, simon had been one of those who had known etc etc....go figure:
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