...what else? I was to ask donna about that M&S 'scam'.....she was to tell me that you could get the citizen's advice bureau to send somebody along - to demand that M&S show their CCTV - in order to clear up my complaint about M&S taking money from my account, illegally.
...and yes, I am sure that in 'normal circumstances' that would be the right advice....but in the circumstances that I am facing....within a 13th one ill cult game....you can be sure that every one of scarlet's GOLEMS will be in place...to protect his 'banking classes' and 'jooish companies' (those like M&S as well as MORRISON)....the joos and the banking classes, eh?.....in relation to their 'ill cult scams'....and from every single walk of life....from the local HSBC bank, to the local citizen's advice bureau and ombudsman.....to 'the law' in relation to police and the lawyers...I know what scarlett is 'like'....and I know what his golems are like....
...and so no, I won't be doing that...I have to trust myself....in relation to having 'seen it all before' whilst remoteviewing the future....to take precautions and especial care, to cover myself - every step of the way, within the future....
and what was my main mission? well, I simply had to expose what the ill are like...I did not necessarily have to 'bend them to my will' - by using the 'future scripts/frequency control networks' that I had access to, so many years ago now....because that would be 'missing the point'...and the point was exposing them, for what they do....to ordinary people....and God help me, I wasn't 'ordinary' after what I have been through...see previous notes.
....oh and I forgot to mention...the whole 'mercurial thing'.....about temperatures rising on Wednesday - to about 82 degrees, in the UK....well, that is the day that scarlett's golems 'give up the ghost'...having not managed to reboot his ill cult uber -systems program....
....and so I guess that 'temperatures will be rising' upon that day - and for so many reasons, which will all be about...."red-face day?" replies MI5 ONLINE....something like that I suppose...but I have no real idea....all I know is that scarlett and his satanic minions 'conk out' on that day....maybe the 'weather girls and boys' will have had something to do with it? "the main score" replies ROYAL SERVICES ONLINE...so you are now 'on board' too?
M&S were to add a 'reminder' to turner and her network - that they had to 'get it done' by next Wednesday or else 'all was lost'....and M&S were to signal 'that number'.....by their 5 DAY SALE....go figure.
....and so I will take 'no action' until after Wednesday....about anything at all...that might put me into danger....I will not visit M&S...unless I really have a craving for those 'rhubarb and custard' sweets....but that is all that I will ever buy from that store, ever again - until my money is repaid....you see they are just like MORRISON....it is loathsome but there you go....internal fraud is something that they will NOT investigate...and the customer always suffers, as a consequence.
the irony is, of course...that in this case...it is not 'internal fraud'...it is a case of scarlett's gang...'one of his really stupid golems' working for that CLACTON branch of M&S..."it's all right - you can say her name now" replies the CID desk...really? okay 'Janice' - who had worked hand in hand with her 'twin' at the store - but I would guess that everybody had worked that one out...by now.
oh and I might add...that 'janice' had been given instruction to program her 'twin' with the following...."I am JANIS THE TWO-HEADED GOD who is in control of you"....scarlett liked to hire really stupid people to do his 'main business'....see previous notes upon ingabot and RH..."they don't cause problems....they just do it...."
ingabot was a severe 'learning disability case' as a child...RH was a 'low IQ' violent 'behavioural problems' child....they were then groomed by scarlett and his network to become addicted to A class drugs...to then become drug pushers...crates of 'whatever' through - wherever they were living...in their twenties, thirties....and then ingabot met weale.....who was doing 'more' in terms of that illegal profession than she had ever done in her life...go figure. After meeting weale for the first time, in manningtree and with my father...later on and in the presence of my mother - they were both to ask me if the 'engagement' was a 'good thing'? what could I say? except that "they suit each other"...see previous notes upon weale, his background and 'make-up'.
....but it is not right, is it? any of it - in relation to ingabot and RH....the former with 'extremely severe' learning disabilities from birth....the latter with....well 'zero IQ and from brainy parents'....
they didn't deserve to be groomed...conditioned by scarlett...to become 'major drug-pushers/peddlars/smugglers' did they?