Sunday, 31 May 2015

oh and I can now see where I had got my 'inspiration' from, let us relation to scarlett's an 'alien' - or wearing those silly 'antennae' at any rate:

remember McDonald and mark r's hilarious performance of "i'll survive" at that 'south of france' Templar castle event?
"'re BACH from outer space..."
mark r had just appeared 'in the spotlight' with those silly antennae on....go figure.
anyway, it is amazing how the subconscious mind works...because I can now make connections which I hadn't been able to do, before...for example 'in lilac'...'eliza manningham buller as tv - you trance out before her'....rimington under malvolio/scarlett's control, in the background...stuff like that...oh and the yellow - signifying a falsehood...relating to 'love and marriage'...malvolio and the yellow tights in TWELFTH NIGHT or WHAT YOU WILL...and those deadly mushrooms and the drugging...along with a 'quasi-mod-o' hunchback effect...
"our networks were screwed" replies BI ONLINE...signified by Tomlinson's hub chip?

no, I can't find the image again...anyway, I was to find this, instead:

...found in Norway? well it kind of makes sense, doesn't it? anyway, OSWALD is a name that is normally associated with OWLS and not RABBITS but there you go:
the first Obama had said that he was 'black rabbit' - see previous notes...but now there is even a question mark, over 'that one' isn't there?
wait a minute...I have found another version...but this time 'only a head' and not the 'seated figure' - the background is in turquoise - go figure...anyway, I know what was going on now...'curly black hair'...a flash of lilac - usually associated with keyrings....and 'Claudine in control'....following instructions from whoever - she is the TV, you see:


back to the 60s in Blackheath...I can remember one morning, at 'little colin's house' along with his mother...gill and I were already dressed, in the living room...'little colin' however, was not...and what was he up to? in his mother's own his father (Richard harris) poked his head around the door..."my son thinks that..." and something along the lines of 'his interpretation of get dressed is to stand naked, in front of the tv with one sock on'....

harris was to laugh so much...that he was to get a cartoonist to 'draw the whole thing' - he then had it framed and put it up on the wall, of that living room...go figure (a light lilac background and an oldfashioned Victorian/georgian lady, with black curly hair, seated - all in thick black line - with the accompanying text)....I was to see that cartoon yesterday...on a google images search but it has since disappeared...anyway, I only mention it in passing because having put colin Farrell into a very young child alter (about 5 years old) to perform in that 'sex tape'...marr was to ask him "why have you still got one sock on?" impatiently....the power of TV eh? upon very young children...that 'trance-like effect'...


...apart from that, gill...I was to remember the following in relation to a battle over the future script - different entries appearing all over the place......something around...

for example, you were to write:

mer = sea
C cure 'e'

for scarlett to counteract with:


...and so it went on...until we got to:

merc - merkel

merk-you're 'e'

oh and at the time...scarlett was aware that he was being set-up to play 'malvolio' in an AS YOU LIKE

...and you wonder why I began to talk about letting the 'alien party' into politics...get them into the public eye - with full public exposure under the media spotlight....because there is character called 'aliena' in AS YOU LIKE IT....'aliena' is the daughter of the duke of Frederick....and her real name is 'celia'.

did anybody 'have a go' with the name 'celia'?

SEE LEAR for example?

let us begin this Monday morning with a bit of 'shakespeare':

....what could go wrong?

.....perhaps it was the wigs?
TWELTH NIGHT  - or 'WHAT YOU WILL'....remember scarlett and his obsession with playing aleister Crowley?...the 'do as thou wilt - that is the law' crowd....

remember MI5 blonde? the one who 'woke up' out of a trance?

...and from 'WHAT YOU WILL' to AS YOU LIKE IT....and there, we have PHEBE (phoebe is an FBI reference) along with her shepherd SILVIUS:

and the numbers below are: 29402 502 7582 8 and 5027582

can you 'wig it'?

and it's those lines again but this time 'sideways'...what can I say - but that it might seem a bit far-fetched to say that this true detective episode might somehow relate to those young people...waiting to be picked up  by Janice, as far as I can recall...under that Clacton pillar...but stranger things have happened...and so I am leaving this one, wide open....

ballykissangel...bizarre murder...priest...ferry...Ireland...who knows eh?

...anyway, I knew 'not' to take a photo of that group of young people, standing under that pillar...I was to turn around on the beach and take shots of the was quite a blustery day and the sea was quite rough, for Clacton....I then turned back to face the seafront and took a photo of the bins and mural - to the left of where those young people were standing...I knew that they were watching me and would take action if I directly took a shot of from today:

anyway, not having a photo to hand and I cannot be bothered to look through my 'photos on dvd'...this image found on a google search for Clacton seafront...will give you an idea of the 'pillar' that they were standing under, at the time...

and it's that 'look on the M&S model's face' - see previous notes...and then..."a theremin desk" replies MI5 ONLINE...oh I those young people were up to 'something else' then?

waiting to be taken off to 'fairyland' - having been given a 'callback' signal?

oh and then there was 'timeslip'...another of gill's favourites:

oh I know what this is all about now...a 'young gill type' arriving on the seafront by bike, this morning...just as I had turned right, before the pier to walk along the seafront....some young women were waiting for him...under the concrete pillars which hold up that seaside café building....pillars that scarlett was to 'match up' to this clip:

so whatever that group of young people were up to...they were 'at the wrong end of time'...Janice had known what 'that one' was all about...anyway, I was to figure that they were either pushing drugs or waiting for their 'man'...etc etc...I didn't wait to find out...

oh and I think that I've got the clip that I was looking for now...ACE OF WANDS and 'the power of atep'...a david Rockefeller type...a priestly figure seated at a séance table....and those 'dials'...see previous notes upon scarlett and his dials....and dog alters....

....and the young woman who breaks out of the trance....I can remember gill realising what 'that one' was all about "it wasn't you" and so who was it?...he was probably referring to the MI5 blonde on a drama course, at dartington...see previous notes...
the video below mentions 'the night of the living dummy'...and I can remember 'little colin' advising gill and I, to watch it...I wonder why?

anyway, the above was to remind me of a british tv series that had got banned in the 70s...mainly because it had given just about every child who had watched it...extreme nightmares...

the NSA banned furbies? well that sounds rather sensible to me...see previous notes:

...the UFO lobby...what can I say? the blurred line between 'alien abduction' and intelligence agencies etc etc...perhaps somebody should create an 'alien political party' and invite those 'extra-terrestrials' to join it....

another reminder of that heatwave that is supposed to hit Britain soon....I wonder if it will bring thunderstorms along with it...having had a cursory look at the front cover of VIZ and what appears to be a 'townhall' being struck by lightning....see previous notes upon the coding out of VIZ in relation to 'well, you know what'....
another 'new comment' and link:

....let me see...Logitech this all about 'sound' as a theme, today?

...the changing face of MY3 frontpage today:


I was to buy two new dvds from the 'british heart foundation shop' on the high street today....I must have been a bit absent-minded because I was to hand over a £10 note thinking that it was £5 and therefore not expect change...additionally the till assistant must have been new because she was having problems working that 'new type of till' which most of the charity/support shops now have...even the CRUK shop has got rid of that old 'tank of a machine' and scanner....see previous notes.

anyway, I was to choose those two dvds because HARLEQUIN was to remind me of 'toddy' and that reproduction of a Picasso 'harlequin' in a 2 st austell road...he used to say "that's me"....secondly CHINA ROSE...well that dvd still has the cellophane on was a reminder of david Rockefeller and mark r in china...see previous notes upon paul merton interviewing him...a splitting image of mark had to have been had he 'got lost' in china...well, far as I know - he was attempting to run the HOLLIDAY camp from behind....

what is meant by 'empty case' because there is definitely the right dvd inside of the box....


...what else? I was to ask donna about that M&S 'scam'.....she was to tell me that you could get the citizen's advice bureau to send somebody along - to demand that M&S show their CCTV - in order to clear up my complaint about M&S taking money from my account, illegally.

...and yes, I am sure that in 'normal circumstances' that would  be the right advice....but in the circumstances that I am facing....within a 13th one ill cult can be sure that every one of scarlet's GOLEMS will be in protect his 'banking classes' and 'jooish companies' (those like M&S as well as MORRISON)....the joos and the banking classes, eh? relation to their 'ill cult scams'....and from every single walk of life....from the local HSBC bank, to the local citizen's advice bureau and 'the law' in relation to police and the lawyers...I know what scarlett is 'like'....and I know what his golems are like....

...and so no, I won't be doing that...I have to trust relation to having 'seen it all before' whilst remoteviewing the take precautions and especial care, to cover myself - every step of the way, within the future....

and what was my main mission? well, I simply had to expose what the ill are like...I did not necessarily have to 'bend them to my will' - by using the 'future scripts/frequency control networks' that I had access to, so many years ago now....because that would be 'missing the point'...and the point was exposing them, for what they ordinary people....and God help me, I wasn't 'ordinary' after what I have been through...see previous notes.

....oh and I forgot to mention...the whole 'mercurial thing'.....about temperatures rising on Wednesday - to about 82 degrees, in the UK....well, that is the day that scarlett's golems 'give up the ghost'...having not managed to reboot his ill cult uber -systems program....

....and so I guess that 'temperatures will be rising' upon that day - and for so many reasons, which will all be about...."red-face day?" replies MI5 ONLINE....something like that I suppose...but I have no real idea....all I know is that scarlett and his satanic minions 'conk out' on that day....maybe the 'weather girls and boys' will have had something to do with it? "the main score" replies ROYAL SERVICES you are now 'on board' too?

M&S were to add a 'reminder' to turner and her network - that they had to 'get it done' by next Wednesday or else 'all was lost'....and M&S were to signal 'that number' their 5 DAY SALE....go figure.

....and so I will take 'no action' until after Wednesday....about anything at all...that might put me into danger....I will not visit M&S...unless I really have a craving for those 'rhubarb and custard' sweets....but that is all that I will ever buy from that store, ever again - until my money is see they are just like is loathsome but there you go....internal fraud is something that they will NOT investigate...and the customer always suffers, as a consequence.

the irony is, of course...that in this is not 'internal fraud' is a case of scarlett's gang...'one of his really stupid golems' working for that CLACTON branch of M&S..."it's all right - you can say her name now" replies the CID desk...really? okay 'Janice' - who had worked hand in hand with her 'twin' at the store - but I would guess that everybody had worked that one now.

oh and I might add...that 'janice' had been given instruction to program her 'twin' with the following...."I am JANIS THE TWO-HEADED GOD who is in control of you"....scarlett liked to hire really stupid people to do his 'main business'....see previous notes upon ingabot and RH..."they don't cause problems....they just do it...."

ingabot was a severe 'learning disability case' as a child...RH was a 'low IQ' violent 'behavioural problems' child....they were then groomed by scarlett and his network to become addicted to A class then become drug pushers...crates of 'whatever' through - wherever they were their twenties, thirties....and then ingabot met weale.....who was doing 'more' in terms of that illegal profession than she had ever done in her life...go figure. After meeting weale for the first time, in manningtree and with my father...later on and in the presence of my mother - they were both to ask me if the 'engagement' was a 'good thing'? what could I say? except that "they suit each other"...see previous notes upon weale, his background and 'make-up'.

....but it is not right, is it? any of it - in relation to ingabot and RH....the former with 'extremely severe' learning disabilities from birth....the latter with....well 'zero IQ and from brainy parents'....

they didn't deserve to be groomed...conditioned by become 'major drug-pushers/peddlars/smugglers' did they?

I was to stop and have a chat with donna outside of magnet house today...the first thing that she was to tell me...was that the local irish catholic priest had home....apparently 'the way that he had wanted to go'...really? reminds me of a certain film on dvd, that I was to watch recently...see previous notes.

secondly I can remember scarlet looking at the case, of another irish catholic priest who had died in the UK....and saying something around "we can use that to"....

well, donna was to tell me that the irish priest would be 'shipped' back to Ireland, in order to be buried there...."so they recall you even after death?" I was to quip and then add quickly "God rest his soul...." and then tentatively "is it tradition then? did he want to be buried in Ireland - was it his last wish?"

donna didn't reply to any of those questions...she just beamed at me.

...was she trying to tell me 'something else' - and if so what...shipping and cargo....and - oh I don't know...but my main suspicion - which is probably entirely that scarlet might have laid plans to 'put something else into the coffin'....but how could that be so? surely 'those at the other end' would discover his 'ruse'....

ingabot working on 'biblography'...come again? she hadn't even remembered to add one to her supposed MA in pure linguistics at London university...see previous notes upon my reading it...realising that it wouldn't pass a 'media studies O' level'...the subject was 'advertising' and therefore, I was to give her enough ideas to 'get her going on the subject'...she took notes and promptly typed it all up  - into her then slap on 5 books as a 'bibliography'...and after printing it all off...I was to note that there wasn't a 'full stop' at the end of her dissertation...and that she had ignored my advice to put in a conclusion - what would her tutors/academic staff think?..."they'll pass it" she said roughly...and so they did......all I could do was wonder at the woefully lacking standards at London comparison to warwick.

so how come ingabot's name has ended up upon this list?

...true - ingabot and ed had once worked as 'strings' for the OED and upon a £5 per-new-word relation to 'research done' in London pubs and clubs.....see previous notes upon them making up names and getting together a 'ring' to cross-check and vouch for each other's made-up that they could claim the £5-a-new-word....

so what am I getting at here?

chris monaghan...I remember him - his name is on the above OED list....go figure:

...anyway, I can remember quasi-collie putting this OED list together...a memory aid as to who had been recruited to do 'you know what'...and yes, there is even a joke reference to a 'Katherine weale'...go figure...this was all before ingabot had actually met mike weale....

Saturday, 30 May 2015 that's what it's that what the marines were tracking, yesterday?:

....and then there's PLUTO :
let me try and remember...weren't you supposed to be CHARON, gill?
let me see...that ZORK game...where you have to pay zorkmids to take the skeleton ferry ride over to hell....what did green tower think about that then? oh I remember...something around the 3 monkeys being the three-headed dog which guards the gates of who had been the ferryman? toddy probably, I suppose....
oh and this was on the 'timer system' too...another 'colin farrell' movie that I have not seen:
...and I can remember Tanya saying "that's me" in relation to 'daredevil motorcycle assassination'...go figure...

and watch out for anybody with one of those 'slides' that you put under a microscope, in their pocket...apparently a trigger to make alters 'slide'...a command to switch alter, apparently....
oh and bizarrely enough......I have a hunch that the following related to THE PENCIL book:
a syringe....not to mention a young girl...who appears to be 'mainlining' that rainbow drug...upon the back of the book...I remember now - that is what scarlett had been hoping to do to myself....