...and you might like to know that the beautiful and intelligent jooish student whom you dated at 6th form for a short while - was a very 'good friend' of MARTIN GILL's...go on figure it out...we knew that you didn't much of a brain and would fall for it...you used to make her SKIN CRAWL.
Yes, she had agreed to get you to fall in love with her - to then kick you in the balls and dump you - which is essentially what happened - isn't it?
Monday, 31 January 2011
The ill hoped that I would be cross-eyed by now but I am not - still 20/20 vision. My father had even told my mother that he thought one of my eyes was 'turning in like my grandmother' after I had sent her my last photo of myself - it quite obviously isn't but he had EXPECTED it to be...the doctors all figured that I would lose sight in my left eye during this 13TH ONE ill cult game but I haven't all - no changes in vision.
Anyway, HEIDI the OPOSSUM was put up by MARK R and CO...no real idea why because this isn't about me...however, we all watched it in the CIA lab...SO i would guess this is more about BEATTY judging by the comment below:
she is beatiful! get that in your brain ! :D
iwytfmahayc 2 weeks ago iwytfmahayc 2 weeks ago
Anyway, my mother asked for a photo of me, at Christmas and so I took one with my Canon camera...she then reported what my father had said. A ludicrous thing to say because both of my eyes are looking to the right and quite obviously...my mother thought the same - what was my father going on about? I pointed out that my right eye has always been larger than my left eye as an adult - but I am uncertain as to why - that wasn't the case as a child. My mother asked me what I could see, in relation to distances...and ascertained that nothing was wrong with my eyes - either of them - whatsoever. The only member of the family not to have to wear glasses.
However, one thing that I have noticed is that when using binoculars, I tend to tune them to my LEFT EYE and not the RIGHT EYE...and when using a magnifying glass, looking at things close up - I am aware that I am using my LEFT eye more than my right...and when looking at things in the far distance...I tend to use my RIGHT eye as the dominant one...and I know this is related to ill cult 'abilities'/programming.
Anyway, HEIDI the OPOSSUM was put up by MARK R and CO...no real idea why because this isn't about me...however, we all watched it in the CIA lab...SO i would guess this is more about BEATTY judging by the comment below:
she is beatiful! get that in your brain ! :D
iwytfmahayc 2 weeks ago iwytfmahayc 2 weeks ago
Anyway, my mother asked for a photo of me, at Christmas and so I took one with my Canon camera...she then reported what my father had said. A ludicrous thing to say because both of my eyes are looking to the right and quite obviously...my mother thought the same - what was my father going on about? I pointed out that my right eye has always been larger than my left eye as an adult - but I am uncertain as to why - that wasn't the case as a child. My mother asked me what I could see, in relation to distances...and ascertained that nothing was wrong with my eyes - either of them - whatsoever. The only member of the family not to have to wear glasses.
However, one thing that I have noticed is that when using binoculars, I tend to tune them to my LEFT EYE and not the RIGHT EYE...and when using a magnifying glass, looking at things close up - I am aware that I am using my LEFT eye more than my right...and when looking at things in the far distance...I tend to use my RIGHT eye as the dominant one...and I know this is related to ill cult 'abilities'/programming.
Yes, DAVID BOWIE's work - he showed ROZ and myself the above in the CIA LAB...we laughed...very funny...but did I get the right meaning?
Are we talking about the leaves of the trees and the pages of the TALMUDDY book?
The LEAVES who appear to be rather malignant...the LEAVES that we decide to get rid of...and then chop the DRUID cult down, just to make sure?
Yes, I can remember - the CHINA on the bridge:
KACHINA got broken...a reference to the 'wider reprecussionr of things'...that I saw in 'flashback' last night...see HOWARD RATCLIFFE's project darkbook for details upon the anti-christ.
Broken CHINA on the bridge yesterday and the day before...yes I can remember everything DAVID MILIBAND and I am warning you...I can keep a secret but only as long as it suits the SOE purpose...if anybody attempts to double-cross me, you have all been warned.
The only friend that HENRY ever had in his entire life was MARTINE...I have attracted the most evil people in the world around me and for most of my life...look at BROWNE and STENSON early on, for example...not to mention MARK R etc etc...and I have been betrayed again and again...so no, 'trust' isn't one of my virtues at this point in time...particularly NOT when as TODDY says 'the whole point of this 13TH ONE ill cult game was that everybody would be played against me'...so there you go...
...and just in case anybody is being willfully obtuse...MARTINE and HENRY arranged things to happen...and then they played out...a few clues...the SIM CARD (which had to be disposed of to 'protect the innocent') and the wooden planks and nails...yes, I KNOW...
...and interesting still from that video upon MR ICKE's site today:

For the record, the Scottish wife (a GP by profession) didn't contact the police about STENSON because she figured that he was 'too powerful' - she was under intimidation. It was the 'same old story'...she came home early one day...found him in the living room with the kids etc etc.
It gets murkier...the networks are now telling me that STENSON murdered her...well, that is certainly a good enough reason to say that this man has to be dealt with and soon...but I get the feeling that this is all old news...and that the case has already been 'dealt with'.
For the record, the Scottish wife (a GP by profession) didn't contact the police about STENSON because she figured that he was 'too powerful' - she was under intimidation. It was the 'same old story'...she came home early one day...found him in the living room with the kids etc etc.
It gets murkier...the networks are now telling me that STENSON murdered her...well, that is certainly a good enough reason to say that this man has to be dealt with and soon...but I get the feeling that this is all old news...and that the case has already been 'dealt with'.
Yes I can remember now - STENSON sexually abused his children - his wife left him, taking the children with her…the CIA used to say that if a man could abuse his own children, then he was worthless and could be easily run as a mind control slave…STENSON was that type of guy…look at DR MENGELE as an interesting example, he abused other people’s kids but not his own.
The same could be said about my own father but at least he tried to be a member of the rebel group…in relation to COLETTE and the rogue ROTHSCHILD…until he got ‘closed down’. STENSON never even tried - the thought had never even entered his head until ‘forcibly put there’ by US intelligence.
Anyway, STENSON was given an ultimatum - your family will go free and you can buy time - your own life - if you act as a snitch upon the top ill in the medical profession. STENSON was particularly good at it - we got all of the information that we required. His family were freed from ill cult slavery but we hadn’t finished with STENSON…yes, that evil little mouse figured that he was now ‘one of us’ in the way that BROWNE and STENSON had made me feel a part of cruelty corner - guess what happened next?
A WATERFALL image appeared after I had posted the last few posts…but now we are back to the OWL again…so anything more that I should add to the above?
STENSON was the most evil little mouse you could imagine…no morality at all…and a card-carrying member of every sick ’secret society’ in Edinburgh…you can imagine the sort of information that he supplied to us…all good fun eh STENSON?
…and yes, he wasn’t Scottish - born in the UK. STENSON had been widely hated at his Scottish school - and beaten up a lot…until he managed to get the upper hand via the ill cult and to ‘punish’ those who had hated him (for very good reasons). No STENSON never liked the Scots - a viper to your bosom.
…and now we are back to the WATERFALL image again…I guess that is all I need to say about STENSON and the MOLECH cult.
The same could be said about my own father but at least he tried to be a member of the rebel group…in relation to COLETTE and the rogue ROTHSCHILD…until he got ‘closed down’. STENSON never even tried - the thought had never even entered his head until ‘forcibly put there’ by US intelligence.
Anyway, STENSON was given an ultimatum - your family will go free and you can buy time - your own life - if you act as a snitch upon the top ill in the medical profession. STENSON was particularly good at it - we got all of the information that we required. His family were freed from ill cult slavery but we hadn’t finished with STENSON…yes, that evil little mouse figured that he was now ‘one of us’ in the way that BROWNE and STENSON had made me feel a part of cruelty corner - guess what happened next?
A WATERFALL image appeared after I had posted the last few posts…but now we are back to the OWL again…so anything more that I should add to the above?
STENSON was the most evil little mouse you could imagine…no morality at all…and a card-carrying member of every sick ’secret society’ in Edinburgh…you can imagine the sort of information that he supplied to us…all good fun eh STENSON?
…and yes, he wasn’t Scottish - born in the UK. STENSON had been widely hated at his Scottish school - and beaten up a lot…until he managed to get the upper hand via the ill cult and to ‘punish’ those who had hated him (for very good reasons). No STENSON never liked the Scots - a viper to your bosom.
…and now we are back to the WATERFALL image again…I guess that is all I need to say about STENSON and the MOLECH cult.
An odd video...yes, I agree with it in part...but more complicated than that...the original ZIONISTS were UK based...get your history right...the 'israeli generals' that went out of control are now paramilitary and they have a stronghold in the BALKANS (centre of the world, to the ill cult - ASTANE being their capital city - the Satanist's RA CULT paradise)...MI6 is responsible for the horror of mind control programming in PALESTINE...and the subsequent 'terrorist acts'...the ISRAELI paramilitary were responsible for programming MUSLIM terrorists to 'do BESLAN' and so on...you see how mind control slavery is invariably used to 'blame the next person'?
who is the 'rat of note' featured in the above video?
MI6 care to identify this person?
Hilarious and who might this be, judging by what we have covered - earlier this morning? Perhaps it is important to say whose house it was...who had been able to buy such an expensive house because he had been so ill, so evil and to children...and then we can 'name the boyfriend' eh? The one 'in the mirror'.
Lesson number 2: don't let your HH boyfriend take the photo for you - after you have drunk too much - spot the drinks trolley - yes, alcoholism is never an attractive vice - particularly not 'on the job' in the medical profession.
Good times.
I am laughing again.
Love and kisses
HEWLETT committed suicide after his wife had found his black, gay male hardcore porn, behind the freezer in their utitities room.
SEV died in the 'valley of death' - see previous notes.
BROWNE and her mother were 'dealt' with in a Bahrain gaol.
You see how it really doesn't pay to be a member of the ill cult?
SEV died in the 'valley of death' - see previous notes.
BROWNE and her mother were 'dealt' with in a Bahrain gaol.
You see how it really doesn't pay to be a member of the ill cult?
If you want to know what BEN STENSON looks like - here he is - and no, he should NEVER have been allowed near children.
Yes, I can remember now...tidying up the last threads...STENSON should have been struck off and 'dealt with' years ago - but he bought himself as 'deal' with the ARMY - ratting on all of his ill cult friends and colleagues...so he bought himself some 'time'.
So if you ill MEDICS want to know who shopped you and why - look no further than the biggest evil mouse of the lot - STENSON.
Yes, he knew that the ill cult reign of power was finished - so he screwed the lot of you.
HELEN RODWAY had given me the clue - she had told me that her first baby had had this syndrome (she explained it to me as this ' the baby inhales its own shit'):
Management of meconium aspiration syndrome
References and further reading may be available for this article. To view references and further reading you must purchase this article.
Benjamin J. Stensona, b and Allan D. Jacksona, b
I wonder what is going to happen to STENSON - in view of what happened to BROWNE?
if it hasn't happened already.
If you want to know what BEN STENSON looks like - here he is - and no, he should NEVER have been allowed near children.
Yes, I can remember now...tidying up the last threads...STENSON should have been struck off and 'dealt with' years ago - but he bought himself as 'deal' with the ARMY - ratting on all of his ill cult friends and colleagues...so he bought himself some 'time'.
So if you ill MEDICS want to know who shopped you and why - look no further than the biggest evil mouse of the lot - STENSON.
Yes, he knew that the ill cult reign of power was finished - so he screwed the lot of you.
HELEN RODWAY had given me the clue - she had told me that her first baby had had this syndrome (she explained it to me as this ' the baby inhales its own shit'):
Management of meconium aspiration syndrome
References and further reading may be available for this article. To view references and further reading you must purchase this article.
Benjamin J. Stensona, b and Allan D. Jacksona, b
I wonder what is going to happen to STENSON - in view of what happened to BROWNE?
if it hasn't happened already.
It is funny in a way but one can see that a for a lot of the time...even when the ill were completely in control of this country...that the sickest little mice tended to suffer, far more than the rest of us...their evil always rebounded upon themselves and in terrible ways...a sort of 'natural law' going on there.
Funny how I was thinking about UNCLE BOB the other day and how he used to drive around Cambridge, despite being blind in one eye...and how dangerous my mother thought that one was...he would have got his license at a time - in wartime or just after...(like UNCLE BOBBIE see previous notes)...and he wouldn't have had to pass a test...the driving test was introduced later on.
Funny how my mother started talking about how renewed driving tests for Senior citizens weren't desirable...and talked about a TV program which had gone on about what nonsense it was...well, it wasn't was it?
Funny how my mother started talking about how renewed driving tests for Senior citizens weren't desirable...and talked about a TV program which had gone on about what nonsense it was...well, it wasn't was it?
Yesterday, I was cycling down ELLIS ROAD in my large ORANGE puffer jacket...when I saw an old man in a GREY TWEED CAP in an expensive GREEN car...he was waiting to cross the crossroads from the left...but he wasn't looking right at all...and I knew that he hadn't seen me...and that he would pull out in front of me...
Curiously enough a support POLICE person was walking up the road and watching the scene...and an AMBULANCE was waiting upon the other side of the crossroads...
As I got closer to the GREEN CAR I slowed down and then had to stop as he pulled out in front of me...I had to stop in the middle of the crossroads...the POLICE woman took a photo of this mad fool in his car...she whipped her mobile phone out...as I watched him narrowly avoid hitting the ambulance upon the other side of the crossroads...the old man looked like PRINCE PHILIP...
...and that is when I knew that this 13TH ONE ill cult game was at an end...this had been the PRINCE PHILIP stand-in...in his GREEN car...
...and then I remembered what the SAS had done...to really clinch the end of the Satanic power of the ill in this country.
Curiously enough a support POLICE person was walking up the road and watching the scene...and an AMBULANCE was waiting upon the other side of the crossroads...
As I got closer to the GREEN CAR I slowed down and then had to stop as he pulled out in front of me...I had to stop in the middle of the crossroads...the POLICE woman took a photo of this mad fool in his car...she whipped her mobile phone out...as I watched him narrowly avoid hitting the ambulance upon the other side of the crossroads...the old man looked like PRINCE PHILIP...
...and that is when I knew that this 13TH ONE ill cult game was at an end...this had been the PRINCE PHILIP stand-in...in his GREEN car...
...and then I remembered what the SAS had done...to really clinch the end of the Satanic power of the ill in this country.
Yes, I know why OWLS are the emblem of today...that would be regarding my parents...I woke up this morning, having remembered a few more things but mainly about abuse as a zygote slave...my mother and her payments for her 'involvement' - her buying of designer clothes at the weekend...
The extreme abuse of myself until recently - for example, telling me that they would give me the inhabitable 'flat' at their chateau to live in, with no means of support (they didn't even give me that)...then telling me late 2001 that I could live in the chateau if I would be the housekeeper/gardener whilst they were away...this meant giving up my bedsit (housing benefit) in Ipswich but it was such a depressive existence - how could i refuse? My mother then went for my throat - one time she arrived at the chateau, telling me for no apparent reason that I couldn't live there anymore...I 'knew' that somebody was running her, behind her eyes and assumed it to be RIMINGTON...I told her that surely she knew that would mean that I would be homeless and in France? She screamed abuse at me then left...I left for CHINA shortly afterwards...to more abuse etc etc...see previous notes. MCDONALD once turned up at the chateau to collect me for a 'job' and politely told my father that 'sir, we will look after her' - as if my father cared, he was just waiting for the next paycheck from 'intelligence'.
Anyway, I then flashbacked to BROWNE,STENSON,HEWLETT,SEVERALLS trying to sell me as a WHORE to MARTIN GILL who refused...apparently the price that they were asking was too high...this was early on back at 6th form college...yes, those evil pigs had 'bought' me to run me as a sex slave for CRUELTY CORNER...the things you learn, later on - after remote-viewing...
They then took me to a pub in the countryside to meet their friend 'Dave' who shouted at me, when I said something around the table to shut up because WHORES weren't allowed to speak...I nearly burst into tears...the others looked uncomfortable...and began to awkwardly explain that it was just Dave's sense of humour...
None of the above people are alive today...at 18 years old - RIMINGTON put dog's faeces up HELEN BROWNE's vagina, into her womb...and she had to have the lot out because of infection...that is the sort of thing that happened to evil little mice...RIMINGTON got GILL and myself in, to watch as she did it (we hadn't asked for it to happen and we weren't behind it - the networks were, at large)...obviously RIMINGTON had also got sick of HELEN BROWNE...who hadn't?...BROWNE the most hated person at 6th form college...what the rest of them didn't know was that SEV was as bad as the rest of them...and STENSON was the sickest dog out...
in fact, in his strange way 'Dave' had outed what these despicable animals had been doing to me...if only I had had eyes to see it, at the time. Pretending to be my friends, knowing that I thought that I was virgin and was terrified of 'boys'...whilst trying to make money off my back - pimping me out as a whore. In fact, they didn't manage to pimp me out at all - all they managed to do was to sicken the rest of the college. They deserved it all - every one of them. Yes, I am angry again this morning...but that is mitigated by what I found out in relation to the SAS.
Last night I remembered an ingenious plan - thought up by the 'children' MARTINE and HENRY along with the SAS...and as far as I know it worked. Brilliantly.
I cannot talk about it - this is real SOE stuff - unless they give me a signal to do so which seems, highly unlikely and anyway, I for one will not be talking about it - others can do if they want to do so in let us say 50 years from now...I saw the future upon it - nobody ever finds out - or even if they do - they will think that nothing suspect had gone on...ingenious.
It was so funny, brilliantly executed...a very complicated operation which worked like a dream.
I cannot talk about it - this is real SOE stuff - unless they give me a signal to do so which seems, highly unlikely and anyway, I for one will not be talking about it - others can do if they want to do so in let us say 50 years from now...I saw the future upon it - nobody ever finds out - or even if they do - they will think that nothing suspect had gone on...ingenious.
It was so funny, brilliantly executed...a very complicated operation which worked like a dream.
GILL says that he invented the 'snail trail' RADAR technology.
I wouldn't be surprised...but a alot of what he did was hidden to me...at the time...the technological mastery of the engineering was down to MCDONALD and SC...I 'saw' MCDONALD putting it to scientists and engineers...once he had a definite format, pattern, possible blueprints, to work with...very rough sketches at first...which had to be modified and modified...I had to look at 'energy flows' within circuits...until they finally got it...
...however, you cannot claim that the rest of the CIA LAB was 'incidental' can you?
For example, during one 'mapping session' in the CIA LAB...ROZ just sat back in her chair and said "it's obvious...." and she was quite right...a vital link upon the circuitry board that hadn't been put in place...
I wouldn't be surprised...but a alot of what he did was hidden to me...at the time...the technological mastery of the engineering was down to MCDONALD and SC...I 'saw' MCDONALD putting it to scientists and engineers...once he had a definite format, pattern, possible blueprints, to work with...very rough sketches at first...which had to be modified and modified...I had to look at 'energy flows' within circuits...until they finally got it...
...however, you cannot claim that the rest of the CIA LAB was 'incidental' can you?
For example, during one 'mapping session' in the CIA LAB...ROZ just sat back in her chair and said "it's obvious...." and she was quite right...a vital link upon the circuitry board that hadn't been put in place...
Somebody handed me a Nefertiti ‘beauty services’ flyer this morning…coded?
I would guess so…it brings up so many things:
NEFERTITI programming ( as well as all other associated programming at the TEMPLAR CASTLE e.g. sons of PHAROAH aka PRINCE PHILIP as in TUTANKHAMEN (all templars became ‘tutankhamens‘ ‘two tank car men‘…’king tut’ of the RA CULT…and SPHINX programming ie. RIMINGTON half-buried in the sand pit and so on)…
PAT ANDREW with her sphinx-like eye make-up…
…not to mention their HAIRDRESSING/BEAUTY SALON at the TEMPLAR CASTLE and I would guess that this is all about beatty rather than beauty…
That leads me to a very ‘strange affair’ that COLETTE’s group had set up…for me to view in the future…
This is what happened (but let me set the context first):
I was in M&S in Solihull…either teens or twenties…difficult to say…
SUE WHALLEY had once told me about how she ‘borrowed clothes for the weekend’ to get a refund on the Monday…a practice that the PRINCE OF MONACO wasn’t keen on, he had hoped that people would be fond enough of the clothes to keep them, anyway, that is beside the by…
I wasn’t doing that…I was returning something that didn’t fit…standing in a long queue, at the back of the first floor…(maybe a lot of women had cottoned on to SUE’s idea)…
In fact, even weirder…I seem to remember that during my teens…there weren’t even changing rooms at M&S in Solihull…not on the ground floor, at any rate…where a lot of clothes were on sale…
HELEN RODWAY used to go in there, pick up a basket like a ‘compulsive shopper’ and simply start throwing clothes into it then when it was full…go to the tills…I stopped her once, commenting that she had put two items in of the same thing into her basket (she had many of the ‘same thing’ at home) and that the two items she had put into her basket - one was a size 8 and the other a size 14...and I wasn’t sure if either would fit her properly…
I noted to her boyfriend later on, that she was breathing heavily…glassy-eyed, at the time…as if a panic button had been pressed…and he agreed…that is what happened to HELEN around shops, he had seen it too…no wonder she had run up massive credit card debits in her teenage years…and now I know the reason why - DEBT.
The most unruly, strong characters…who had stood up to the ill cult…were then made to bow down to them through DEBT at the BANKS…and in HELEN’s case it was ‘just about every bank in Solihull’ including a whole slew of ’shop’ cards…all baying for interest and threatening to take her to court, (with the threat of jail etc)…because she had used the ‘free money’ given to you in relation to ‘overdrafts’, loans, credit in every possible form.
HELEN paid off the £1000s of pounds that she owed from those ’mad teenage years’ but let us put it this way:
…a few years of ‘mind control programmed compulsive buying’ in her teenage years, meant that she had to pay at least 10 times the amount back, - over the years which were to turn into DECADES. In fact, in 1998 - she had even worked out the sum total - of how much she had ‘overpaid’ the original debt and it was horrifying.
This was how the ill cult ‘did’ those like HELEN in…and from the 1980s onwards…
She couldn’t help herself in that M&S store and I knew it…she wasn’t even ‘looking’ at what she was throwing into her basket…she looked panicked and terrified…at least you were spared the ‘drug addiction’ HELEN…that is all I can say…HEROIN addicts had it bad…those addicted to ‘human body opiates’ had it the worst…it was a sliding scale of abuse…what could you get a person addicted to and why? How to make them ‘thoroughly ashamed’ of themselves and to feel ‘so much guilt’.
CREDIT CARDS was ‘lite ill cult torture’ in a way…but it was relentless, over the years…it ground people into the ground.
I remember the PRINCES taking a personal interest in HELEN…she was ‘too attractive’ to the opposite sex…so all males in Solihull were told on microchipped tannoy to ignore her…never to ask her out…they did this to so many people…who began to think what was wrong with them…and then when presented with their ‘ill cult mate’ as decided by the powers that be, they accepted readily…grateful to be ‘taken off the shelf’. Luckily she did end up with a ‘good guy’ but one who was too scared to do anything…RIMINGTON used to terrify him into the ground. Some men weren’t scared of her, such as his ‘gay mate’ who hadn’t admitted it and used to give him good advice…this guy hadn’t admitted his sexuality, according to HELEN and MIKE‘s social crowd…until he had shown them a ‘photographic show’ of his photographs around THAILAND to be told by his mates that he was ‘in love’ with and had bedded a young man not a woman…he was outraged…she was a ‘woman’ wasn’t that obvious from the photos…his mates fell about…obviously not. A ‘set-up’ or not? You decide…
I haven’t even got onto COLETTE’s planned ‘event’ yet…although I strongly suspect now, that it wasn’t COLETTE who was involved in this one - it says AMADEUS as in fingerprints, all over it:
I stood in the queue for ages…and eventually an old woman who could hardly walk, looking as if she wasn’t ‘cared for’ at all…made her way to the desk…she pulled out of her old ‘pusher’ one of those long corsets that act as knickers and keep your abdomen in - they go up the body to the chest cave…like bodices…
The till assistant examined it…then told her in front of the entire queue that there was BLOOD on it…in the knicker part and showed her, saying that they couldn‘t accept SOILED GOODS…and that the tag said that it wasn’t M&S…so they couldn’t do a refund…
The SUPERVISOR saw what was going on…the old woman could hardly speak…she simply kept on asking for a refund…
The SUPERVISOR came over and quietly said to the till assistant, words to the effect of ‘give her a refund’…the till assistant did so…and then as the old woman was hobbling off with her stick and ‘pusher’ on wheels…the till assistant asked the SUPERVISOR what she should do with the garment and the supervisor pointed to a bin in a back room, and told her where to put it.
I was deeply surprised by the whole thing…and related it in detail to ED…who was very sympathetic about the whole thing…the old lady was batty….the store representatives had done the right thing…humanity in a shop…an unusual thing. What one would expect of M&S but not other stores…
The old woman had kept on stating that she required £25 for the CORSET….again and again…
…looking back on it now…COLETTE’s group…or AMADEUS had set it all up to mean something, symbolically but what?
I remote-viewed it all…the old woman had found it at the back of one of her cupboards and decided that she wanted to get rid of it…as if it wasn’t even ‘hers’…she didn’t recognise it, upon this side of the mirror but ‘knew’ that it should go back to M&S for some reason…so she had taken it in.
Hence the surreal scene, that I had viewed, in that queue.
MR ICKE has a similar but let us say, less ‘dramatic’ account upon his own website…in his books and in his videoed speeches…of people who ‘cannot and do not care, in authority’…they go by the rulebook and do insane things as a consequence…he cites a woman who wouldn’t let his son, in a queue, use the ‘staff toilet’ because the regulations said that it was only for certain people…even though his young child was dying for a pee…
Yet one can see, that all along…there were people in ‘authority’ who were able to ‘bend the rules’ in relation to doing the HUMANE thing, rather than acting like robots following a rulebook…even though they might have put their jobs on the line for it…or promotion perhaps…. by not precisely following the ‘rulebook’…it all depends upon whether your boss is a NAZI or not - doesn’t it?
As to how you might fare…would the BOSS see what you did as a ‘humane act’ or simply a ‘breaching’ of the petty and arbitrary rule book, even though, it was in order to help somebody who was clearly a ‘vulnerable person’?
If your boss is NAZI…time to change jobs…or that particular ‘regional outfit’…that is all I can say.
I would have done what the till assistant did in those circumstances…stated the rulebook and then asked a superior…you can see why people who are promoted to roles as ‘superiors’ have to have that ‘humanity’ in them…as a vital requisite…in order to ‘bend the rules’ where it is obviously necessary.
Anyway, getting back to BLOOD ON THE ROOFTOPS…I now know what that GENESIS song meant…’blood on the rooftops’ meant blood on your Y FRONTS…or rather the back of them…blood on your knickers and not your period…BLOOD ON THE ROOFTOPS meant ill cult rape…and gang-banging…as children and then throughout your life…in ‘child alters’.
You see the ill cult hung you upside down as children…they taught you to believe that your legs were ‘chimney pots’…and that meant that the ‘rooftops’ were ‘around the genital area’ says TODDY.
The whole upside down HOUSE programming.
DOLL’S HOUSE programming.
A child was made to see their body and their mind as a ‘house’ of many compartments…and children could easily understand that TALMUDDY image, children race around a new house, wanting to find out what every room is about - it is a natural part of growing up…”here is a locked room - where this happened to you - we tortured you into the ground - made you act like this (animal, human character, inanimate object) and made you believe it - we made you PROJECT this to us - we then gave you a code so that we could open this door to that room, later on - we then electrocuted you to take away all conscious memories of the trauma but we knew that given the trigger, from one of us - you would switch into that ‘alter’ as we called it…we then LOCKED the door, so you could never go back there, unless we gave you the ‘trigger‘ to open that locked room - and you then switched into that abused child state in front of your programmers and began to project, through TERROR the projection that they had wanted you to create)…
So the old woman who had discovered…DISH COVERED (HUMPTY DUMPTY -see his ‘rhyme‘)…the bloodied CORSET in the back of one of her wardrobes…and ‘knew’ where to go, knew where to ‘get a refund’ and she got it…
The core of your brain…the CORE of your real self…your real ‘I’…
She wanted her money back after so much abuse throughout her life, as an ill cult slave…and she got it.
Do not forget…the PRINCE OF MONACO was the biological son of COLETTE.
He had loved his ‘real mother’…the one who had brought him up….the one who had cared for him above all others…the PRINCESS OF MONACO…he had loved her with all his heart….and then been told by ill cult programmers that he had ‘murdered her’ by her asking him, to choose a scarf…upon the day of her murder, by the ROCKEFELLERS…and BRITISH ROYALS. It is unforgivable.
She was not to die, in an automobile accident.
Ill cult programmers strangled her - with that very scarf that the small boy had chosen.
The ill had made him feel and think, for most of his life - that he had murdered his mother.
‘As good as’ onlookers were to say…we got witness accounts…from history…those long dead now but even so…a few of the lowest of the low ‘courtiers’ felt sorry for the little boy (plants from the rebel group who were only temporary staff - for a day if that) - those at a distance, the others were all ‘in the know’.
That was his ‘lie-on’.
How did the SOE work in WWII? How did rebels work beforehand? COLETTE had a history of ‘us’…dating back centuries…
As MCDONALD used to say…after so many ‘exploits’…not least GILL and I managing to ‘cut the BEEHIVE from the BOUGH’ which inspired MCDONALD and SC to greater acts of courage…the ROZEMBERK castle for example…
Let us put it this way…past or present…when the SOE is against you…they find a way…
No matter how rich you are…no matter how ‘well-guarded’ your fortress…no matter how deep underground your paramilitary set-up…the SOE find a way…
I would guess so…it brings up so many things:
NEFERTITI programming ( as well as all other associated programming at the TEMPLAR CASTLE e.g. sons of PHAROAH aka PRINCE PHILIP as in TUTANKHAMEN (all templars became ‘tutankhamens‘ ‘two tank car men‘…’king tut’ of the RA CULT…and SPHINX programming ie. RIMINGTON half-buried in the sand pit and so on)…
PAT ANDREW with her sphinx-like eye make-up…
…not to mention their HAIRDRESSING/BEAUTY SALON at the TEMPLAR CASTLE and I would guess that this is all about beatty rather than beauty…
That leads me to a very ‘strange affair’ that COLETTE’s group had set up…for me to view in the future…
This is what happened (but let me set the context first):
I was in M&S in Solihull…either teens or twenties…difficult to say…
SUE WHALLEY had once told me about how she ‘borrowed clothes for the weekend’ to get a refund on the Monday…a practice that the PRINCE OF MONACO wasn’t keen on, he had hoped that people would be fond enough of the clothes to keep them, anyway, that is beside the by…
I wasn’t doing that…I was returning something that didn’t fit…standing in a long queue, at the back of the first floor…(maybe a lot of women had cottoned on to SUE’s idea)…
In fact, even weirder…I seem to remember that during my teens…there weren’t even changing rooms at M&S in Solihull…not on the ground floor, at any rate…where a lot of clothes were on sale…
HELEN RODWAY used to go in there, pick up a basket like a ‘compulsive shopper’ and simply start throwing clothes into it then when it was full…go to the tills…I stopped her once, commenting that she had put two items in of the same thing into her basket (she had many of the ‘same thing’ at home) and that the two items she had put into her basket - one was a size 8 and the other a size 14...and I wasn’t sure if either would fit her properly…
I noted to her boyfriend later on, that she was breathing heavily…glassy-eyed, at the time…as if a panic button had been pressed…and he agreed…that is what happened to HELEN around shops, he had seen it too…no wonder she had run up massive credit card debits in her teenage years…and now I know the reason why - DEBT.
The most unruly, strong characters…who had stood up to the ill cult…were then made to bow down to them through DEBT at the BANKS…and in HELEN’s case it was ‘just about every bank in Solihull’ including a whole slew of ’shop’ cards…all baying for interest and threatening to take her to court, (with the threat of jail etc)…because she had used the ‘free money’ given to you in relation to ‘overdrafts’, loans, credit in every possible form.
HELEN paid off the £1000s of pounds that she owed from those ’mad teenage years’ but let us put it this way:
…a few years of ‘mind control programmed compulsive buying’ in her teenage years, meant that she had to pay at least 10 times the amount back, - over the years which were to turn into DECADES. In fact, in 1998 - she had even worked out the sum total - of how much she had ‘overpaid’ the original debt and it was horrifying.
This was how the ill cult ‘did’ those like HELEN in…and from the 1980s onwards…
She couldn’t help herself in that M&S store and I knew it…she wasn’t even ‘looking’ at what she was throwing into her basket…she looked panicked and terrified…at least you were spared the ‘drug addiction’ HELEN…that is all I can say…HEROIN addicts had it bad…those addicted to ‘human body opiates’ had it the worst…it was a sliding scale of abuse…what could you get a person addicted to and why? How to make them ‘thoroughly ashamed’ of themselves and to feel ‘so much guilt’.
CREDIT CARDS was ‘lite ill cult torture’ in a way…but it was relentless, over the years…it ground people into the ground.
I remember the PRINCES taking a personal interest in HELEN…she was ‘too attractive’ to the opposite sex…so all males in Solihull were told on microchipped tannoy to ignore her…never to ask her out…they did this to so many people…who began to think what was wrong with them…and then when presented with their ‘ill cult mate’ as decided by the powers that be, they accepted readily…grateful to be ‘taken off the shelf’. Luckily she did end up with a ‘good guy’ but one who was too scared to do anything…RIMINGTON used to terrify him into the ground. Some men weren’t scared of her, such as his ‘gay mate’ who hadn’t admitted it and used to give him good advice…this guy hadn’t admitted his sexuality, according to HELEN and MIKE‘s social crowd…until he had shown them a ‘photographic show’ of his photographs around THAILAND to be told by his mates that he was ‘in love’ with and had bedded a young man not a woman…he was outraged…she was a ‘woman’ wasn’t that obvious from the photos…his mates fell about…obviously not. A ‘set-up’ or not? You decide…
I haven’t even got onto COLETTE’s planned ‘event’ yet…although I strongly suspect now, that it wasn’t COLETTE who was involved in this one - it says AMADEUS as in fingerprints, all over it:
I stood in the queue for ages…and eventually an old woman who could hardly walk, looking as if she wasn’t ‘cared for’ at all…made her way to the desk…she pulled out of her old ‘pusher’ one of those long corsets that act as knickers and keep your abdomen in - they go up the body to the chest cave…like bodices…
The till assistant examined it…then told her in front of the entire queue that there was BLOOD on it…in the knicker part and showed her, saying that they couldn‘t accept SOILED GOODS…and that the tag said that it wasn’t M&S…so they couldn’t do a refund…
The SUPERVISOR saw what was going on…the old woman could hardly speak…she simply kept on asking for a refund…
The SUPERVISOR came over and quietly said to the till assistant, words to the effect of ‘give her a refund’…the till assistant did so…and then as the old woman was hobbling off with her stick and ‘pusher’ on wheels…the till assistant asked the SUPERVISOR what she should do with the garment and the supervisor pointed to a bin in a back room, and told her where to put it.
I was deeply surprised by the whole thing…and related it in detail to ED…who was very sympathetic about the whole thing…the old lady was batty….the store representatives had done the right thing…humanity in a shop…an unusual thing. What one would expect of M&S but not other stores…
The old woman had kept on stating that she required £25 for the CORSET….again and again…
…looking back on it now…COLETTE’s group…or AMADEUS had set it all up to mean something, symbolically but what?
I remote-viewed it all…the old woman had found it at the back of one of her cupboards and decided that she wanted to get rid of it…as if it wasn’t even ‘hers’…she didn’t recognise it, upon this side of the mirror but ‘knew’ that it should go back to M&S for some reason…so she had taken it in.
Hence the surreal scene, that I had viewed, in that queue.
MR ICKE has a similar but let us say, less ‘dramatic’ account upon his own website…in his books and in his videoed speeches…of people who ‘cannot and do not care, in authority’…they go by the rulebook and do insane things as a consequence…he cites a woman who wouldn’t let his son, in a queue, use the ‘staff toilet’ because the regulations said that it was only for certain people…even though his young child was dying for a pee…
Yet one can see, that all along…there were people in ‘authority’ who were able to ‘bend the rules’ in relation to doing the HUMANE thing, rather than acting like robots following a rulebook…even though they might have put their jobs on the line for it…or promotion perhaps…. by not precisely following the ‘rulebook’…it all depends upon whether your boss is a NAZI or not - doesn’t it?
As to how you might fare…would the BOSS see what you did as a ‘humane act’ or simply a ‘breaching’ of the petty and arbitrary rule book, even though, it was in order to help somebody who was clearly a ‘vulnerable person’?
If your boss is NAZI…time to change jobs…or that particular ‘regional outfit’…that is all I can say.
I would have done what the till assistant did in those circumstances…stated the rulebook and then asked a superior…you can see why people who are promoted to roles as ‘superiors’ have to have that ‘humanity’ in them…as a vital requisite…in order to ‘bend the rules’ where it is obviously necessary.
Anyway, getting back to BLOOD ON THE ROOFTOPS…I now know what that GENESIS song meant…’blood on the rooftops’ meant blood on your Y FRONTS…or rather the back of them…blood on your knickers and not your period…BLOOD ON THE ROOFTOPS meant ill cult rape…and gang-banging…as children and then throughout your life…in ‘child alters’.
You see the ill cult hung you upside down as children…they taught you to believe that your legs were ‘chimney pots’…and that meant that the ‘rooftops’ were ‘around the genital area’ says TODDY.
The whole upside down HOUSE programming.
DOLL’S HOUSE programming.
A child was made to see their body and their mind as a ‘house’ of many compartments…and children could easily understand that TALMUDDY image, children race around a new house, wanting to find out what every room is about - it is a natural part of growing up…”here is a locked room - where this happened to you - we tortured you into the ground - made you act like this (animal, human character, inanimate object) and made you believe it - we made you PROJECT this to us - we then gave you a code so that we could open this door to that room, later on - we then electrocuted you to take away all conscious memories of the trauma but we knew that given the trigger, from one of us - you would switch into that ‘alter’ as we called it…we then LOCKED the door, so you could never go back there, unless we gave you the ‘trigger‘ to open that locked room - and you then switched into that abused child state in front of your programmers and began to project, through TERROR the projection that they had wanted you to create)…
So the old woman who had discovered…DISH COVERED (HUMPTY DUMPTY -see his ‘rhyme‘)…the bloodied CORSET in the back of one of her wardrobes…and ‘knew’ where to go, knew where to ‘get a refund’ and she got it…
The core of your brain…the CORE of your real self…your real ‘I’…
She wanted her money back after so much abuse throughout her life, as an ill cult slave…and she got it.
Do not forget…the PRINCE OF MONACO was the biological son of COLETTE.
He had loved his ‘real mother’…the one who had brought him up….the one who had cared for him above all others…the PRINCESS OF MONACO…he had loved her with all his heart….and then been told by ill cult programmers that he had ‘murdered her’ by her asking him, to choose a scarf…upon the day of her murder, by the ROCKEFELLERS…and BRITISH ROYALS. It is unforgivable.
She was not to die, in an automobile accident.
Ill cult programmers strangled her - with that very scarf that the small boy had chosen.
The ill had made him feel and think, for most of his life - that he had murdered his mother.
‘As good as’ onlookers were to say…we got witness accounts…from history…those long dead now but even so…a few of the lowest of the low ‘courtiers’ felt sorry for the little boy (plants from the rebel group who were only temporary staff - for a day if that) - those at a distance, the others were all ‘in the know’.
That was his ‘lie-on’.
How did the SOE work in WWII? How did rebels work beforehand? COLETTE had a history of ‘us’…dating back centuries…
As MCDONALD used to say…after so many ‘exploits’…not least GILL and I managing to ‘cut the BEEHIVE from the BOUGH’ which inspired MCDONALD and SC to greater acts of courage…the ROZEMBERK castle for example…
Let us put it this way…past or present…when the SOE is against you…they find a way…
No matter how rich you are…no matter how ‘well-guarded’ your fortress…no matter how deep underground your paramilitary set-up…the SOE find a way…
in DARK BLUE: dimpr
"This means that an insurance company that doesnt work well with the accounting office isnt going to be very popular. Cheap Small Group Health Insurance. [url="http://dental-plan.co.cc/quote/free-dental-examination.html"]free dental examination[/url] [url="http://dental-plan.co.cc/implante/affording-dental-implants.html"]affording dental implants[/url] [url="http://dental-plan.co.cc/group/dental-doctor-implant.html"]dental doctor implant[/url]
By Anonymous on Stella Rimington on 30/01/11 "
The above turned up in SPAM upon the Stella Rimington dashboard.
I get it...OBAMA's teeth aren't real...all implants...controlled robot time...microchipped gums...not a 'free agent' to put it mildy...'probably the most controlled robot upon the globe' says GILL.
Would you expect any less of MARK ROCKEFELLER?
"This means that an insurance company that doesnt work well with the accounting office isnt going to be very popular. Cheap Small Group Health Insurance. [url="http://dental-plan.co.cc/quote/free-dental-examination.html"]free dental examination[/url] [url="http://dental-plan.co.cc/implante/affording-dental-implants.html"]affording dental implants[/url] [url="http://dental-plan.co.cc/group/dental-doctor-implant.html"]dental doctor implant[/url]
By Anonymous on Stella Rimington on 30/01/11 "
The above turned up in SPAM upon the Stella Rimington dashboard.
I get it...OBAMA's teeth aren't real...all implants...controlled robot time...microchipped gums...not a 'free agent' to put it mildy...'probably the most controlled robot upon the globe' says GILL.
Would you expect any less of MARK ROCKEFELLER?
in GREEN: norcsi
...when did the word PRESS come up?
I remember GILL's comment:
"I PRESS for marriage..." etc etc on the RING RING video (MIKA)...now I can remember what this is all about MARK R had programmed GILL as a member of the SS NAZI HQ...so he was PRE-SS before he was summoned to NY and GREEN TOWER...after that one - he was as ill as can be...and it took a lot to pull him out of the wood...all we could do...
...when did the word PRESS come up?
I remember GILL's comment:
"I PRESS for marriage..." etc etc on the RING RING video (MIKA)...now I can remember what this is all about MARK R had programmed GILL as a member of the SS NAZI HQ...so he was PRE-SS before he was summoned to NY and GREEN TOWER...after that one - he was as ill as can be...and it took a lot to pull him out of the wood...all we could do...
In GREEN: press
In minniecricket's inbox this morning:
Unread Primelocation.com 5 Green Technologies that will change the World in 2011 2:15 16KB
Unread Anonymous [Stella Rimington] New comment on Stella Rimington. Sun, 30/1/11 8KB
The above STELLA RIMINGTON comment hasn't turned up on the BLOGGER dashboard yet...so we shall see - I do not open emails in my inbox unless they are verifiably from BLOGGER - I only open unmoderated comments upon BLOGGER.
In minniecricket's inbox this morning:
Unread Primelocation.com 5 Green Technologies that will change the World in 2011 2:15 16KB
Unread Anonymous [Stella Rimington] New comment on Stella Rimington. Sun, 30/1/11 8KB
The above STELLA RIMINGTON comment hasn't turned up on the BLOGGER dashboard yet...so we shall see - I do not open emails in my inbox unless they are verifiably from BLOGGER - I only open unmoderated comments upon BLOGGER.
The SAS tell me that the 'black line' snail trail is the worst of all...
Yes, looking back at what had happened at SCHIPOL airport with TOMLINSON for example...he had taken me along (as I was normally taken along upon this 'ops') to scan a wide area - to see if anybody was exhibiting what I used to call 'negative' energy'...a moving cloud of dark energy...the whole person was like a dark SHADOW amongst the others in the crowds...and moving at a rapid pace...a microchipped slave in DELTA alter...assassin alter...I could see this type of 'energy' in 'grasse'...and acted as an early warning system for whoever I was supposed to be protecting...
...and I would guess that the equipment that the SAS are now using...is a far more sophisticated version of the above...
Yes, looking back at what had happened at SCHIPOL airport with TOMLINSON for example...he had taken me along (as I was normally taken along upon this 'ops') to scan a wide area - to see if anybody was exhibiting what I used to call 'negative' energy'...a moving cloud of dark energy...the whole person was like a dark SHADOW amongst the others in the crowds...and moving at a rapid pace...a microchipped slave in DELTA alter...assassin alter...I could see this type of 'energy' in 'grasse'...and acted as an early warning system for whoever I was supposed to be protecting...
...and I would guess that the equipment that the SAS are now using...is a far more sophisticated version of the above...
Anyway, I got on to MCDONALD about this 'snail trail' idea at a later date and as far as I know, he invented the radar device to 'trail snails' - at any rate, the SAS were to get a copy of it...
...and that is why what happened yesterday, happened...see previous notes in relation to my finding the ENDORPHIN BOOK...then walking by two ACTIVATED SLAVES...who had been programmed to harm me in some way...the first woman who passed me by was supposed to report the 'stolen library book' and to tell the police that it was me...the man was supposed to target me...probably as an assassin...
Anyway, the SAS had it all in hand...they had seen the SNAIL TRAILS activated and managed to counter them - this is what they saw:
The two slaves who had had their microchips activated...suddenly began to show up on the radar...as leaving a thin LIGHT GREEN LINE behind them...activated by MARK R's desk, I suppose...it was his colour...
The SAS could also see other snail trails around CLACTON...within the vicinity several RED trails had been activated as well...yes, there were as many different colours for as many different desks, which were activating microchipped slaves in CLACTON...
I cannot tell you anymore than that, at present...just that the SAS have a radar early warning system for when microchipped slaves are activated and a colour coded 'trace' upon which desk activated them...
...and that is why what happened yesterday, happened...see previous notes in relation to my finding the ENDORPHIN BOOK...then walking by two ACTIVATED SLAVES...who had been programmed to harm me in some way...the first woman who passed me by was supposed to report the 'stolen library book' and to tell the police that it was me...the man was supposed to target me...probably as an assassin...
Anyway, the SAS had it all in hand...they had seen the SNAIL TRAILS activated and managed to counter them - this is what they saw:
The two slaves who had had their microchips activated...suddenly began to show up on the radar...as leaving a thin LIGHT GREEN LINE behind them...activated by MARK R's desk, I suppose...it was his colour...
The SAS could also see other snail trails around CLACTON...within the vicinity several RED trails had been activated as well...yes, there were as many different colours for as many different desks, which were activating microchipped slaves in CLACTON...
I cannot tell you anymore than that, at present...just that the SAS have a radar early warning system for when microchipped slaves are activated and a colour coded 'trace' upon which desk activated them...
I remember that Indian skirt that I wore during 1980...it was a dull, dark grey,green,black colour print...but highlighted by the silvery veins of 'glitter' applied in a delicate pattern...stuck onto the textile...GILL had looked at it, laughed and said SNAIL TRAILS...that is what the skirt reminded him of...as if a load of snails had run over it...
I remember being fascinated by snail/slug trails as a child...and now I know why:
CIA LAB...I had realised that there was a way to defeat FREQUENCY CONTROL DESKS...and that was by inventing a radar system which could pick up the 'trail' left by a microchip which had been activated...
A microchipped human being...when activated by a certain 'desk'...left a trail of 'energy' behind them that could be tracked...about 20 yards of it behind them as they walked along...
I wanted MCDONALD to look into inventing a device which could 'trail activated microchips' on radar...to stop the terrorism...
Anyway, i was about to talk to him about it when GILL walked in - a face like thunder - his darkest alter...about to kill me...so I ran behind MCDONALD...'stopped time' to memory dump MARK R and wipe the CCTV...but that was no use...I then realised that GILL was being run by OBAMA at his deepest level of consciousness and that was really, really bad news...
OBAMA was the anchor of GILL and could over-ride his thoughts and actions...and then run him as a slave...he used to do this quite a bit...
See previous notes as to the CIA LAB choosing ROZ to be our anchor whilst trying to pull GILL out of the 'wood' of the jooish community - like a 'tug of war'...and I can now see that we were up against OBAMA as their anchor...the end of the line...the end of the chain.
OBAMA's lie-on was terrible...and once I had realised his 'anchor position' I was able to tackle him consciously about it...he was hideously racist...but this was because of the way that the ill had abused him as a child...making him feel mortified about the 'darkness' of the colour of his skin...so he would get on my network and say things like 'she's ugly'...I would counter, no - she's very pretty...
OBAMA in this subterannean child alter would then retort 'but she's black' and so on...
We all have to come to terms with the LIE-ON that the ill cult programmers laid as their evil foundations...when we were small children...white, black, tall, short, fat, slim...whatever they used against you...you have to grow up and accept yourself for what you are...
I remember being fascinated by snail/slug trails as a child...and now I know why:
CIA LAB...I had realised that there was a way to defeat FREQUENCY CONTROL DESKS...and that was by inventing a radar system which could pick up the 'trail' left by a microchip which had been activated...
A microchipped human being...when activated by a certain 'desk'...left a trail of 'energy' behind them that could be tracked...about 20 yards of it behind them as they walked along...
I wanted MCDONALD to look into inventing a device which could 'trail activated microchips' on radar...to stop the terrorism...
Anyway, i was about to talk to him about it when GILL walked in - a face like thunder - his darkest alter...about to kill me...so I ran behind MCDONALD...'stopped time' to memory dump MARK R and wipe the CCTV...but that was no use...I then realised that GILL was being run by OBAMA at his deepest level of consciousness and that was really, really bad news...
OBAMA was the anchor of GILL and could over-ride his thoughts and actions...and then run him as a slave...he used to do this quite a bit...
See previous notes as to the CIA LAB choosing ROZ to be our anchor whilst trying to pull GILL out of the 'wood' of the jooish community - like a 'tug of war'...and I can now see that we were up against OBAMA as their anchor...the end of the line...the end of the chain.
OBAMA's lie-on was terrible...and once I had realised his 'anchor position' I was able to tackle him consciously about it...he was hideously racist...but this was because of the way that the ill had abused him as a child...making him feel mortified about the 'darkness' of the colour of his skin...so he would get on my network and say things like 'she's ugly'...I would counter, no - she's very pretty...
OBAMA in this subterannean child alter would then retort 'but she's black' and so on...
We all have to come to terms with the LIE-ON that the ill cult programmers laid as their evil foundations...when we were small children...white, black, tall, short, fat, slim...whatever they used against you...you have to grow up and accept yourself for what you are...
I decided to do a 'check' on that phone number - of course it is the correct one - it was brought up on this website...which I can remember now...my parents put this into THE TELEGRAPH a long time ago now...it is a property ad for their VIEILLEY chateau with the 'history' of it all attached:
A French resistance hideout is for sale. Anna Tyzack tells its extraordinary story
Property overseas homepage
Telegraph Homes Abroad
George Millar arrived in the small village of Vieilley, in eastern France, by bicycle, and checked in to the Carlton Hotel. It was 1944; he had been parachuted in to the area several months earlier by the Special Operations Executive (SOE), to train the maquis (local resistance), who specialised in blowing up railway lines around Besançon, on the Franco-German border. His orders were to get east in France, to disrupt all German communications and to train the Resistance to use the arms and explosives the Allies would drop to them.
There was nothing glamorous about his hotel: "The Carlton" was simply the code name for his hiding place, L'Ancien Chateau de Vieilley - a half-ruined chateau, occupied by several farming families. "It was called the Carlton as a joke - it was filthy," says Humphrey Gyde, who bought the tower and two wings of L'Ancien Chateau in the early 1990s. He transformed it into a four-bedroom country house, with pool and gardens, and is now selling it for £385,000.
The cleanliness of L'Ancien Chateau would have been the least of Millar's worries, when on August 15, 1944, the Germans encircled the village. Millar watched in horror as the maquis leader was captured. Fortunately, guided by Georges Molle, a local resistance member, he escaped through a window and hid in the long grass.
"Following Georges, we wormed our way across paddocks and orchards and into the mouth of what Georges called 'the aqueduct', which was, invigoratingly enough, the village sewer," Millar explained in an interview with The Daily Telegraph 50 years later. "Occasionally a housewife would sluice a bucket of slops through one of the apertures in the street drains. These constituted our 'window' though which Georges could tactfully communicate with his fellow citizens."
They learnt that the maquis had retreated into the forest, and that the Germans were conducting a house-to-house search in the village. When it was safe to return, there was no question of a bath to wash their stinking clothes: "In all the village then there was neither a bath nor a water closet," said Millar. His mission in Franche Comte was largely successful; on one night operation, he helped destroy all the points in the Besançon railway station.
Millar died in 2004 but when he returned to Vieilley a decade earlier, for a reunion with Molle and the other surviving maquis, he would have noticed that L'Ancien Chateau has had a facelift. "It was done up after the war by local families," says Gyde. "And we have done quite a lot of decorating. The walls are three feet thick, and there is impressive stonework and magnificent beamed ceilings."
The building has a turbulent history. It dates from 1258, when it was a maison fort (fortified building), to protect Burgundy and Savoy against the French. In 1470 French soldiers destroyed the chateau, which was rebuilt only to be burnt down during the Thirty Years War.
In the 18th century it was gifted to the Archbishop of Besançon, who extended the accommodation, and laid gardens, terraces and fountains. After the Revolution in 1792, the house was sold off to the locals in several parts, before being commandeered to house cavalry during the First World War.
"These days it is in very good condition," says Gyde. "And if you had £30,000 you could make an apartment in the first floor of one wing, and one of the tower rooms could be converted into a wonderful bedroom." There is a pool, and a garden with fruit trees, vegetables and lovely views of the local countryside.
Millar, in that summer of 1944, became very fond of Vieilley. In his memoirs, Maquis, he remembers "the finest cherry trees, the best strawberry beds, the coolest cellars, the sweetest hay lofts to sleep in". On warm days he dozed on the banks of River Ognon: on that fateful August day he awoke "with the free feeling of holiday in the air".
Since then, little has changed. "It is a hidden area between Burgundy and Switzerland - you rarely see another English person," says Gyde. But for all its remoteness, the area is accessible: the Eurostar stops at Besançon (Millar's damage to the railway station has long since been repaired), there are low-cost flights from London to Mulhouse-Basel, and the motorway is 15km from Vieilley. L'Ancien Chateau was a handy refuge for George Millar and has been an idyllic retreat for the Humphrey Gyde and his family. But now that he and his wife are in their seventies, it is time for it to be someone else's "Carlton".
L'Ancien Chateau is for sale at £385,000 (01206 391321).
Maquis by George Millar (Orion Books) is available from Telegraph Books for £7.99 + £0.99 p&p. To order, call 0870 428 4112 or go to books.telegraph.co.uk
A recorded message ansaphone reply:
“Hullo, we are unable to answer right now - if you would like to send a fax…”
The above - all in an AMERICAN accent.
Who was I calling?
My parents in MANNINGTREE upon this number:
O1206 391 321
Anyway, the first time that I rang the above number - after the recorded message had finished - the FAX screech started up…as if I were sending a fax - which I am not - I do not have a fax machine for a start off and I was using my ORANGE MOBILE phone.
I figured…what is wrong? I looked at the mobile screen…saw that I was calling the right number and so figured ‘crossed lines’ and tried again - the very same thing happened.
Therefore one can see two possibilities:
Firstly that this is the BI scam exposed - of re-routing my calls around the USA to use up my mobile top-ups of £10 or more in a matter of minutes.
Secondly, that my parents have either changed their number or that my father has put them onto some new fangled US package for phone, TV, internet…but I do not keep up with these things anymore and so I have no idea what it might be…
I will therefore compose my parents an email because I haven’t got in touch for some while now:
Dear Mum,
How are you feeling? I hope you are in good health.
I am doing fine, here in Clacton.
I tried to phone you today but the ansaphone seemed to be on ‘fax’ for some reason.
I went to the ATOS medical assessment but they haven’t sent me the results of their decision, as yet.
NPOWER is sending me another meter reader to take a reading before sending me my next bill and so no bills to worry about, luckily.
Apart from that, life goes on as normal.
Could you possibly thank ED and SUE for the lovely Christmas card that they sent me? Better still - could you send me his email address so that I could reply in person? I decided not to come down to London for a ’flying visit’ over the holidays because as you thought - it wasn’t the right time, considering Susan’s Cancer therapy and therefore I am hoping to see them at a later date - perhaps in the summer?
If you feel like a walk by the sea - give me a ring and we can arrange it sometime.
Lots of love
“Hullo, we are unable to answer right now - if you would like to send a fax…”
The above - all in an AMERICAN accent.
Who was I calling?
My parents in MANNINGTREE upon this number:
O1206 391 321
Anyway, the first time that I rang the above number - after the recorded message had finished - the FAX screech started up…as if I were sending a fax - which I am not - I do not have a fax machine for a start off and I was using my ORANGE MOBILE phone.
I figured…what is wrong? I looked at the mobile screen…saw that I was calling the right number and so figured ‘crossed lines’ and tried again - the very same thing happened.
Therefore one can see two possibilities:
Firstly that this is the BI scam exposed - of re-routing my calls around the USA to use up my mobile top-ups of £10 or more in a matter of minutes.
Secondly, that my parents have either changed their number or that my father has put them onto some new fangled US package for phone, TV, internet…but I do not keep up with these things anymore and so I have no idea what it might be…
I will therefore compose my parents an email because I haven’t got in touch for some while now:
Dear Mum,
How are you feeling? I hope you are in good health.
I am doing fine, here in Clacton.
I tried to phone you today but the ansaphone seemed to be on ‘fax’ for some reason.
I went to the ATOS medical assessment but they haven’t sent me the results of their decision, as yet.
NPOWER is sending me another meter reader to take a reading before sending me my next bill and so no bills to worry about, luckily.
Apart from that, life goes on as normal.
Could you possibly thank ED and SUE for the lovely Christmas card that they sent me? Better still - could you send me his email address so that I could reply in person? I decided not to come down to London for a ’flying visit’ over the holidays because as you thought - it wasn’t the right time, considering Susan’s Cancer therapy and therefore I am hoping to see them at a later date - perhaps in the summer?
If you feel like a walk by the sea - give me a ring and we can arrange it sometime.
Lots of love
I have never understood the CREDIT balance...since i joined MY3 because i had bought one of their dongles for internet usage...the 'credit balance' stated 87p every time i topped up...yet now it states 89p - what does it mean?
Anyway, £15 per month sounds like a really bad deal...but I do not have a landline and so cannot use an internet connection through a phoneline...and as I do not own a TV...I am not bothered about these 'all in one' packages...
more ill SPAM this morning:
Unread angbozan My Dearest, 1:53 9KB
Unread MR SALIF DIALLO with due respect Sun, 30/1/11 16KB
GILL was also programmed with YAKULT yoghurt drinks...YAK appears to have figured big-time in his programming...teriyaki...YAKUSA...
Unread angbozan My Dearest, 1:53 9KB
Unread MR SALIF DIALLO with due respect Sun, 30/1/11 16KB
GILL was also programmed with YAKULT yoghurt drinks...YAK appears to have figured big-time in his programming...teriyaki...YAKUSA...
I just got a USAGE alert from MY3...
Yes a timely reminder to talk about a 'flash' of CAMERON telling somebody to get down to the GAS METER room and to turn back the dial...so that NPOWER could then charge me for a lesser amount of usage...
...after that, they would charge me 'as normal' and I couldn't complain about a thing...if I had agreed to pay the small charge...that would mean that I had agreed to be on the 'standard tariff'...yes that stupid fool is still trying to play games...
Either that or CAMERON is thinking about claiming that I 'tampered with the meter' which I haven't done...the only fingerprints on it are from his meter readers...
Sunday, 30 January 2011
I have a new appointment from NPOWER - for a meter reader/engineer to visit upon 09 February 2011 after 08.00 - naturally I want a more accurate time than 'anytime' so I will send this email:
<<<<<< for the attention of Elizabeth Gibson >>>>>>
Thank you for arranging for a meter reader/engineer to visit upon 09 February 2011 after 08.00
Could you possibly tell me if this will be a morning, afternoon or meeting appointment?
Kind regards
Emily Gyde
i reread the above and realised the massive mistake...I had meant to type EVENING and not MEETING appointment...so I changed it and then sent the email
<<<<<< for the attention of Elizabeth Gibson >>>>>>
Thank you for arranging for a meter reader/engineer to visit upon 09 February 2011 after 08.00
Could you possibly tell me if this will be a morning, afternoon or meeting appointment?
Kind regards
Emily Gyde
i reread the above and realised the massive mistake...I had meant to type EVENING and not MEETING appointment...so I changed it and then sent the email
Watch the RED DOT...that reminds me of ill cult programming and the ROTHSCHILDS per se...there is a RED MAN and RED HAIR upon a norton safe search for ELNETT HAIRSPRAY...
The RED PUPILS of the BLACK DOGS...which as far as I can recall, was what the ROTHSCHILDS programmed themselves in, as...
MattieRobertsShow | 09 June 2009
Back in the olden days, you could only get that most sublime of hairsprays, Elnett, in Paris. Now, thanks to the Red Dot Boutique (Target) you can get it here...with only a minor change in the product. It still allows you to work with it, just like the old one. You can layer and layer, then brush right through it and start again. But do pick up a can of the original for me the next time you're in Paris!
I sense MCDONALD behind this one...what a laugh...the presenter tells us that you used to only be able to get ELNETT in France because it contains "some incredible FLAMMABLE ILLEGAL CHEMICAL in it that we are not supposed to have over here" (in the USA) and the way that she says that, makes it sound like SEMTEX...and you can still buy this incredible flammable illegal chemical spray in FRANCE but not in the USA...the ELNETT HAIRSPRAY on sale is 'different'...
The GREY MAN'S FLAT is lit up and a seagull settled upon the street lamp in front of it...and then it flew off...perhaps it was a very HEAVY seagull because the lamp then appeared to bounce up and down a bit, after it had flown off...I was looking at it through binoculars, perched at the midpoint of my windows...
... and behind the LAMP (which symbolises the 'pineal gland' as far as I know)...'witchy poo's castle' as GILL was to put it - the grey castle (a bit like SLEEPING BEAUTY - and the evil stepqueen's castle, in shape)...
...no, I figured...the two PEAKS of MORDOR...that is what it reminded me of...and of course, ASTANE...so what is the ORC production like then there, eh?
... and behind the LAMP (which symbolises the 'pineal gland' as far as I know)...'witchy poo's castle' as GILL was to put it - the grey castle (a bit like SLEEPING BEAUTY - and the evil stepqueen's castle, in shape)...
...no, I figured...the two PEAKS of MORDOR...that is what it reminded me of...and of course, ASTANE...so what is the ORC production like then there, eh?
DABYDEEN had been a 'spider' JANITOR (in charge of a 'broomcupboard') in one of the main cambridge colleges and as far as I know it was CHRISTCHURCH...although TRINITY comes up, for obvious reasons...
NEW COLLEGE in OXFORD also comes up...the oldest college in the place, apparently...odd because it looks so 'new' from the outside...those huge stones, perfectly placed.
I then remembered GIVE A DOG A BONE...something DALDRY used to say a lot..and drew a geographical WHITE strip between two large WHITE DOTS...one in CAMBRIDGE and one in OXFORD...to represent the BONE.
I then realised that it had originated in Britain.
i drew another 'bone' diagonally, across the first bone...and showed MCDONALD...we investigated...
I then remembered HELEN RODWAY talking about her new Derbyshire address...she told me that her new location was upon the EYE of a SKULL...she flashed me an image of the black hollow of one of the eye sockets of a skull...to the left.
I then realised that I had 'seen' a flash of the PRINCES looking at a map of England and drawing a skull and crossbones upon it...
NEW COLLEGE in OXFORD also comes up...the oldest college in the place, apparently...odd because it looks so 'new' from the outside...those huge stones, perfectly placed.
I then remembered GIVE A DOG A BONE...something DALDRY used to say a lot..and drew a geographical WHITE strip between two large WHITE DOTS...one in CAMBRIDGE and one in OXFORD...to represent the BONE.
I then realised that it had originated in Britain.
i drew another 'bone' diagonally, across the first bone...and showed MCDONALD...we investigated...
I then remembered HELEN RODWAY talking about her new Derbyshire address...she told me that her new location was upon the EYE of a SKULL...she flashed me an image of the black hollow of one of the eye sockets of a skull...to the left.
I then realised that I had 'seen' a flash of the PRINCES looking at a map of England and drawing a skull and crossbones upon it...
Secondly, that gold can...it took me back to my teenage years and ELSEVIER HAIRSPRAY....except that it wasn't called ELSEVIER it was called ELNETT...
The advertisement used to call it a fine mist...a natural 'net' of hairspray, which meant that your hair could 'move freely'...and it was the most expensive hairspray of the lot...it smelt a lot less CHEMICAL than most hairsprays...better than BOOTS own brand for example...it sort of coated your hair with a fine net of 'something'...it had an almost addictive smell...something very pleasant about it...rather like 'musk'...
In my twenties, I used to apply every couple of weeks to a job advertisement at the back of the GUARDIAN for ELSEVIER SCIENCE based in OXFORD...i never got a reply...but for many years...this company used to advertise for admin assistants...upon a regular basis...how odd, I thought, what a high turnover...it normally means that the job isn't any good...a really bad manager, working conditions etc...but it was more than that...because the pay was high, even by today's standards...about £14,500 starting salary - and in those days it was really high for an admin assistant...
I now know that these assistants used to 'disappear' upon a regular basis. RIMINGTON was protecting me when she told me not to bother applying 'because you haven't earnt it' - I read in her mind, what was really happening to these people and didn't bother to apply again.
So we are circling OXBRIDGE - cherry hinton...oxford and cambridge colleges, control frequency desks and BIG PHARM...ELSEVIER...ELNETT...spider programing...weaving webs...
I then began to think about what the Cambridge history graduate who taught history at Solihull 6th form had told us - words to the effect of:
The first oxbridge colleges were started up by Royalty and aristocracy...they were immensely wealthy institutions and still are today...in fact, the land between OXFORD and CAMBRIDGE is still owned by these colleges and you can walk from OXFORD to CAMBRIDGE and never set foot on land which isn't owned by this OXBRIDGE elite...
I then thought about CABLES and underground CABLING as a matter of course..
See previous notes upon the military getting very annoyed with the lies about cabling in this country...in relation to underground bases and overground military bases...
Might one find an immense amount of cables under this privately owned land between OXFORD and CAMBRIDGE?
The answer was YES.
Okay so yesterday, we had the SCARLET PINK DOOR...the FOOD COURT and the 'white door' and 'gold can' behind it...
So we can say DIDO 'spider' alter for the frequency desks...
The FOOD COURT brought up ASTANE, KAZAKHSTAN...and the main frequency control desk for the BALKANS...the one that had created BESLAN and made PUTIN nearly go out of his mind with fury...to then attack Georgia etc...and take out the 'rogue Israeli generals' of the area...the ICTS mob...but PUTIN didn't go further than that...
At this point in time...I 'know' that the ASTANE control desk is going to be 'dealt with' soon...and that if you live in Astane, best to move out of the area for a while...a military warning and from MCDONALD...
You see, ASTANE is the HQ of the RA CULT...as set up by the BRITISH MONARCHY...so do not go near those ill cult buildings unless you have to do so.
The ‘DIAVOLO’ frequency desk…I used to contact that one the most…all of the DIAB/DIAC/DIAD…to Z…were frequency desks of a sort…all capable of different things…
The BLACK LIGHT upon the outside wall of POWELL’S SOLICITORS (in Magnet House carpark)…that would signify MARK ROCKEFELLER’s family…see previous notes upon the RED light and the PURPLE light…
I had an odd dream a couple of nights ago, that the ROSS family had studied my family as a’ soap opera family’ to find out what was going on in their own lives…what had happened out in VIEILLEY over the years…what parallels could be drawn…
Last night I had another odd dream…and as far as I know it was about RUTH BEATTY refusing to pay up…and then suddenly she disappeared…pft…and the scene changed entirely to CAROLINE, JADE LAING and a couple of LAING’s friends…they had formed a Masonic club and invited CAROLINE and myself to join…a bit like COLETTE and her friends, then…CAROLINE told me to go and have a look, I did so and was shown their ‘sign’ which was an '0' with a vertical line through it…
I would guess that yesterday was all about how we had become more friendly with the SATANIC PRINCESSES in the end…to get things moving…and they had ‘outed’ their own programming upon the WOODEN TREE website…
Last night - I finally remembered what the WOODEN TREE website was meant to remind me of:
‘CHERRY’ had told me never to mention it again…
So what had happened there?
Simply this - the ‘sons of god’ as in that BI course (and others, not just the 1980 course) …the men were all made to carry huge wooden crosses through a forest…down a path…it was almost impossible for some of them…PAUL DIBBENS managed it the whole way…with CAROLINE pretending to whip him…yes this was CHERRY’s idea and all about FLAGELLATION…the women were supposed to whip the men as an added horror…
I link this - as with all ill cult programming to ‘flageolet beans’…JACK AND THE BEANSTALK…all sorts of things…layers of the onion time…
I can remember talking to COLLIE about CHERRY HINTON and she mentioned the RAF base, that is why I was thinking about it, she said…but there was much more to it than that…and possibly nothing to do with that base…
So I pondered it all last night…my ‘uncle Bob’ as in GRANDMOTHER CLAYTON’s brother and his wife EFFIE had moved down South to be near to their children and grandchildren…who had all been ‘whizzes’ at MATHS and gone to Cambridge University…then settled around the area…
Uncle Bob was blind in one eye…a war wound - he had been in the army…but I do not think that it was that…
You see last night…I had a terrible dream about try to escape PRINCE WILLIAM…then finding out that I could only see through my left eye…and this upset my balance hugely…I fell over to the right…this is all about the ill shutting down one side of your brain…and sometimes this resulted in blindness in one eye, as a result…permanent damage, after the drug had worn off.
I then ‘knew’ that EFFIE was a clue and thought…EF…CDEF…CD-EF
…I then remembered the lot:
DIDO programming…QUEEN DIDO had been turned into a SPIDER to weave her web…this was all about SCARLETT and TODDY’s own programming as DIDO…the controllers of frequency desks…SPIDER programming…DIDO.
...and that is why I had been shown the SCARLET PINK door in front of the FOOD COURT yesterday.
I then remembered MARK R giving us all strings of a similar pattern…from A-Z
Mine was:
EMEE(AME) EMI (MI) EMO EMUM (phonetically in brackets - this alter was called ‘aimee’)
emum(as in 'mummers' I was told) om(e) im(e) em (meme)
GILL with a hard ‘g’:
We often had more than one…some of us knew the lot…maybe all of us did…
I went through quite a few of them…backwards and forwards…and then found the one that freed you, using the FEE FO FI FUM pattern:
The ‘DIAVOLO’ frequency desk…I used to contact that one the most…all of the DIAB/DIAC/DIAD…to Z…were frequency desks of a sort…all capable of different things…
The BLACK LIGHT upon the outside wall of POWELL’S SOLICITORS (in Magnet House carpark)…that would signify MARK ROCKEFELLER’s family…see previous notes upon the RED light and the PURPLE light…
I had an odd dream a couple of nights ago, that the ROSS family had studied my family as a’ soap opera family’ to find out what was going on in their own lives…what had happened out in VIEILLEY over the years…what parallels could be drawn…
Last night I had another odd dream…and as far as I know it was about RUTH BEATTY refusing to pay up…and then suddenly she disappeared…pft…and the scene changed entirely to CAROLINE, JADE LAING and a couple of LAING’s friends…they had formed a Masonic club and invited CAROLINE and myself to join…a bit like COLETTE and her friends, then…CAROLINE told me to go and have a look, I did so and was shown their ‘sign’ which was an '0' with a vertical line through it…
I would guess that yesterday was all about how we had become more friendly with the SATANIC PRINCESSES in the end…to get things moving…and they had ‘outed’ their own programming upon the WOODEN TREE website…
Last night - I finally remembered what the WOODEN TREE website was meant to remind me of:
‘CHERRY’ had told me never to mention it again…
So what had happened there?
Simply this - the ‘sons of god’ as in that BI course (and others, not just the 1980 course) …the men were all made to carry huge wooden crosses through a forest…down a path…it was almost impossible for some of them…PAUL DIBBENS managed it the whole way…with CAROLINE pretending to whip him…yes this was CHERRY’s idea and all about FLAGELLATION…the women were supposed to whip the men as an added horror…
I link this - as with all ill cult programming to ‘flageolet beans’…JACK AND THE BEANSTALK…all sorts of things…layers of the onion time…
I can remember talking to COLLIE about CHERRY HINTON and she mentioned the RAF base, that is why I was thinking about it, she said…but there was much more to it than that…and possibly nothing to do with that base…
So I pondered it all last night…my ‘uncle Bob’ as in GRANDMOTHER CLAYTON’s brother and his wife EFFIE had moved down South to be near to their children and grandchildren…who had all been ‘whizzes’ at MATHS and gone to Cambridge University…then settled around the area…
Uncle Bob was blind in one eye…a war wound - he had been in the army…but I do not think that it was that…
You see last night…I had a terrible dream about try to escape PRINCE WILLIAM…then finding out that I could only see through my left eye…and this upset my balance hugely…I fell over to the right…this is all about the ill shutting down one side of your brain…and sometimes this resulted in blindness in one eye, as a result…permanent damage, after the drug had worn off.
I then ‘knew’ that EFFIE was a clue and thought…EF…CDEF…CD-EF
…I then remembered the lot:
DIDO programming…QUEEN DIDO had been turned into a SPIDER to weave her web…this was all about SCARLETT and TODDY’s own programming as DIDO…the controllers of frequency desks…SPIDER programming…DIDO.
...and that is why I had been shown the SCARLET PINK door in front of the FOOD COURT yesterday.
I then remembered MARK R giving us all strings of a similar pattern…from A-Z
Mine was:
EMEE(AME) EMI (MI) EMO EMUM (phonetically in brackets - this alter was called ‘aimee’)
emum(as in 'mummers' I was told) om(e) im(e) em (meme)
GILL with a hard ‘g’:
We often had more than one…some of us knew the lot…maybe all of us did…
I went through quite a few of them…backwards and forwards…and then found the one that freed you, using the FEE FO FI FUM pattern:
GILL's 'jack the ripper' alter - programmed into him, as a little boy in the East End (see previous notes) had been taught to kill then 'eat the liver'...so in relation to ENDORPHINS produced in the liver, one can see that the ill cult ate quite a lot of the human body for various 'opiates' of some description...
MCDONALD put up a massive list of possibilities upon WIKI under ENDORPHINS...
Now if you look at SOLIHULL and just how many women/girls were being aborted by the ill cult...RIMINGTON had put together a whole 'team' of abortionists...she couldn't possibly have wanted all of those foetuses for herself - could she? See previous notes upon that LOCK-IN at THE MASONS ARMS...so I would guess that we are looking at a massive scientific market...involved in STEM-CELL research and other related areas...'BIG PHARM' as MR ICKE would put it...
The ASHKENAZIM 'human meat' market was a lot more sophisticated than simply 'lumps of meat'...and it begins to remind me of CHINESE medicine...all of those different 'crystals' distilled from urine...glands...and PRINCE CHARLES as the main maniac behind this type of 'alternative homeopathic therapy' in the UK...
MR ICKE quotes statistics from around the world, about how many children go missing, every day, every year...and the numbers are horrific...now you see why everybody has to fight the ill?
MCDONALD put up a massive list of possibilities upon WIKI under ENDORPHINS...
Now if you look at SOLIHULL and just how many women/girls were being aborted by the ill cult...RIMINGTON had put together a whole 'team' of abortionists...she couldn't possibly have wanted all of those foetuses for herself - could she? See previous notes upon that LOCK-IN at THE MASONS ARMS...so I would guess that we are looking at a massive scientific market...involved in STEM-CELL research and other related areas...'BIG PHARM' as MR ICKE would put it...
The ASHKENAZIM 'human meat' market was a lot more sophisticated than simply 'lumps of meat'...and it begins to remind me of CHINESE medicine...all of those different 'crystals' distilled from urine...glands...and PRINCE CHARLES as the main maniac behind this type of 'alternative homeopathic therapy' in the UK...
MR ICKE quotes statistics from around the world, about how many children go missing, every day, every year...and the numbers are horrific...now you see why everybody has to fight the ill?
One of those odd days yesterday...where I 'caught' somebody's bouncy ball - they advised me to take a photo of one of the WHITE BIRDS outside of SAINSBURYS...oh yes, I can remember...wherever these doves are...or 'white pigeons' if you prefer...there is an 'AMADEUS building' nearby...the one over the wall to the left, in this case...
I took the above photo after I had walked from the wall with that ENDORPHIN library book upon it, across the carpark and zebra crossing to SAINSBURYS...having passed by a very ill man...one of TOMLINSON's worst slaves...and I was advised to do the SAS gesture behind him, to mark him out...he was walking with a woman, glared at me as I passed by...
The woman who had passed me beforehand, just as I had put the book back...was supposed to report me as having stolen the book...so was this man, or worse...that is why I was careful to rub any fingerprints off it...
So it is all getting a little bit more dangerous now...but we are nearing the end of the game as we go up the levels of the ill cult...we have recently got to teh TASCHMANN/TOMASZ/ICTS/ROTHSCHILD level...see previous notes upon ROZEMBERK castle, in the CR...
"The film opens with Mr. McFarland (Timothy Bottoms) driving erratically down a residential street on the way to drop off his son, John (John Robinson). John notices damage to the car and realizes that his father is drunk, so John instructs him to move to the passenger seat and let him drive. And with that, the responsibility is handed over from the parents to the kids for the rest of the movie."
Did I mention that TODDY and GUS VAN SANT used a real incident from the teenage GILL's life, in relation to his father being incapable of driving because of...let us say 'pure soda'?
I am not sure if they really were making a comment about 'gun law' and the REPUBLICAN PARTY...
As far as I know - this was about the PILE-ON at LANGLEY SENIORS as orchestrated by GILL to show the profound danger of microchipping whole schools...and what the use and abuse of RADIO ROOMS/BROOM CUPBOARDS could lead to, the effects upon a whole institution, company, street, town, city etc.
...and as far as I know this was a 'gay hero' movie...you have two anti-heroes who take on PUTIN's establishment...the RUSSIAN element...where this type of technology orginated (although they weren't fingering PUTIN, personally)...
The point here being...that it is an odd world, fighting the ill cult...as one critic was to put it about JARMAN, labelling him 'gay paedohile hero'...fighting the ill cult and winning...means that you have all sorts of bedfellows...
In fact, if I know the pair of them - they were probably advising that MARKET HARBORO' school of drug addicts to 'stop buying ill cult drugs and start buying guns' but maybe I shouldn't say that in print...
Did I mention that TODDY and GUS VAN SANT used a real incident from the teenage GILL's life, in relation to his father being incapable of driving because of...let us say 'pure soda'?
I am not sure if they really were making a comment about 'gun law' and the REPUBLICAN PARTY...
As far as I know - this was about the PILE-ON at LANGLEY SENIORS as orchestrated by GILL to show the profound danger of microchipping whole schools...and what the use and abuse of RADIO ROOMS/BROOM CUPBOARDS could lead to, the effects upon a whole institution, company, street, town, city etc.
...and as far as I know this was a 'gay hero' movie...you have two anti-heroes who take on PUTIN's establishment...the RUSSIAN element...where this type of technology orginated (although they weren't fingering PUTIN, personally)...
The point here being...that it is an odd world, fighting the ill cult...as one critic was to put it about JARMAN, labelling him 'gay paedohile hero'...fighting the ill cult and winning...means that you have all sorts of bedfellows...
In fact, if I know the pair of them - they were probably advising that MARKET HARBORO' school of drug addicts to 'stop buying ill cult drugs and start buying guns' but maybe I shouldn't say that in print...
It's really a perfect description of TEST-TUBERS programmed with the MI6 linguistic matrix...SCARLETT's BLIND MAN'S STICK programming...the very idea of several blind people in a room - trying to describe a very large object such as an elephant...and then only taking what they have said to each other as the 'reality' of what is before them...
Mystery solved as to why they called it ELEPHANT.
The title is a tribute to the 1989 BBC short film of the same name, directed by Alan Clarke. Van Sant originally believed Clarke's title referred to the story of several blind men trying to describe an elephant and each one drawing different conclusions based on which body part they were touching. Later, he found out that it was referring to the phrase "elephant in the room", a reference to the collective denial of some very obvious problem. Van Sant's film uses the earlier interpretation, as the same general timeline is shown multiple times from multiple viewpoints. Also, a more subtle allusion is to the elephant as the symbol of the Republican Party, which becomes relevant insofar as the film raises political questions about gun laws and homophobia in America.
The earlier film reflects on sectarian violence in Northern Ireland. Van Sant's minimalist style and use of tracking shots mirrors Clarke's film.[2][3]
A drawing of an elephant as well as an image of an elephant on a throw on the bed can be seen in Alex's room, while he plays the piano.
The title is a tribute to the 1989 BBC short film of the same name, directed by Alan Clarke. Van Sant originally believed Clarke's title referred to the story of several blind men trying to describe an elephant and each one drawing different conclusions based on which body part they were touching. Later, he found out that it was referring to the phrase "elephant in the room", a reference to the collective denial of some very obvious problem. Van Sant's film uses the earlier interpretation, as the same general timeline is shown multiple times from multiple viewpoints. Also, a more subtle allusion is to the elephant as the symbol of the Republican Party, which becomes relevant insofar as the film raises political questions about gun laws and homophobia in America.
The earlier film reflects on sectarian violence in Northern Ireland. Van Sant's minimalist style and use of tracking shots mirrors Clarke's film.[2][3]
A drawing of an elephant as well as an image of an elephant on a throw on the bed can be seen in Alex's room, while he plays the piano.
How odd...but why should i be shocked...the guy whom TODDY had introduced to me as GUS VAN SANT...doesn't look like the guy in the photo upon this webpage at all. Nor was the guy upon this webpage, present during the filming of ELEPHANT...TODDY's friend was directing - so what is going on here? Obviously the guy photographed giving a talk here, is a stand-in. TODDY's friend looked rather like THE SIMPSONS creator, MATT GROENING...one of the Jesuit group.
How odd...but why should i be shocked...the guy whom TODDY had introduced to me as GUS VAN SANT...doesn't look like the guy in the photo upon this webpage at all. Nor was the guy upon this webpage, present during the filming of ELEPHANT...TODDY's friend was directing - so what is going on here? Obviously the guy photographed giving a talk here, is a stand-in. TODDY's friend looked rather like THE SIMPSONS creator, MATT GROENING...one of the Jesuit group.
Here are the photos of the LIBRARY book...put in my way, as i NORMALLY stopped upon my cycle to get through the 'bottleneck' passage to the carkpark beyond...
Naturally I picked it up...then saw the LIBRARY TAG upon the spine then figued 'another MI7 ILL CULT TRAP' and so wiped it of my 'one hand finger prints'...then laid it carefully back upon the wall....
What can one make of it?
I haven't read the book...but the AMAZON comments say 'hey we never understood how endorphins could have such an effect upon us...amazing to find out'...
No REAL information eh? From those who are selling the book or those who are commenting upon it...
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