Wednesday 6 May 2015


...a few more details upon cameron in that MI6 office with the iraq dossier...he was to give it to clegg to deal with - i.e. "give it to him (blair) in the back of a taxi - he'll know what to do"...and so they were all in it together...secondly - cameron was to talk about the huge 'whack' that they would earn for doing it....i can vaguely remember the cctv...ill cult bribe money runs into billions on the ill cult many noughts that normally i stop counting after 7....cameron has a personal fortune of around £30 million (or he has admitted to that figure, in public - at any rate)....what was on that piece of paper...had so many noughts after it...well all i can say is this...cameron wouldn't 'get out of bed' for less than £300 million...

MI6 ONLINE this morning "why do you think we made him prime minister?"...i do not 'get' the 'logic' of that one - explain...yes i can see that you 'found him out' but why put him into a position of high office..."high exposure" "keeping an eye on him"...that still doesn't make sense...why not just pop him into jail? no response....

anyway, when cameron and clegg leave office...and no doubt they figure that they will soon be 'clearing their desks'...i am assuming that BI will follow them around like bloodhounds....because if they do not...there are other services who will do...

italian intelligence for one, have found a new 'entertainment source' in british politics during this run-up to election time...clegg at the hedgehog sanctuary....ed with his chickens, his 'second' kitchen and his torah/10 commandments's a clown show, isn't it?


yesterday after pondering just 'what it was' that had made the idea of running the GREEN PARTY as a front for nazism, so enticing....i was to come up with a few suggestions:

firstly an obvious one...dr mengele had been known as 'mr green'...

i then issues are all about land and resources but 'in a good way'...the ill are all about territory, landgrab and illegally mining resources where possible...and so the two conjoin in relation to basic subject matter but not intent...

next up - i was reminded of that FBI agent in jerusalem 2007...who was to tell me that he had met the very best - as well as the most evil people upon the planet, in the old city of jerusalem...see previous notes.

anyway, i was to begin to wonder this morning...if the same was true of the UK GREEN PARTY?

i then thought about that ill cult program 'two sides of the coin'...neither face can see the other...and then i thought.... 'of course, that's it...if you are a 'green'...then you are all 'greens' together, as an organisation and a party - you stand up for each other because of that 'shared identity'...and so you do not notice the really evil people, within your midst...' - something like that? "the same cannot be said for jerusalem" replies BI ONLINE...well that is where the metaphor ends, doesn't it?

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