Thursday 7 May 2015


what can i say about this morning...but in brief...i was to realise that it was an 'you always take the weather with you' day but not in a nice way .....think 'day of the dead' (as translated by one of my polish EFL classes) - i was reminded of meeting farrell in a smoggy katowice graveyard in 1992 - along with mod evans, sonia and mark vizard etc...not that the atmosphere was was a religious festival and the families 'around the graves' were calm, meditative, friendly with each other was the atmospheric quality of the air, that was scary....the smoke from 100s of petroleum candles placed upon graves, monuments and stone steps - had met the usual swirling 'chemical soup' of a smog at twilight...and that, coupled with the high winds...well, the whole cemetery had begun to resemble a 'hammer horror' movie set...and yes, i was then to meet 'dracula' upon one of those cemetery paths - along with his taschmann brethren - hot off the train from east berlin, as far as i can recall...i 'knew' who he was - i could vaguely recognise him from somewhere but 'not really' it goes - see previous notes..."what are you doing here, then?" i asked...he burst out laughing and 'as if all the world was a stage', told everybody in hearing distance "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE???" and then took sonia aside, to question her, thoroughly....(i was to remember his face - as white as a sheet, with 'black insect' eyes, darkened by the twilight - pretty scary but 'not' if you know 'at heart' it is only 'monkey').....anyway, i can now see why i was to talk about THE FOG this morning...having remembered the above, last all 'fits' together, in a way...

to recap...'an F.O. on holiday' type of day - see previous notes upon that benny hill video available upon youtube...let us hope that the F.O. are not on the rampage, in clacton today...or anywhere else, for that relation to another IN BRUGES event...on the other hand if the ill cult are child-trafficking in clacton today...then it has to be a good thing...doesn't it?

....and i might add the following...gill and his colleagues were to watch the footage of benny hill and his cast/production team...planning out that sketch...they had known the relation to the movie 'in bruges' - along with MI5 and the CID's investigation into the bruges paedophile cult (they had needed a reason to 'be there' with cameras, hadn't they?)....anyway, i can remember watching benny 'on tape' - putting on that wig, for the disco dance session...for an aide to then tell him that it wasn't quite right...he was to reply that it was "funny enough" to then add "it's just like his hair" as in robert see how it goes? let us hope that nobody finds andrew marr, 'immobile' outside of a clacton cafe, today....see previous notes.

Oh and upon the note of 'PKW/Robert webb'...who had been called 'ted' whilst in the eldest taschmann's gang....I was to buy 'chunky chicken' in M&S meet mrs browne's old friend from the west midland's police force....who was to hand me an UNDENTED tin of the stuff....Helen browne had loved 'chunky chicken' from a can - and from an early age...go figure...."'chunk' E brainwave level" replies MI5 ONLINE....I see - her father had set the whole program up, had he? Helen and her mother used to do 'what they used to do' on E brainwave level....after that trigger? is that why he used to keep 'two families'?

...the UN-DEN-TED?

...and the F.O. ted? was he the F.O. fox in his den?....anyway, mrs browne's friend 'now working at M&S'...looked 'well pissed off' to put it mildly - whilst handing me an undented tin of chunky chicken...I wonder why? I had said 'at the tills' that I would go and get save anybody else, 'the bother'...but no, the job was to fall upon mrs browne's erstwhile friend's shoulders - see above.

dented or undented is not a big problem but when you do not have much space in your cupboards and I do not (single person's flat etc etc) - which is why I have to stack tins don't want dented tin cans in there, do you? "and you are paying over the odds anyway in M&S" replies MI5 ONLINE...exactly, and so as a customer you require it all to be 'just so' don't you?

the 'thunderstruck look' of mrs browne's friend - whilst handing me the 'undented'...rather like a very angry and belligerent child....was picturesque...that is all I can snapshots, available though.

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