Tuesday 19 May 2015


I was to watch SVENGALI to remember the following...and this is where all gets really strange...I was to remember the CHP carpenter in an office saying "she'll think that it's this shot but in fact it's this one..." he was talking about the B/W shirt on the man, seated upon waterloo bridge....

secondly I can remember taking a quick message around to Sonia and mark vizard...who had to act fast...."we're calling mar 'mel' and he's on 'e"....Sonia switched frequency channels etc...as the 'carpenter' had already done...upon a larger network system...this was something around 'ham radio' in operation - as far as I can remember....

anyway, the upshot of all of the above...is that SVENGALI was based upon Sonia and mark vizard, within the main character roles....the wannabe manager and his girlfriend...go figure....

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